Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 636: combat meeting

After the battle ended, in Mu Hantian's room:

After Azazel glanced at everyone, he pointed to the map on the table and spoke. "Then, let's start explaining the battle plan. We have already launched a very alert situation centered on Nijo Castle and Kyoto Station. We have carried out general mobilization of people related to demons and fallen angels operating centered on Kyoto, and asked them to search for suspicious people. People. The monsters who live in Kyoto are also helping us. Although we still don’t know the movements of the hero faction, we have successfully detected that the ominous atmosphere emanating from Kyoto is gathering around Nijo Castle.”

"Ominous breath?"

Azazel nodded and answered Kiba's question: "Yes, Kyoto has been a large-scale city of magic formations based on Yin-Yang Dao and Feng Shui since ancient times. So there are so-called energy points everywhere. Like Seimei The Seimei well of the shrine, the happiness Jizo of Suzuzuji Temple, the knee pine of Fushimi Inari Shrine, etc. There are countless places where the force field has incredible power. But now, the flow of breath is disordered, and the energy is starting to concentrate on Nijo Castle pack."

"What's going to happen?" Spoon asked, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. Because they intend to use the nine-tailed master who controls the city's leylines to do some kind of 'experiment'. Let's explain the whole plan based on this."

After listening to Asazel's words, everyone nodded. Then Asachel began the formal instructions.

"First of all, the family of the Sidi family. You are on standby around Kyoto Station. It is also your job to defend this hotel. This hotel has a strong barrier, so even if there is a situation, it should be able to avoid the worst outcome. . If there are still suspicious people approaching, it is up to you to resist."

"Understood!" Sidi's family replied.

"Next is Han Tian, ​​you guys. I'm really sorry to keep you like this, you are the main attackers. Later you will go to Nijo Castle. To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the enemy is still unknown. It may become a danger. The gamble, but we must first rescue Princess Yasaka. Retreat immediately after success. No matter what they say, they will use Princess Yasaka to do the experiment. Although, the possibility that this is just a lie is also very high, but from that Cao Cao's words and deeds are probably true. There is probably also the fact that he has always wanted us to participate in the war."

"Leave it to us!" Mu Hantian smiled and nodded.

"By the way, I've already called an anti-terrorism expert in advance. That's the strongest reinforcements that have fought **** battles with the "Bang of Calamity" in various places. With this, the possibility of recapture is greatly increased."

"Reinforcement? Who?" Kiba asked.

"Anyway, you just need to remember that it's something extraordinary. This is good news." Azazel raised the corner of his mouth happily.

"Also, this is bad news. This time, we've only been allocated three Phoenix Tears."

"Three! That's not enough at all! Besides, how can you say that the enemy this time is a terrorist!" Key said to Asachel in a very scary voice.

"Well, I understand. But because the 'Bangladesh' is carrying out terrorist activities all over the world, the demand for tears has also surged. The supply situation of the important strongholds of each faction is not ideal. This is not something that can be mass-produced, so It is said that the Phoenix family is also very busy. The price of this thing in the market has also risen. It was originally a high-end product, but now it has become something that requires two 'super' characters before its name. It is said that now There's also talk about whether or not the rules for using tears in rated matches will have to be changed."

"This is a confidential matter. Now all the forces are united and are looking for the holder of the 'Mother's Smile' with red eyes. Although it is a very rare artifact, according to the results of the investigation, except for Elsa, the world There are still a few holders on it. If they can be successfully found, it will be of great benefit. Although they are already in the medical institutions of the most important strongholds in the underworld. But the most important reason for finding them is to prevent Terrorists get holders. It would be bad if a good healer fell into the enemy's hands. But now Beelzebub Ashkar is also doing personal research on recovery. Forget it, that's it. And Gregory's research on the restoration system's artificial artifacts is also going on. In fact, Elsa has been secretly helping us with research on restoration artifacts. Good results are also emerging."

"That's the way it is. That's why this tear is just like that. Allocated to two of the main attackers. One of Sidi's family who is in charge of support. The number is limited, so use it well."

"Understood!" the crowd replied.

Then Azazel looked at the spoon. "Key, you go to the main attacker during the battle."

"Me?" Key pointed to himself.

"Is it because of the Dragon King?"

"Well, that's right. Your dragon form comes in handy. Your black flames can hold your enemies in check and even take their power. Just like the last time you fought Loki, you go Be support!"

"Well, that's okay, but it's easy to become unconscious and a little out of control in that state."

"No problem. Ise will wake you up like Loki did in the first battle. Ise, tell the key something and think of a way. Since you're a Tenryu, control the Dragon King for me. ."


Irina raised her hand. "Excuse me, has this matter been passed on to the various forces?"

"Of course. A large number of demons, angels, fallen angels, and monsters have gathered around the capital. We have set up a net to prevent them from escaping. Because if we can catch them here, we will naturally catch them here. for good."

Seraph continued Azazel's words and said, "I will be responsible for the command of the periphery. If there is a bad boy who wants to run out, I will go with all the forces to destroy him."

"And I also contacted Canna at Kuo Academy. They are willing to provide backup within their ability."

"Teacher, where are our ministers?"

Azazel frowned after hearing Ise's question. "Well, I wanted to tell them...but the timing doesn't seem right. They're in Gremory's territory now."

"What happened?"

After listening to Ise's question, Asachel nodded and explained: "It seems that there are frequent riots in a certain city in the Gremory territory. They probably went to deal with this."

"Don't worry, it's just a riot initiated by some people from the former Demon King faction. It seems to be a group of people who have no direct connection with the 'Bang of Misfortune'. But even so, it is an undeniable fact that they are making trouble, so they dispatched After all, that is also the place that will become my own territory in the future. Also, I also received a report that Grafia was dispatched. Well, since that Lady Grafia has been dispatched, the thugs on the opposite side must also receive a lunch. I don’t know if it’s accurate or not, but it is said that the wife of the current boss of the Gremory family was also present at the time. If you anger the women of the Gremory family, it must be quite serious.” Asachel trembled deliberately Shaking his body, he said.

"Oh, 'the flaxen-haired Shi Tai', 'the red-haired Princess Destroyer', and the 'silver-haired TA-Q-Bin Queen' have all gotten together? Hmmmm, those thugs have a good show to watch. What?" Seraph happily said three extremely ominous nicknames in a row!

Asachel cleared his throat and said to everyone again: "This is the plan I proposed. I will also find those guys from the sky above Kyoto. Everyone will be in place within an hour. If you find someone suspicious, Contact each other immediately. Don't die. A school trip is a school trip until you get home. We're up to you to defend Kyoto. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" After everyone answered in unison, the battle meeting was over.

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