Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 637: Cao Cao's Conspiracy

After leaving the hotel, Mu Hantian and the others quickly rushed to the station in Kyoto.

After arriving at the station, we took the next bus to Nijo Castle as planned. Everyone changed into their winter school uniforms. Xenovia and Irina seemed to be wearing the battle uniforms made by the church that they had been wearing all the time. If anything happens, take off the school uniform and stretch out.

"Ugh. Pffha!" Roseweather covered her mouth with her hand, fighting against the urge to vomit from her stomach from time to time.

While waiting for the bus on the platform, Mu Hantian felt something hit his back.

"Please take me, I'm going too!"

Looking back, it turned out to be a young girl in a blond shrine costume——Kunou.

"Hey, Kunou. Why are you here?"

She rode on Mu Hantian's neck and patted Mu Hantian's forehead while saying, "I'm going to save my mother too."

"This is very dangerous, didn't I tell you?"

"Yes, but! I want to save my mother! Please! Take me too! Please!"

"Oh, okay, but you have to be obedient and don't mess around."

"I know."

At this time, a thin mist filled their feet. At the same time, the feeling of lubricating lukewarmness permeates the whole body! This feeling has been experienced during the day!

Yes, it is! - 'Absolute fog'!

When they sensed the real body of this phenomenon, the fog had already enveloped their bodies.

When I came back to my senses, I saw the subway platform in front of me. The station name written on the sign is 'Kyoto'.

"Is it another transfer? I've been transferred all the time today!" Mu Hantian complained.

Mu Hantian looked around, but there was no one there. Except for myself and Kunou.

"This, this is the underground platform, right?"

"Ah. It seems that the phenomenon of the day has occurred again."

"Then, then, is this a simulated Kyoto created in another space? Those guys are very skilled."


The phone rings. ——It was from Kiba. Mu Hantian was surprised that he could get through on the phone.

"Hey, Kiba? Where are you now? Have you also moved to this strange space?"

"Well, this is the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Roseweather, Key-kun and Ise-kun are also there. Where are you?"

"I'm with Kunou, at the underground station of Kyoto Station. Wait a minute, I'll take a look at the map."

Mu Hantian asked Jiuzhong to get off his shoulders and took out the map that everyone carried with him from his pocket.

Spreading out the Kyoto Imperial Palace on the ground of the platform is here! Northeast of Nijo Castle.

"This space, isn't it that wide? It's exactly the same size as this map centered on Nijo Castle, right?"

"Yes, this space is centered on Nijo Castle, and the wide streets of Kyoto are reproduced. Although the RatingGame battlefield has the same grandeur, so it is not surprising, but it seems that the caster has thoroughly carried out the RatingGame battlefield space. research."

"Kiba, is the meeting point at Nijo Castle?"

"Well, I understand. Have you contacted Aisha and the others? I think they have come to this space too. It seems that we were entertained by the heroes."

"Ah. I tried to make a phone call here, and you tried to get in touch with the teacher outside. Really, what a sudden reception."

This is the end of the communication between Mu Hantian and Kiba. After that, I also got in touch with Asia and the others. They teach the trio to stay together. Next to Asia, Xenovia and Irina followed, and they also talked to them about the situation.

"Jiuzhong, hold me tight, I'm going straight over."

"Yeah!" Hearing Mu Hantian's words. Jiuzhong hugged Mu Hantian's head hard.

Mu Hantian smiled slightly, flew into the sky, accelerated directly, and rushed towards his destination.

Of course, even if Mu Hantian flew into the air, he was still attacked, the shadow user who escaped last time, but Mu Hantian only took a moment to solve it.


Finally reaching the destination, Mu Hantian took Jiuzhong up the stairs and went outside.

When they walked to the door of the east gate, the others had already arrived.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Mu Hantian apologized and approached.

"Ouch." Following the voice, he saw that Rossweisser, who had transformed into a Valkyrie, was vomiting while holding on to the nearby electric pole!

The spoon stroked her back and kept asking, 'Are you alright? ’.

"Yeah, you'll be fine." Kiba greeted him with a smile.

"Is Elsa okay?"

"Yes, I have Xenovia and Irina to protect me and repel the assassins."

"give it to me!"

"Instead, it's because the reply members are there, so we can be more confident." Xenovia and Irina, who were already wearing battle uniforms, said.

"What happened to Roseweather?"

"She has fought with assassins. It must be because she has been doing strenuous exercise and can't stand it." Kiba didn't know how to comment.


At the same time as everyone gathered, the huge door opened with a heavy sound.

Looking at the opened door, Kiba gave a wry smile. "Looks like there's waiting for us over there, the show has already started."

"It seems that we have been underestimated." Mu Hantian chuckled.

After all the members confirmed each other, they walked towards the boundary of Nijo Castle.

"The assassin I defeated said before he fell that Cao Cao was waiting for us at the Honmaru Palace." Kiba said as he walked.

Going forward in the boundary of Nijo Castle, passing through two Maru courtyards, you can already see the moat surrounding the Honmaru Palace. We passed through the 'Oura Gate' that connects to the Honmaru Palace.

Arrived at a place lined with old Japanese eaves. The yard was swept clean. These are all illuminated by lights, even in the world of dark night, it is like daytime.

A voice came over. "Oh, did you defeat the Assassin who used the forbidden hand? Although it is only a low-rank or medium-level artifact holder among us, but after all, it is the forbidden hand. Even so, you can win, it is really surprising. "

His sight caught Cao Cao's figure standing in the courtyard. There are also many other members of the building in all directions.

"Lord Mother!" Kunou called out.

Looking along the nine-level line—a beautiful woman in a kimono was standing there. You can see fox ears growing on the head, as well as plural fox tails.

"Lord Mother! I'm Kunou! Please wake up."

No matter how Kunou called out, Admiral O-Yasaka still didn't respond. Beneath the hazy pupil color is an expressionless face.

Jiuzhong glared at Cao Cao and the others, and said angrily, "It's so hateful, you guys! What did you do to your mother!"

"Didn't you say it? I hope Lingtang can help us carry out a little experiment during this time, little princess." Cao Cao tapped the ground with his spear. moment--

"Woooo, ah!"

Yasaka began to cry out in pain, and his appearance began to change drastically! The body shines brightly, and the posture gradually begins to change! It keeps getting bigger, and the nine tails begin to swell up!


The roar of the huge golden beast echoed in the night sky. A huge fox monster appeared in front of everyone's eyes! It is more than ten meters tall, about the size of Fenrir, and its tail is divided into nine. Overall, it's bigger than Fenrir. This is the legendary monster - the nine-tailed fox! Fenrir's figure is already quite slender, and it makes people feel as beautiful as drawing, but the posture of the head of the nine tails is not inferior to it.

Ise questioned Cao Cao. "Cao Cao! To create such a simulated Kyoto, and to manipulate the head of the nine tails, what conspiracy do you have?"

Cao Cao tapped his shoulder with the handle of his spear 'dong dong' and replied: "The existence of Kyoto itself is a large-scale surgical technique generator surrounded by powerful Qi meridians. The place called a famous place is the power node, full of spiritual power, Demon power, magic power. Because the ancient onmyoji who created this city wanted to cast the capital itself into a huge 'force'. Well, it is precisely because of this that all kinds of beings are attracted here. This suspected space is Existing in the gap between the dimensions that are infinitely close but infinitely far away from Kyoto, the power of the Qi pulse also flows here. And the nine-tailed fox is the highest existence among the monsters. It is called the dragon king level. Kyoto and nine tails There are inextricably linked. That's why the plan here makes sense."

Letting out a breath, Cao Cao said something amazing. "Using the power of Kyoto and the nine-tailed fox to summon the True Red Dragon God Emperor in this space. Originally, it would be easier to summon multiple dragon kings, but if you forcefully take away several dragon kings, even gods and Buddhas can't do it. That's why Use the power of the city and the nine tails instead."

"True Red Dragon God Emperor? What are you going to do when you summon that huge dragon? That guy likes to sneak around in the cracks of the dimension, but there is no actual harm, right?"

"Ah, that dragon is basically harmless. However, its presence is a hindrance for our boss. I want to go back to my hometown but it seems like a lot of trouble."

"Orpheus? Didn't abide by the agreement? Oh, sure enough, the enemy's words can't be trusted." Mu Hantian kept smiling bitterly.

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