Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 645: sila org's past

the next morning:

Mu Hantian and Lias came to the territory of the Sidi family in the underworld. Natural wind forest road and luxurious airport shuttle. Mu Hantian and Lias sat in the back seat of the bus. Mu Hantian held flowers in his hands, which were brought by Lias Rang.

"This time it's because of my mother," Rias said in the car.

"Let's not talk about why we were called out for the time being. This is the first time I came to Sidi's territory. The natural scenery is really beautiful."

"Well, because the territory of the Sidi family is considered to be a lot of nature reserves among the territories of so many high-level demons. There are many beautiful places. Let's come together next time."

Lias continued to Mu Hantian who was looking out of the car window: "Also, the medical facilities on the Sidi family's territory are also very complete."

"Medical Facilities?"

"Well, the place we are going now is a famous hospital in the underworld."

"Hospital? You mean we're going to the hospital now?"


The car drove towards a wider area. After passing through the artificially interfered land, the buildings stood up one by one, and there was a conjoined building across the line of sight.

The car continued on for another ten minutes. The car then stopped at the entrance of a huge building and the two got out of the car.

"We've been waiting for a long time." A middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper greeted the two of them. Greeted politely.

"Please show us the way."

"Yes, Miss Rias."

Rias and the housekeeper who walked in. Mu Hantian also followed behind. Go in and have a look - a very elegant woman is sleeping on the bed in the single room.

"Are you all right, Auntie?" Lias said sadly, looking at the sleeping woman.

After taking the flower from Mu Hantian's hand, the housekeeper said, "This is Mrs. Misra Baru. That is, the mother of Master Sairaog."

The housekeeper held the bouquet like that, and couldn't help shedding tears. "Today, please come here for no other reason, Miss Rias, Lord Sword God. Please help this... Mrs. Misra wake up."

"Huh?" There was a big question mark on Mu Hantian's head.

Lias said: "In order to make Hantian understand, you should tell him something."

The butler speaks of a rough and exciting fate.

Sairaorg is a child born from the union of the demon who is the head of the Baal family and the young lady of the famous Vapra family, who is in charge of lions. The Baal family was very happy to see the birth of the next master.

However, from birth, Sairaorg faced a painful situation.

——Almost no magic power, no power to inherit the 'destruction' that is characteristic of the Baal family.

Successive masters have inherited magical power, and it is taken for granted by people to possess the power of 'destruction'. However, Sairaorg was born without this power. The frustrated Sairaog's father vented all his anger on his wife.

"Where did the power of destruction possessed by the Wubar family go to give birth to such a defective product!"

It was because there was no magic power and no power to inherit destruction, so Sairaorg was abandoned by his father. The same mother who gave birth to such a son was also treated with contempt and unfairness.

"It was too cruel at that time. Except for those of us who came from the Vapra family, almost everyone was slandering the Misra and treating the lady unfairly."

With tears in her eyes, Lias continued with the housekeeper's words: "At that time, after the Gomonli family heard about this, my mother wanted to pick up my aunt and Seraorg to meet Gomonli's territory, but the Baal family was blocked by the Baal family. Resolutely refused."

"Except for the non-hereditary current Demon King, the Great King Baal's family is the most prominent high-level demon in the family. Therefore, it is difficult for other families to intervene in this matter. Also, the Baal family regards dignity more than anything else and cares very much. The eyes around you. So Aunt and Sairaorg can only be trouble and shame for the Baal family."

The housekeeper continued: "Mrs. Milas refused the help of her family and moved to the border of the Balu family's territory with Master Sairaog and our entourage."

"For Milas-sama who has lived in the upper class, this kind of life in the country is very difficult. Even so, Milas-sama still raised Master Sairaorg to grow up. The young master is very strict, only occasionally He will grow up with gentle education."

"Because as long as you don't give up, you will win one day. This is what Sairaorg said before. He said it was an important thing his mother told him." Rias said.

The housekeeper said: "Actually, Madam has apologized many times in her heart. 'You were born without the power of destruction' Madam cried and apologized to the sleeping young master many times... Maybe the young master also noticed it. Right. Suddenly, one day, the crying lady was stopped. Then, no matter what, face it directly and no longer run away."

"Unfortunately, my aunt has this disease. It is one of the diseases that the devil can get. Although there are not many people with this disease, once they have it, they will fall into a deep sleep state and cannot wake up. Then, the body continues to weaken. Go down until death. Therefore, these medical equipment have to be used to maintain life artificially." Rias said sadly.

"Later, the young master who became stronger and stronger returned to the Barr's house, defeated the younger brother born by the master and his step-wife, and got the throne of the next lord."

"Wait a minute, you mean that Sairaorg defeated his younger brother and returned home, right? Then why is Sairaorg's mother here? Is it because the medical conditions in the Baal family's territory are better here? "

"There is also a reason for this... and also because there are demons in the Baal family's territory that are not good for aunt."

"Led by the younger brother who was defeated by Sairaorg and took the throne of the next lord, and there are many guys who hold a grudge against Sairaorg, who has become the next lord without the power of destruction. A sick aunt will be good for them. The goal. So, please, Sona, Sairaorg will transfer her aunt here.”

"I see."

The housekeeper wiped his tears with a handkerchief and said, "This time I invited the two here for no other reason. I just want to ask the two of you to help treat Lord Milas's illness. I heard that Lord Sword God has a magical medicine. It can save people who are dying, so I want to try."

"That's right, yes." Mu Hantian did not refuse.

Mu Hantian walked into Mrs. Milas, let the system scan the condition, and then took out the best medicine, (of course, this is also to be exchanged.) Ready to feed.

"What are you doing?" A third voice suddenly came.

Looking back, there was a man with short black hair and purple eyes with a strong body - Sairaorg!


"I'm so sorry. By the way, does that medicine really work?" Sairaog said after knowing the whole story.

"Of course, it is estimated that in two hours, your mother will wake up, but you must pay attention to the maintenance of your body." Mu Hantian said.

"Well, thank you, thank you very much." Sairaog bowed to Mu Hantian.

"I'm sorry, I told Han Tian about you." Rias said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. It's enough for you to come. Mother will also be very happy. Also, it is not uncommon for a family to have a relationship with the seventy-two pillars, and the struggle for power over the next leader is not uncommon. This kind of thing often happens in the royal family." Sairaorg said his past without seriousness.

"Trouble taking care of Sidi and the Gumorys. Many thanks here."

"No need to thank you, and I didn't help you much." The cousins ​​and sisters had no grudge conversations.

Sairaorg's expression suddenly became serious and said: "Rias, although he cured the mother in the cold sky, the game is another matter. This time, my team will win. Please leave it alone. I hope it's not sympathy or mercy, but a family member who fully participates in the war." After speaking, his eyes fell on his fist.

"I only have this tenderness. So if I lose, I'll lose everything. I've worked hard until today, and I won't have it. For me, who didn't inherit the family's destructive power, the only way is to keep winning. So I have to use my fists to win." Then, looking at Rias full of fighting intent.

"Although it's a bit awkward, this is the useless way I fight with you."

Rias said to him frankly: "Don't worry, I won't be merciful. My family and I will go all out to defeat you!"

"Rias, I will also fight for my dreams and ambitions."

"Well, I won't lose to you." Rias also answered readily.

Later, after a few words with Sairaog and the housekeeper, the two left.

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