Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 646: before the game

Game day...

"It's really amazing, it's really an island floating in the air." Mu Hantian stood in the cable car that stretched to the city in the sky and looked at the island floating in the sky. Next to him were Ise, Asia, Irina, Xenovia, Kitten, and Gasper, who were also looking out.

The island floating in the sky, the city there - Agres. According to Rias, this is something created in the old Demon King era as a power to make the island float in the air. But the details are probably only known to Ajaka Beelzebub. Therefore, the renovation of the deep interior here seems to be carried out by the current Beelzebub family.

"Island floating in the sky is really strange. From the city to the ground, water falls like waterfalls. Not one or two, but many waterfalls of water fall down. It's so dreamy!" Issei Very excited to see such a magical thing for the first time.

A city in the territory of Agres. It was built on an island floating in the air. It is also a city that monopolizes the economic circulation of this area, and is even a tourist attraction.

There are generally three ways to enter the city. One is the jump through the magic circle. Probably because this is a VIP class, it can only be used on special festivals. It is both an important place and a World Heritage Site, so try to avoid using magic power to move it as much as possible.

Well, because if it's not good, there may be demons who think bad things come here to do bad things.

The second method is to take air vehicles such as flying boats. Most will take this approach.

The third method is to use the cable car extending from the city from below like Mu Hantian and others.

In this way, everyone ascended while looking at the spectacular scenery outside from the cable car.

"Actually, the people above seem to be arguing about the setting of the venue for this competition." At this time, Azazel, who was looking out the window, said. All eyes were on Azazel.

Azazel continued: "Originally, it was expected to be held in the domain of the upper-level Gomonri of the current Demon Lord faction or in the domain of the Demon Lord. However, the Baal faction, which places importance on blood ties, is to be held in Baal's domain. As a result, the two sides quarreled. Can't go down."

"A dispute? Is it because of the playing field?"

Asachel nodded and answered Mu Hantian's question. "That's right, because the current Demon King is not hereditary. For the higher-level demons who value blood ties, the Great King Baal's family is more famous than the Demon King. Because the Baal family is one of the seventy-two pillars of the Yuan Dynasty."

"The demons who supported the old Demon King said that in the past, so there was a dispute among the demons, right? Why do you do the same thing..."

Hearing Ise's question, Azazel gestured and said with a sigh, "That's that, this is this, hey. Whether it's the human world or the demon world, adults are hard-to-understand animals. The system , Interesting, well, the nobles are quite powerful in the demon world now."

"Then it turned out to be in Agres' territory..." the kitten whispered.

Azazel nodded. "Well, the status of the Grand Duke Agres is between the Demon King and the King. The middle management, the Grand Duke Agres. Although the times are constantly changing, each generation is very hard."

"In other words, our game has become a proxy war between Demon King Lucifer and King Balu's family?" Kiba said with narrowed eyes.

Azazel touched his chin and replied, "Well, there are a lot of people who see it this way. On the surface, it's a match between the unpopular Gremory's family and the youngest player, Sairaorg, the strongest. This is just for the sake of The propaganda that attracts ordinary demons. But behind the scenes, politicians speculate that this is a family proxy war between the demon king and the king."

"It's really troublesome, obviously we are fighting to realize our own dreams." After Rias finished speaking, Asachel smiled bitterly: "It's enough for you to think that way. That's enough. Suppose even if If you lost the game, it doesn't mean that Sazex will be in a disadvantageous position. It's just to make the people of the great royal family happy. And the guys who follow Theraorg will also feel good. "

"A politician behind Sairaog?"

"Well, with his current status, Sairaorg won't be swayed by the political world right now. It's just that that guy will maintain relations with politicians for higher goals."

"But why...? Take advantage of the superior demons of Sairaorg who have worked hard without inheriting the family's characteristics." Ise suddenly whispered like this.

Azazel sighed and said, "It's complicated, but that's enough. It's good to get the attention of the world in proportion to your hard work. No matter what the reason is, being recognized as a famous person is an achievement. After that You just have to see what the result is... But don't worry about that guy's affairs and do your best to me. If you can't forget the other party's affairs in order to achieve your own goals, you won't win the other party with mercy."

"However, can the Great King faction accept Sairaorg Balu's dream? What he wants to build is an underworld that transcends the identity system and can realize his dream as long as he has the ability." Kiba asked.

"Do you think the Great King faction, one of the Yuan Tianzhu who has always paid attention to the family, will accept it? At most, it is cooperation on the surface, but in fact, they look down on Sairaorg behind the scenes. What those guys want now is to be able to talk to the Demon King. It's just a **** to get revenge. In their opinion, those who worship Sairaorg's dream will gather and become a political tool to support them. Sairaorg should know this too. I want to associate with them probably because they are what Sairaorg needs to improve his status. He is really a very patient man." Asachel said.

"It may not be the right time to say it now, but I want to ask, isn't there an old demon king faction in our team of disasters this time? Will they interfere?"

"It should have been targeted. Because after all, it has received so much attention, and there will be many upper layers of the underworld on the field of play. But they have lost Orpheus's 'snake', and... how to say The area around the venue is also surrounded by the strongest vigilance forces. Well, maybe these are just unfounded worries." Azazel's answer was calm.

"Why are you so certain?"

Junai asked Azazel.

Azazel scratched his cheek and said, "Valli and I have been in private contact."

"Wally? That guy contacted?" Issei asked.

"Ah, that bastard, just say 'that important game between Sairaorg of the Balu family and Gomonli. I've been watching it too. No one will make trouble for Ise Hyouto.' So, Ise, you are really spoiled."

"Please don't say that! It's disgusting!"

Azazel continued: "Anyway, since that guy said that, maybe it will really restrict the movement of the old Demon Lord faction. And they also lost the power of Orpheus, so they will not do it. The odds are high.”

"It can be said that he was protected by Vali.

, Although a little unwilling, but I can play the game with peace of mind, so I feel a little relieved. "

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