Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 647: Game start

The match was about to start, and Mu Hantian came to the special VIP room. Gulefiah, who was dressed as a maid, was already waiting inside. Mu Hantian was here to watch the match. And Gremory's family members, such as Ise, who participated in the competition, waited in the passage connected to the main entrance of the venue. The heat and lights of the venue came from the opposite side of the main entrance. The lively voices of the audience can also be heard.


Everyone's battle uniform is still the uniform of Kuo Academy. However, it is not the same as the uniform he has been wearing.

It is a special material specially prepared for the competition. It is clothing that has been reinforced in all aspects such as heat resistance, cold resistance, bullet resistance, and magic defense.

Although it did not completely improve the defense by a notch, it was still special compared to ordinary uniforms. However, Xenovia was still wearing the same battle uniform he had before. Although the material is the same as ours.

Roseweather also looked like he was wearing armor. Looks very calm. Elsa is wearing nun clothes. Defense also increased.

While waiting for the match in their own way, Rias said solemnly.

: "Listen, everyone, the battle we are about to start is not an actual battle, but a ranking match. However, the atmosphere of the battle is not lost to the level of the actual battle. Although it is said that the battle will be fought in front of many audiences, please don't be afraid."

"Then, the long-awaited battle of the century has begun! Welcome to the team from the east gate - Sairaog Barr!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The cheers were very loud. Because of the entrance of Baal's family, the venue was full of jubilation.

"I'm so nervous!"

"It's okay, just treat them as pumpkins," said the calm kitten to comfort the nervous Gasper.

"Then, let's welcome the Gomorli team who entered the field from the west gate!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" The audience was already excited.

Rias looked at everyone and said only one sentence. "Thank you all for following me to this day! Then let's go, my dear ones. Let's go and win!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded excitedly. Then, finally got out of the channel.

Amid the cheers, what caught everyone's eyes was—a floating island floating above the huge conical venue.

The family members of the Baal family have gathered and stood on top of a huge rock block.

"Next, please move the relatives of Gu Mengli to your own position." The host urged.

Above that is the position, connected only by long spiral steps. Ise and the others also climbed the stairs like Baal's family and reached the top of the rock.

There are chairs by the head count, and a table that looks like an enigma. Then, a mobile magic circle was set up about one level higher.

From a distance, the position on the Baer's side is the same as that on Gremory's side. It's the same thing looking down, only the trucks for overland racing.

At this time, the voice of a male announcer came.

On the huge screen set up at the venue was a man with a headset and a gorgeous dress!

"Good evening everyone! Tonight's game will be broadcast live by me, Nawood Kamijin, the former 72 Tianzhu Kamijin family!"

The venue fell into a particularly loud jubilation!

"Let me introduce it. The judge of the competition tonight is Dicka Roger Kurloy!"

A magic circle appeared in the sky. What came out of the magic circle was a handsome man with silver hair and a formal suit! The women in the venue gave a huge cheer!

"Dika Roger Chloe. It's a reincarnated demon from the original human being. It is also the highest demon. And it ranks seventh in the ranking of superior demons." Kitten whispered suddenly.

"And then, a special guest! Today we are honored to have Lord Asachel, the governor of the fallen angels, to explain to us. Hello Governor Asazel, please take care of us when we meet for the first time!" Then, a familiar person appeared on the screen. male face.

Everyone was speechless for a while, and the man——that is, Asazel greeted everyone with a smile.

"Where is it, I have to ask you to take care of me."

Ignoring everyone's surprise, the host started to introduce Asachel. "Governor Azazel has a good relationship with Sazex-sama and the leaders of various factions, and is well-known in the field of artifact research. Then, for today's game, you are the leader of Team Rias Gomorli. What do you think of the exclusive consultant?"

"Yes. As my words, it is more important whether the two teams play with all their strength." After Asachel's introduction was over, the camera moved to the man next to him with a very straight face, gray hair and pupils. .

"At the same time, we also invited another guest! The current king who ranks first in the superior demons! Emperor! Mr. Dihaze Belial!"

The male——the demon known as the emperor said cheerfully, "Hello everyone. I'm Dihaze Belial. Please take care of everyone."

Then the host said: "The commentary continues, let's talk about Phoenix's tears first."

"As you all know, because of a series of terrorist incidents caused by the terrorist group 'Bang of Misfortune' some time ago, all forces are very nervous, so the demand for tears has greatly increased. Therefore, it is also very difficult to prepare tears for the game. but……"

The host stretched out his hand on the giant screen. Then there were two bottles in a very expensive box.

"For the kindness of the current head of the Phoenix family who made tears, and in order to thank everyone who has always supported the two camps of Baloo and Gumorli, each team will have a bottle of tears to support this game!"

"Looks like I'm ready to defeat Sairaorg twice." Kiba whispered with a serious expression.

"This game has special rules!"

"Before announcing the special rules, please allow me to first explain the process of the game! This time the game is not all members of the team chasing on the field, but a big game! This game is to meet the needs of our attendees. Spectators, there will be a short-term final match! Although the contestants are all young demons, this game mode is exactly the mode of the advanced demon professional-level competition!"

Everyone also had a solemn expression because of this unexpected development.

The description of the special rules then continues. "And then, about the special rules for this game! Please move the 'king' of both camps to the dedicated setting table."

Rias and Sairaorg on the opposing side moved to the front of the table on their respective positions.

Several machines appeared at the setup table.

The camera is also aimed at the setting table, where it appears - the dice! The astonishment continues!

"There are dice there! This is the key to the special rules! Yes, this time the rules of the competition are officially one of the main competitive events of the ranking competition! 'dice? figure'!"

"I didn't expect it to be a dice? figure! There are many special game rules in the real ranking game. We have been using relatively common game rules before. In addition to that, there are also dice like this time, Or set up a pennant in the middle of the field to compete, known as the 'scramble?flag'. The 'dice?figure' is the most representative game that uses dice to play."

The host continued to explain: "For the audience who don't know much about this rule, now I will explain it again! The dice used in the game have six sides like ordinary dice! The six sides of the dice are from one to six, and which side is turned determines which side is turned. A player who can play!"

"In the human world chess, there is a so-called **** value! Using this as a standard to quantify the degree of activity of the 'soldier' ​​on the board is the value of the pawn! Ranking matches in the underworld are also based on this value standard. Of course, the participating relatives will sometimes show their potential ability beyond the value standard, or the pieces themselves will be added with the elements that Ajaka Besit-sama hides on the field. This kind of unexpected situation A lot! But! The rules of the game this time are based on the value standard of the value of the pieces!"

"First of all, the 'king' of both sides rolls the dice, and the total number displayed on the dice determines the player who can play! For example, if the total number displayed on the dice is '8', then the only thing that has the same value as the number of players can play in the competition! So it is possible for players to play multiple times!

Since the value of 'Knight' is 3, if the total value is '8', up to two players can be selected! A 'soldier' ​​with a value of 1 can have 8 players! Of course, you can also choose to have two players with a combined value of 8 on the field, a 'chariot' worth 5 and a 'knight' worth 3!

That is to say, as long as the numbers are within, you can combine different pieces to play! In addition, the relatives who have consumed multiple chess pieces are measured by the value of their corresponding chess pieces! For example, the Chiryuutei on the Gumonli team's side, because he consumed eight pieces, the value of Hyouto Issei is 8. "

"However, considering some circumstances, none of the family members of the Gomorli team and the Bal team that participated in the game today have the value of 1 and 2. Therefore, it was decided to start the game with a total of 3 players! If the total value is 2, then the 'king' of both sides will re-roll the dice!"

"Because as the match progresses, the number of relatives will decrease, so the number of players on the field will also change! So for this reason, the two sides will supplement until the values ​​of both participating teams are equal!"

"The problem of 'King' participating in the battle is based on the evaluation made by the review committee before the game to determine the value he can play! Of course, it goes without saying that, like the most basic rules of the game, if the 'King' loses, then the game will be lost. ended!"

"By the way, the appearance of 'King' is decided based on the evaluation of the review committee?" Issei expressed his doubts.

"That's right, just as the host explained. Before the start of the game, the review committee of the game had already evaluated the value of the pieces in the 'dice? figure' of the minister and Sairaog. Then, based on that evaluation, the second decision was made. The number of players who can play. This seems to be calculated based on their own strength, the evaluation of the family they have, and the comparison of their opponents. Therefore, according to the change of the game, the value of the 'king' will also change." Akino explained. road.

"Next, let's take a look at the value of the two sides' kings decided by the review committee, please see!" the host said loudly.

The names of Rias and Theraorg written in demonic script appeared on the huge screen, and the numbers below their names began to change. Then came the finalized numbers along with a brisk voice.

"Sairaorg player is 12! Rias player is 8! Oh, it seems that Sairaorg player has the highest evaluation, but conversely, he can only play when the maximum value and 12 appear. !"

"Is Sairaorg going to play if you roll a 12?" Ise asked.

Kiba said with a difficult face to answer: "Sairaorg may not come out, especially during the preface."


"Because even if you win the game, sometimes the evaluation will drop. Because one's game is not very popular with everyone. The only way to get everyone's praise is to make full use of one's family in the game. If the 'King' competes by himself, then the media in the underworld will also create an uproar, which will threaten the future status of the 'King'. There are also live broadcasts, and there are countless spectators in the underworld watching the TV. In front of the plane, there are also spectators present. If there is a situation where the 'King' acts as a hero by himself, everyone's evaluation of the 'King' will drop immediately. Although it is important to win the game, it is presented to everyone. The side of the game is also very important. How should I put it, in the 'dice? figure' game, even if the total value appears 12, Sairaorg will not easily appear."

"And then there's another rule. A player can't play consecutively! This rule also applies to the 'King'!"

"Even if the sum of the initial value is 12, I don't think Sairaog will play by himself. According to his personality, he will definitely combine his family members to play. Because his family members must be able to play in order to be able to play. It was hard training to win the game. But, he will play when he comes. Although his appearance is determined by the value and the decision, he will definitely play at a certain time. Because I think he will want to control the field."

After Rias finished speaking, she turned her gaze to Asia. "With this rule of the game, whether you are allowed to play alone or in combination with other followers, you will be very dangerous. Because no matter what situation you play in, the opponent will target you with the ability to heal. So the best The way to do this is to leave you here to heal the victorious dependents. This is an advantage on our side. It can be healed without using Phoenix's tears. I'm sorry Elsa, but I can't let you play in the game. Please stay here This is where the family members who come back from the arena are treated. This is a very important role for the game.”

Although I heard Rias say that she can't play, but Asia replied with a smile without any unwillingness on her face: "Okay, big sister. I'll stay here to treat everyone! So please be sure to Come back safely!"

"Conversely, it's a decision that Aisha can't play, right?"

After Kiba finished speaking, Rias nodded and said, "Yes, that means there are eight family members who can actually participate in the battle."

"Then, the game is almost over! Are both sides ready?" After the host's voice, the referee also raised his hand.

"I announce that the game between the Sairaog Barr team and the Rias Gumory team officially starts now!"

At the same time as the announcement of the start of the game, the audience gave out cheers that shook the venue——

The game has finally begun...  

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