Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 650: Kinjite

The next games have their own winners and losers. In the fourth game, Gerova and Gasper faced off against the 'chariot' and the 'monk'. Gremory's side won, but sacrificed a Gasper; In five games, the 'queen' battle of the two sides, Akeno lost; in the sixth game, Kiba, Gerova and Roseweather played against Raog, but failed, but also let Sairaog use one Tears of 'Phoenix'; the seventh match between Ise and the opposite queen was easily resolved. Well, this is also thanks to the new power that Mu Hantian helped Ise develop.

In the eighth game, Sairaog made a suggestion: "Even in my dreams, I thought about the moment when I played against Sekiryuutei. I want to ask the competition committee. Is it alright now? It would be too stupid for the rules to limit such a man from being able to fully utilize his abilities! In the next round, I hope that all of us on this side and all of us on that side will play a team fight with all our strength.”

Neither side has any opinion on this proposal by Sairaorg. So... this match is Rias, Isse, and Asia facing off against Sairaorg and that mysterious 'soldier'.

Ise and Rias, who were already fully armored, were standing on the arena where the team battle was being held. The arena was a vast flat field.

The host's excited hand holding the microphone kept shaking. "Then, it's finally the final moment of Baal vs Gremory's strongest young player! According to Sairaorg player's proposal, we will have a team battle in the last round! Team Barr is the king of Sairaorg player and full of The enchanted 'soldier' ​​Regulus, the king of the Gremory team, Rias, and the 'soldier' ​​Sekiryuutei, Hyouto Issei!"

Aisha was left on the ground because this kind of fight was not suitable for her, after all, a wet nurse - and a crispy wet nurse is very easy to be targeted, very easy to be shut down! (End)

"Then, let's start the final round now."

The referee is in the middle of the two teams. "I announce that the final round officially begins!"

And just like that, the final round of the contest begins! Ise and the other's 'soldier' ​​quickly completed the promotion to 'Queen'. The power has been completely improved.

Both Ise and Rias were cautiously guarding, but Sairaorg just smiled.

"Lias, there is something I want to declare in advance." Sairaorg said frankly: "Your family members are very amazing. Okay, I'm jealous. So they were all powerful enemies just now."

"On our side are me and the 'soldier'. You are the same as us on your side. - The end is coming soon."

Saying that, he stood in front of Ise and continued: "Hyoto Ise, it's finally time for us to compete, let me feel your power!"

"I have no hatred for you, and I have no envy, because it's a game."

After Ise finished speaking, he stretched out his finger, "However, I want to avenge my comrades. You who slaughtered my important comrade, I will definitely give it back to you."

After hearing Ise's words, Sairaorg showed a trembling from the bottom of his heart. Said: "It's really good to say! Yes, at least you are not the kind of man who can endure the defeat of your partner. You have done a good job and have been able to endure it until now. Then in the next game, let's explode, so That's good. That's how it can be called a real showdown!"


The boost on Ise's back spurted out with maximum energy and approached Sairaorg from the front.

Sairaorg also surrounded his body with Dou Qi, and stomped hard and flew towards Issei!

The fists of the two of them crossed each other from the front without avoiding it! Fist directly focused on each other's faces!


A severe pain that would blow the body out of the armor hit Ise's head! The helmet is broken.

"It's just the beginning! Come on, Ddraig!"



The enhanced power was concentrated on the fist, and the power of the fist was instantly enhanced when it concentrated on Sairaorg's face!


Issei's fist hit Sairaorg's face with force, and the force seemed to echo the surrounding area!

Sairaorg's nose immediately spurted a nosebleed, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. The body also shook a little.

"The punch just now is for my friends who were beaten by you."

After Ise said this, Sairaorg wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "A very skilled and powerful punch! It seems that the aura of the punch just entered the body. You, who have only become a demon not long ago, this kind of power is not ordinary. The improvement! You didn't see any new abilities in the match with the Queen just now, and I felt a little disappointed, but it seems that I am unfounded. Wouldn't the power of the forbidden hand in this form be completely improved!"

After Sairaorg finished speaking, Ise and Sairaorg started fighting each other. It's close range punches and kicks.

"Is this an attack trained in actual combat? In the absence of distractions, they are indeed attacking my center!" Sairaog laughed happily.

After many close-quarters battles were over, Ise's 'soldier' ​​appeared in Ise's line of sight after a distance from the opponent.

The opponent's 'soldier' ​​was confronting Rias. Then he slowly removed the mask from his face.

Underneath the mask was—the face of a boy who should be about the same grade as Ise. However, that face immediately changed.


There was a brisk sound in the body, and the boy's body was expanding! The body is gradually expanding, and the shape is gradually changing into something else. The whole body grew golden hair, and the limbs swelled and became very huge.

Sharp teeth can be seen from the cracked corners of the mouth. The tail appears, then the neck is also covered in golden fur around the neck.

What appeared there was a huge lion. The body is about five or six meters long, and there is something like a precious jade on the forehead. The lion's hair on the temples was very magnificent and stood in front of Rias.

"Oh my god, the 'soldier' ​​of Team Barr, who has always been a mystery, is actually a huge lion!" The host was also very surprised.

"Could it be that it's Namer's lion? No, could it be that the jewel is...!" Asachel, the commentator, made a very surprised voice as if he understood something.

The host asked, "What do you mean?"

"Originally appeared in Greek mythology, the opponent of the trial of the ancestor Bella Cruz.... In the holy book, it is recorded that God sealed a sacred weapon on a lion. The lion can be transformed into thirteen 'God-killing tools. The name of one of the 'The Lion King's Battle Axe'! The power that can protect the artifact holder from the enemy's attack. However, the report said that the artifact holder has been missing for several years. Unexpectedly, it has become the 'soldier' ​​of the Baloo team."

Sairaorg shook his head and said: "No, unfortunately, the owner of the artifact is no longer there. When I found the owner, the owner had been killed by a very strange group. Only the battle axe was intact. All The battle axe, which will probably disappear when the owner is gone, turned into a lion as if it had some will, and killed all the members of the group who killed the owner."

"And that's when the lions became my family. I think it was because my mother was in charge of the lions."

"Aside from the divine artifact whose owner has the will alone, it's a god-killing tool! And it's reincarnated into a demon! Should I say that the lion is powerful, or the devil's chess piece is powerful. No matter which one is, I'm very interested! No, that's it. We can't grasp the game either. Damn it! Why does such a powerful god-killer always appear in this world! By the way, Sairaog! Next time, bring your lion to my research institute! I must do some research!"

"It may be because there is no owner, and the power is very unstable. Before this game, it didn't play a big role. Even the partner who became the opponent was in a state of rampage and couldn't compete at all. This time, I will appear. It was only in the last round with me. Once the rampant situation happened before, only I can make this guy stop.” Sairaorg explained.

"Anyway, my opponent will become that God-killer, right?" Rias got ready for battle.

"Minister, I'll leave that guy to you! I want to defeat Sairaorg on my side!" After Ise finished speaking, he rushed towards Sairaorg. Rias looked at Ise and nodded.

Issei is repeatedly punching, Rias is using the magic of destruction to compete with the lion!

"That's it?" Issei sensed a change in Sairaorg. - Punching from the right is slower than punching from the left. And it's less powerful than the one on the left.

"Could it be that...the effects of being cut off by Kiba and the others with Dylanar have begun to reflect? Even with tears, I can't fully recover? So that's the case, I received your gift, good friend! "

Just when Sairaorg hit his right fist again——. He has already mastered the speed of his fist to a certain extent, and also knows the power of his fist! Maybe you don't have any weaknesses. But now it's different!

"Drink!" Facing the attacking Sairaog's right fist! Aiming at the moment when his arm was straight, Ise punched him on the right arm!

"Boost...!" The blow with increased strength caused his right arm to lose the momentum just now, and his body swayed slightly.

"It's now!" The red halo continued to expand, and Ise's body was gradually wrapped in very thick armor. A huge punch against Sairaorg is an uppercut! Then hit the power boost!


With the roar of a deafening explosion, Sairaorg's body was knocked into the air!

"Create a weakness in you who has no weakness! That's your right wrist!"

Ise was breathing hard, his shoulders shaking.

After falling to the ground, Sairaorg had indeed suffered a lot of injuries. However, it is not fatal. Just one second before he was hit, he filled his body with a grudge to protect himself. The fighting spirit that can increase vitality. Once the grudge surrounds this man full of vitality, it will become an extraordinary defensive barrier!

Sairaorg, who had a satisfied smile on his face, said, "It's amazing. It's so powerful!"

At this moment, Ise heard Rias's scream! Looking over there... Rias was bleeding from her knees on the ground! The lion was also injured, but still stood in front of Rias!

"Rias Gremory, if it continues like this, you will be out of the game because of excessive blood loss." The lion said so!

"The only way to get help is to use Phoenix's tears."

"To say something superfluous, you are now doubting whether I have the qualifications to be a 'king', right! Well, I admit it. However, let me do this battle with the Red Dragon Emperor, Regulus."

"Understood, I'm sorry. I did this just for the sake of the master." The lion and Sairaorg did not continue to attack.

Ise approached Rias on guard while taking a small bottle out of her pocket.

"Minister, use this."

"I'm so embarrassed. I actually became your burden." Rias looked remorseful.

Ise shook his head and handed the bottle containing the tears to Rias. Immediately after Rias used the tears, smoke started to rise, and all the wounds disappeared.

At this time, the lion shouted loudly: "Sir Sairaorg! Please surround me with you! If it is the forbidden hand, you will definitely be able to surpass the Red Dragon Emperor!" The lion said such words.

"Shut up! That power can only be used when it is related to the safety of the underworld! How can it be used on this man! I will use my body to fight him!"

"Please use the power of a lion." Ise said naturally. After hearing Ise's words, Rias who was beside her was also very surprised.

"If I can't surpass Sairaorg after using that power, then there's no point in winning. There's no point in working hard until today!"

"Today, I'm going to defeat you in the strongest state! Because we are fighting for our dreams! What's the use of defeating you if you are not the strongest!"

After a while, Sairaorg showed a fearless smile and said: "I'm sorry just now. It seems that somewhere in my head has been telling myself that this is just a game, there will be a second time, it has always been so naive Idea. I'm really stupid."


With a loud noise, Sairaorg's body gradually filled with vigor. "I don't even dare to imagine whether I can fight like this once in my life. I'm so angry about myself like this! Regulus!"


The one who calls the lion, master. Responding to the master's call, lion!

The whole body of the huge lion shone with golden brilliance, and then it was replaced by a torrent of light, which flowed towards Sairaorg!

"Okay, then let's start. I assert that today's battle must be a battle of life and death! No matter which side dies, don't hate each other, Hyoudou Issei!" Sairaorg, who was bathed in golden light, shouted loudly road.

"My lion! King Namier! You who are called the Lion King! Answer my call and transform into a garment."

dong dong!

The whole arena shook. The surrounding objects were blown away by a burst of strong air pressure, and Sairaorg and the lion bounced.

"Forbidden!" A dazzling flash of light gradually spread around.

When the flash stopped, the golden 'Lion's Armor' appeared in front of the two of them, and the golden hair on the head and helmet fluttered gently.

On the chest is a face that can be said to be a lion, and the eyes are shining as if they have one.

"The Lion King's battle axe is forbidden, 'The Lion King Steel Skin'! Hyoudou Issei, thank you for letting me show my true skills. Because of this, I let you attack me once. Use that powerful 'chariot of yours' 'Attack me and take a look." Sairaorg said as he approached Ise step by step.

Sairaorg said when he was only a short distance away from Ise: "Quick, hit me and have a look."

"Then, let me show you my power, Long Gang Chariot!"

Ise's armor became very thick, and his arms were stretched many times thicker!

Raise your huge fist and punch it out in one breath! Raise the power of your fists with such an aura.


Issei's huge fist was blocked effortlessly by Sairaorg's left hand.

"Is this your greatest strength?" Sairaorg whispered.


Sairaorg's fist smashed into Ise's stomach, shattering Ise's armor with ease. Then he touched the flesh inside the armor.


A big mouthful of blood came out of his mouth!

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