"Cough...cough!" Ise coughed violently.

"Is it dead? Hyoudou Issei. Is that all you have?"

"How could it be! I'm starting to burn, too, let's see, my power, although I can't fully grasp it, but... I can't lose."

Ise stood up with some difficulty, and his whole body was shaky. He held up the 'Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor' high, and chanted the incantation.

"I, wake up and grab the domineering truth from the hands of God, which is commensurate with the two heavenly dragons."

"Laughing infinitely, sad and dreamy!"

"With infinite hopes and dreams, go to the road of kings!"

"I, become a red dragon!"

"I, become the king of the red dragon!"

"Let's be buried forever in Red Lotus' Purgatory!"

"I swear to you! I will create a bright red future for you!"

Ise's body was gradually surrounded by red light, and the color of the armor became more and more red, the wound disappeared, and the broken armor was repaired.

"The 'Red Dragon Emperor', although I did it once in my brother's training, but I didn't fully grasp it, so you have to be careful, it may kill you." Ise wrapped a huge red halo, Flying out with great speed!

Just the aftermath that flew out almost blew everything around.

Sairaorg was also full of vindictiveness and prepared to attack.

"Partner, in your current state, the armor's defense is still unstable! It's like a crab that has just peeled off its skin! If you mess up, your real body will suffer huge damage!"

"I see, Ddraig! But if you don't go up, you won't be able to defeat the man in front of you, right! So, go up!"

Just, get out! Just get hit! Blindly beat! Blindly beaten!

Face, abdomen, ****, arms. It's just that the beatings and beatings are repeated blindly. The armor was bounced off, and it was opened by a fist just after it was repaired. The fist that hit the body gradually destroyed the flesh of the two.

Every time the arena vibrated violently, the ground cracked, and the cave in the dimension opened. As simple as an idiot, and as powerful as an idiot. No defense at all. There is no time for defense.

The host shouted loudly: "Now the two are in a state of anxious mutual fight! A spectacular mutual fight is taking place on the field! There is no gorgeous fight, no familiar magic fight, but super close-range like a child It's the same when Chen's beat each other! Fighting out, being beaten back, just because of this kind of contest, the whole very solid field of competition is on the verge of collapse under huge pressure! The audience in the auditorium stood up. Everyone stood up and watched such a contest! Such a simple hand-to-hand battle attracted everyone's attention, and everyone was very excited! The two of them did a great job!"

"Partner! Your body has not fully reached the state of a 'queen'! If you continue like this, the forbidden hand will be released!"

"Then please help me hold on tight, Ddraig! It's almost there!"

"I want to defeat you! Go to a higher place!" The red halo covered the right wrist, and only the right wrist was thought to be a three-pronged version of the 'chariot'!

The fist penetrated deep into the abdomen of Sairaorg, shattering the lion's armor! Into the body!

After taking Ise's attack, Sairaorg knelt on the ground. The trembling legs proved that the blow just now did a lot of damage.

Sairaog said excitedly to his legs

Said: "What's wrong? My legs! Why are they shaking! It's not over yet! Isn't this just the beginning!"

Pushing **** the ground, Sairaorg slowly stood up. The whole body is still surrounded by Dou Qi, but it is obviously weaker than before.

"Hold on, hold on to my body...! This kind of battle, this is impossible, is it worthy to be the next head of the Baal family?"

"Very motivated! Me too! If I don't beat you now, how will I move forward in the future!"

Ise slammed his fist at Sairaorg who was approaching, and instantly withdrew without a response. There was a momentary gap on Sairaorg's side. - This is a fake.

He grabbed Sairaog's foot violently and hit him on the thigh. Sairaorg's body swayed, and Ise immediately punched the opponent's face who lost his balance! The helmet was smashed, and the face was punched like that.

Spreading the dragon's wings, he caught up with Sairaorg, who was thrown behind by the punch.

"According to what Azazel said just now, you can think of it this way, that lion's artifact is capable of resisting projectiles, right! Then compared to a blow in a wide area, isn't it a blow in a narrow area? Is it more useful to hit?"

"That's right, Ddraig! Reduce the range as much as possible, and then condense the power of the blow accordingly!"



A red halo was released, surrounding Sairaorg! After a huge explosion, the smoke stopped, and a huge pit was cut out on the ground, and Sairaorg fell in the center of the pit. No sign of activity. The magic break has worked!

The moment the smoke dissipated, the venue boiled over

Will not stand up again. Because the body has been attacked a lot.

"Sera Org Barr, exit. The game is over. Rias Gremory has won!" The final broadcast came, and the venue was surrounded by boiling voices and emotions.

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