"Cheers!" At Mu Hantian's house, everyone from the Supernatural Research Department and the Student Union gathered to celebrate Lias' victory.

"Ise, now you are already a strong man who can be your own. Congratulations." Mu Hantian stood up and patted Ise's shoulder.

"Brother, this is also thanks to your training." Ise smiled.

"Ise, you have to be responsible, understand? A lot of things in this world depend on you."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, let's eat, I made this table specially."



After the meal was over, everyone dispersed. After sending Ise and others away, Mu Hantian sighed and sat on the sofa with his eyes closed.

"Come on, Orpheus." Mu Hantian opened his eyes due to the sudden fluctuation of space.

"Ah, here I am, take me to other worlds."

"Yes, but... what's the matter with the loli behind you? Isn't the real red dragon **** emperor staying in the dimensional crack?"

"I also want to go to other worlds to see. It's boring to stay in the dimensional crack all the time."

"That's it, I don't care, you and I are also a powerful force." Mu Hantian smiled slightly.

"Then, everyone is here, let's go!" Mu Hantian looked around, Aisha, Grefia, Orpheus, Xing, and the extra True Red Dragon God Emperor.

"Ah, Hantian, are you leaving?" A voice made Mu Hantian turn around and found that Lias and Zhu Nai were already standing there.

"Rias, didn't you leave?"

"I suddenly remembered that there was something I didn't take, so I came back to take it. I didn't think...why, why did you leave."

"Rias, I am not originally from this world. The mission in this world has been completed, so I have to leave."

"Then why don't you bring me, you should know my heart."

"I..." Mu Hantian was speechless, not knowing how to explain.

"I want to be with you, no matter what, this is my decision, okay? Forgive my willfulness."

"But, Lias, have you ever thought about what will happen to your brother and your family when you leave?"

"Brother, they support me."

"I see, if you want to leave, come here, Zhu Nai, and the two cats hiding in the dark, you can come out." Holding his forehead, Mu Hantian smiled wryly, the harem seemed to be a bit too much, Won't be hacked?

"Sure enough, my elder brother can feel us."

"Let's go, let's go! I'm still soft-hearted."


"Okay, I'm finally back!"

"This world is very weak, basically ordinary people."

"Of course, Orpheus, in this world of mine, the spiritual energy is very thin. It is very difficult to cultivate. Unless you have treasures, go home first. I also want to know how long it has been, this world." , took the girls a teleport, came outside the villa, opened the door, and walked in.

"You're back, I've been waiting for you for a few days." As soon as Mu Hantian and the girls walked into the living room, they heard a lazy voice.

"It's you, like... what's your name?"

"My name is Wing, eh? You conquered that sword? It's really powerful." The man - Wing said.

"Ah, thank you very much for letting me understand the wind."

"By the way, Ji Ye, how long have I been away?" Mu Hantian asked.

"It's been over a month."

"More than a month?"

"Ah, but the flow rate of this world will not be so fast now, because the last heavy damage made her have to cultivate, so you still have time."

"Then is anyone looking for trouble this month?" Mu Hantian thought about Jiang Ningyu.

"No, don't worry, your parents have us to protect you, it's fine."

"That way I can feel at ease. By the way, Yi, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"Oh, let's get down to business, this time I came to see you because of her." After speaking, she snapped her fingers, and a mother with eyes walked out of the space holding a crystal coffin.

"Hey, isn't this Sinon?"

"You know? Well, look, the person in the crystal coffin is what I want to give to you." After that, she nodded at Sinon, who put the crystal coffin on the ground and walked behind Yi.

"Who is she?" Looking at the person in the coffin, Mu Hantian was drunk and insane, and a sense of familiarity welled up in his heart.

"Where did you find it?" Mu Hantian asked.

"I found it in the world of "Godslayer". Her obsession made me bring her to find you." Yi replied.

"Ji Ye, is there any way to wake her up?" Mu Hantian asked.

"I don't know about her. Go ask Xiaomeng, she knows."

"what should I do?"

"Maybe he will die." Xiaomeng walked to Mu Hantian's side, took out his saber, and swiped it on Mu Hantian's hand. In an instant, Mu Hantian's blood began to drip.

When the blood dripped on the crystal coffin, the lid of the crystal coffin became transparent until it disappeared.

"Lie on her and let your blood merge with her."

"I see." Mu Hantian did as he did and lay down directly. Xiaomeng directly stabbed Mu Hantian's chest with a sword, and blood began to flow into the corpse.


Ten minutes passed, and Mu Hantian had already drained blood for ten minutes, but Mu Hantian still didn't get up because he felt the corpse in his arms, ah no, his body trembled slightly.

After another two minutes, the man in his arms finally opened his eyes and met Mu Hantian.

"I don't know who you are, but...I don't think I can lose you."

"It's silly, but I don't hate it. It's been like this since the first time we met." The man in his arms hugged Mu Hantian tightly, his voice was very cold.

"Don't talk for now, let me help you heal the wound, and I will give you the things you put with me." After the words were finished, the crystal coffin turned into a huge white lotus, which held the two of them tightly. pack.

"Okay, let's go, don't disturb them." Said, pointing to the wings. "Aren't you leaving?"

"Okay, let's go, Sinon, things have been completed." Yi shook his head with a wry smile, took Sinon's hand and walked into the space.

"You newcomers, come with Sakuya, she will take you to find a room."


"here is……?"

"This is the interior of the holy lotus. There is a lot of space."

"Ah, but who are you? It's familiar, but I just can't remember."

"Hantian, my name is Lianxin, Bai Lianxin."

"Pity? My head is starting to hurt. It's really uncomfortable."

"Don't think about it if you can't remember it, and you will remember it slowly in the future. By the way, that person is that dragon, you must find her back, she has some of your memories, and what I have is you the power of."

"Yes, I know."

"Well, let's start now, I'll give you the power back." After speaking, he stood up and started to undress.

"Hey, what are you doing? I'm not a casual person."

"Don't talk nonsense, don't move around, just leave the rest to me." The girl - Lianxin directly threw Mu Hantian down, ignoring Mu Hantian's resistance.

"'Hold your hand, grow old together with your son; in this life, talk to your son.' Don't forget our oath."

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