On the second day of Mu Hantian's return, the living room:

"Cold and cold, were you comfortable last night? Lianxin's body is fine, right?"

"Ji Ye, can you stop saying that these are useless? Forget it, I'll go shopping with you in the next two days, and go out after breakfast." Mu Hantian smiled lightly.

"Okay, I'll go talk to them."

"Xiaoguang, hand out the reward!" Mu Hantian thought to himself as he watched Ji Ye leave.

"Good master." Become Rias Gremory's servant and defeat Felix. (Reward 50000 exchange points) has been completed.

Mission: Beat Cao Cao at the end. (Reward: 100,000 redemption points and two Elf Lolitas) has been completed.

"Then let's take a look at the so-called elf loli first."

"Okay." As Xiaoguang's words fell, two beams of light, one black and one white, appeared out of thin air, and then two little loli walked out and looked at Mu Hantian quietly.

"Ah, it turned out to be the two of them Restia and Esther."


"Hantian, you're really a lo*ic*n, now there are two loli, tsk tsk!" Asuna looked at Mu Hantian with an inexplicable smile. (ps: Hmph, since everyone says that the author is a lo*ic*n, then the author should be a lo*ic*n once.)

"Okay, Xiaoyu, why didn't you see it?"

"You said that your familiar is still hiding in the nest."

"Really, forget it, it's useless to give it the killing stone now. Let's talk about it when we get it together. Let's eat!" After Mu Hantian's words fell, everyone immediately sat down and ate the delicious food on the table. .


On the other side, when Mu Hantian and the girls were eating breakfast carefully prepared by Sakuya...

On the roof of an apartment building not far away, two young foreign men were observing Mu Hantian's villa.

"Are you sure? That's it?" one of the men asked.

"Of course, Sig, just yesterday, a force that shattered the space broke out here. We are asked to investigate whether this is man-made or caused by some special object." Said, the man pointed at Mu Hantian's villa: "The location is right there."

"I hope it's not man-made, otherwise we will die, that kind of powerful existence."

"No, we're not going to die. The powerhouses who can break the space are basically offered to those big countries to eat and drink, so if it's man-made, then the person who breaks the space must have got some kind of treasure, if not Human, then we'll take the treasure back."

"You're right, Carl."

"Okay, Sig, let's act at night, I am a demon, you are a vampire, we all act at night."

"It must be a wonderful night today." Sig got a little excited when he mentioned the night, licked his lips, and then the two went downstairs.

But Mu Hantian didn't know that he had been targeted, but even if he knew, he would ignore it. Now Mu Hantian is going to go shopping with Asuna, Lias, Lianxin and Xiaomeng, because This was the agreement of all the girls. The lottery was drawn, and whoever got the draw would go. Mu Hantian was also quite helpless.


"So, where are we going next? Do we still want to go shopping?" Mu Hantian raised the bag in his hand, which contained snacks, which the kitten asked to bring.

"Huh? Let's go to the place that sells clothes. Buy some clothes for Lianxin." Xiaomeng said.


Twenty minutes later...

"That's it, this is the largest department store in HZ City." Mu Hantian pointed to the building in front of him.

"Not bad." The girls also nodded.

"Come on, let's go in."

Because of the weekend, the department store was crowded with people. Lianxin looked around like a curious baby, staring at the shopping mall.

"Hantian, do you still have that doughnut?" Lianxin asked, poking Mu Hantian's arm with her hand.

"Take it, don't finish it, save some for the kitten."

"Well, don't worry!"

"Don't eat too much, you will gain weight."

"I don't have the concept of getting fat. What you made me was bagels, I didn't expect to eat them."

"Hantian, let's go and see the underwear next." Lias said, holding Mu Hantian's hand.

"Alright, let's go!"

When everyone came to the women's underwear store, Mu Hantian was still very embarrassed. A man came here... Mu Hantian didn't want to come, but Lias insisted that Mu Hantian be with him. Fortunately, Mu Hantian was not considered a BT.

"Lian Xin, what do you want?"

"Xiaomeng, I don't understand this, you help me choose."

"Then pick a color. What color do you like?"


"Is it black? How about this one? Are you going to try it?"


A minute later, Lianxin in black silk underwear appeared in front of Mu Hantian.

"Hantian, does it look good?"

"Uh, it looks good, but please don't wear it in public, okay?"

"Ah, Han Tian is jealous." Lias covered her mouth and smiled.

"Whatever you say, let's go and buy something else."



The sun sets and night falls. The five Mu Hantian also returned with a full load. During this process, they did not encounter the so-called second-generation rich plots in the novel that they came to pretend to be B when they saw four beautiful women. Ordinary people, of course, no one dares to mess around.

"I'm so tired today. Sure enough, no matter who it is, shopping with a girl will feel tired. This must be the will of the universe." Handing the things to Sakuya, Mu Hantian fell directly on the sofa.

"Hantian, are you tired? Do you want me to massage for you?"

"Forget it, Lianxin, just let me lie down for a while and I'll be fine." Mu Hantian shook his head.

"Master, please wait a moment, the food is already being prepared," Sakuya said to Mu Hantian after putting the things away.

"It's hard work, but maybe we have to deal with the little mice outside first."


"It's here, let me see what it is!" Sig was here to lure the enemy, his task was to lure the people out of the house, and Karl took the opportunity to enter the house.

"Who are you? Come here so late." A cold voice made Sig turn his head. A young girl was holding a long spear and looked at him quietly.

Sig knew that his mission was successful, and he rushed towards the girl without hesitation at the next moment, as if planning to kill with one hit!

"Hmph, boring!" I saw the girl snorted coldly, the blue spear in her hand suddenly pierced Si Ge's abdomen, and then retracted the gun, Si Ge fell from the air to the ground.

"Puff! Cough!" Sig, who had a big hole in his abdomen, knelt on the ground and coughed blood continuously, and couldn't help but be shocked, "As an earl, the wound can't be healed!"

"Who the **** are you? Why can't my wound heal!" Carter glanced at the girl with some fear.

"You don't need to know who I am, just a vampire. Say, what is your purpose here!"

"I won't say it, you kill me!" Sig said with a backbone. All he thought was, "Just wait until Carl gets the stuff back, it's alright if I die."

"Is it useful to be tough? I know, you're waiting for your companion, but...you're going to be disappointed." Mu Hantian walked out, holding a person in his hand, it was Carl.

"You...!" Sig was terrified.

"Tell me, what is your purpose here?"

"Don't be delusional. If you kill us, we won't let you go. Do you have the ability to fight against our organization? Hahahaha!" Sig said, laughing loudly.

"Boring, forget about it, just kill them." After speaking, Mu Hantian left without looking back.

"Understood." Yukina responded, then kicked Sig away with one kick, then threw a shot, stabbed him and Karl together, and directly penetrated them together, and then the two began to dissipate.

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