"Then—suffer to death." As the girl's words fell, the next moment, the atmosphere in the room changed instantly.

"What is this feeling?" Mu Hantian thought to himself, feeling the depression in the atmosphere.

"Bloom in full bloom, six-petaled flame flower!" In the next instant, a huge fireball appeared in front of the girl, attacking Mu Hantian.

"Ah, what the **** is this?" Mu Hantian hurriedly jumped off the windowsill, adjusted his posture in the air and landed on the ground.

Almost at the same time, a roar sounded. Looking up, a huge flaming flower bloomed in the air, forming a flaming wheel with overlapping scorching petals. At the same time, the air continued to vibrate, and strong winds with heat came in. Just like a bomb going off.

"Really, what the **** is going on with this kind of hero and heroine drama!" Mu Hantian was very speechless, he just came to give something, as for such bitterness and hatred?

While Mu Hantian was speechless, the girl jumped down from the open window lightly. Like Mu Hantian, he easily and gracefully landed from the height of the four-story building.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to dodge the attack just now. You're good at it." The girl's voice was still full of anger, but she could hear a little admiration.

"Okay, then I'll take you seriously."

"Hey, wait a minute!"

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Hey, I just want to ask why you want my life."

"Isn't it common sense to pay with your life for the crime of peeking at the girl's changing clothes?" The girl made a bland declaration of danger.

"Then why did you thank me just now?"

"Of course, thank you for returning the handkerchief to me. But...this is different from peeping. And if you just return the lost property, why jump in through the window? Not to mention the pervert who invaded the girls' dormitory, just this This kind of behavior, beating you up is not an exaggeration."

"Nani, is that the girls' dormitory?" After hearing the girl's words, Mu Hantian felt that countless divine beasts were rushing past in his heart.

"you do not know?"

"How could I know, I'm a newcomer who was scheduled to transfer in today, and I just arrived here not long ago. Look, this is proof." After speaking, Mu Hantian handed the girl a document.

The girl stared at it suspiciously for a while, then took the information handed over by Mu Hantian and looked at it.

After a long while, the girl raised her head and said to Mu Hantian, "I understand, but this is still a different thing from peeping."

The girl who was still smiling, a fireball appeared beside her again. Although much smaller than the previous ones, this time there are nine in total.

"Bloom in full bloom - the nine-wheeled flame flower!"

"Damn, do you want to do this!"

Nine fireballs like lovely primroses attacked Mu Hantian in different orbits. Mu Hantian didn't want to do anything either, so he could only dodge repeatedly. The fireball that hit the ground made a dull explosion and then burst out and disappeared.

Seeing Mu Hantian's actions, the girl opened her eyes again in surprise. "It turns out that it doesn't seem to be an ordinary pervert."

Hearing this, Mu Hantian breathed a sigh of relief. But the girl's next sentence sent his thoughts to the bottom.

"It's a pervert with great skill."

"Is it so difficult to understand each other?" Mu Hantian couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Hmph, just kidding." At this moment, the girl stared at Mu Hantian with half-squinted eyes, and brushed her hair at the same time.

"It's a fact that you kindly sent my handkerchief back. As for stealing... peeking at me changing... changing clothes, this, I can believe that you didn't mean it. It's just temporary!"


The girl nodded reluctantly, and continued: "But it's your fault to break in without confirming what kind of building this is. Besides, jumping in suddenly from the window is really uncommon to the extreme. Even if you say I didn't do it on purpose, and it's not enough to constitute a reason to forgive you!"

"Uh... that's what you said." Mu Hantian was completely unable to refute. It's really my fault, I just didn't want to climb the stairs, and as a result, what happened now.

"Even if you have a good reason, my anger still can't be quelled. So now I can only follow the rules of this city. Fortunately, your skills seem to be pretty good, right?"

Saying that, the girl stared straight at Mu Hantian's face. "Your profile says that your name is Mu Hantian, right?"


"Really? My name is Julis. The Star Guide Academy is ranked fifth, Julis = Elexia von Risfet." The girl named Julis directly put her hand on the wearer On top of the Xingdaoguan Academy's emblem 'Red Lotus' on the chest of the uniform.

"Under the name of Chilian, the unyielding certificate, I, Julis = Elexia von Risfeet, apply to Mu Hantian for a duel!"

"Duel?" Ignoring Mu Hantian's surprise, the school badge on Mu Hantian's chest reacted to the application, glowing red. This means that the school badge is waiting for me, and the application for the duel must be accepted or rejected.

"If you win, I'll listen to you and leave honestly. But if I win, I'll ask you to leave me at my mercy." The corner of Julis' mouth twitched, as if it were a matter of course.

"Wait, wait! I didn't..."

"Since you've all transferred here, you should know what a duel means, right?" Julis asked Mu Hantian involuntarily.

"I've heard of this." Mu Hantian recalled the memory given by the system. All the students living in this Asterisk were gathered for a duel.

This is the stage of the world's largest comprehensive combat performance "Xingwu Festival", and the students of each academy are candidates for this festival.

"Then accept the duel quickly, the crowd has gathered around." Hearing this, Mu Hantian looked around. The crowd did not know when, and began to form a circle around the two. Sure enough, it is human nature to love to watch the fun.

"Hey, what happened?"

"I heard that the 'Huayan Witch' is going to duel!"

"Really!? Isn't she the 'Starting Page Twelve'! Definitely not to be missed!"

"By the way, who is the opponent?"

"I don't know, it seems to be an unfamiliar face... Is there any on the Internet?"

"I'm looking for... but there is no him on the 'Book of Famous Sacrifice'!"

"No-name soldier, it's really a shame he has the courage to fight."

Mu Hantian frowned nervously while listening to the voices of the onlookers. He doesn't like being the center of attention very much, and it's going to bother him a lot.

"Why does it attract so many people?"

"There are two reasons. The first is to collect information about the strong students—that is, me. After all, I am also the 'starting page twelve' of this academy, and those who want to squeeze me out when they find an opportunity are not. in the minority."

"'Twelve people on the first page'?"

"Is it necessary to start with these?" Julis glared at Mu Hantian in surprise.

"Forget it, do you know that each of Asterisk's academies has a ranking system? Although the detailed rules of each academy are different, each academy has a ranking that clearly distinguishes the strength of its students - that is, 'in the There are 72 people in total, and the top 12 are recorded on the first page of the list, so they are commonly called 'the first twelve people'."

"I see!"

"Anyway, if you really don't want to, I can't do anything about it. You also have the right to refuse a duel, but then you will be sent to the girls' dormitory guard. For me, it's a bit difficult to not be able to take care of you personally. pity."

"Ah, but I don't even have a weapon." Mu Hantian didn't want to reveal himself too early, and if a sword or something suddenly appeared, he would definitely be investigated.

"Aren't you a 'magician', what weapon do you use?"

"A sword is best, but a spear or bow will do."

"Who would lend him a weapon? It's best to use a sword." Julis asked the onlookers, and she quickly responded.

"Take it, use this one." Following these words, something was thrown towards Mu Hantian from the crowd.

Mu Hantian caught it and saw that it was a short stick type machine. Just big enough to hold in one hand, the tip is studded with green ore—the so-called Wanying ore.

"Is this the activator of the brilliance-style weapon in memory?" Mu Hantian thought to himself.

"Don't tell me you don't even know how to activate this." Julis showed a confident smile.

"Xiaoguang, can my magic power be converted into star power?" Mu Hantian asked Xiaoguang in his heart.

"Yes, master."

"Really? That's good!" Mu Hantian took a deep breath, and then activated the Brilliant Armament in his hand according to his memory. "

Wanying Mine reconstructed the memorized element pattern, and instantly appeared from the empty air with a mechanical sharp-angled 'knife e'. After the mode further entered the active state from the standby state, the Wanying element immediately gathered out of thin air and shaped into a dazzling blade of light. The length of the blade is about one meter, and it has hardly been adjusted. It is an ordinary brilliance-style armament.

Seeing this, Julis also took out the activator from the sleeve attached to the waist of the uniform, and activated the Brilliant Armament.

Her brilliance-style armament was different from that used by Mu Hantian, it was a slender and flexible Western Sword of Light.

"Are you ready?" Julis held the rapier gracefully, while staring at Mu Hantian intently.

"I, Mu Hantian, accept Julis' application for a duel." Mu Hantian put his hand on the school badge on his chest and said.

Mu Hantian's school badge glowed red again, representing the proof of acceptance of the duel.

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