Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 656: battle is over

"Bloom in full bloom - sharp spear white flame flower!" Julis swung the rapier like a baton, and the huge blue-white flame spear appeared along the trajectory of the sword. The flames like a trumpet lily charged towards Mu Hantian like a rocket.

"Sure enough, this world is not an ordinary daily life. This kind of power is very strong if you get the world of blazing angels, and the ghost curse weapons are completely defeated." Mu Hantian thought in his heart, but the movements in his hands were unexpected. Don't be slow, when Julis' flame hits, she smashes it with a calm slash.

"Oh, the new one is still very strong."

"Yeah, it can withstand the flames of that princess."

"Could it be that the princess is showing mercy?"

Hearing the voices of the onlookers, Julis frowned slightly.

Of course he didn't show mercy. Although she did not use all her strength, she still faced her opponent very seriously.

In fact, anyone would think that Julis had the upper hand. Mu Hantian just smashed Julis' attack, but he didn't get close to Julis.

Keeping a distance from the opponent, and then blocking the opponent with superior firepower is Julis' basic tactic, which can be said to be the most ideal battle situation. The thin sword 'Corolla Spinning Sword' in his hand is only used to contain the opponent when he approaches.

But Julis felt something was wrong. I can't tell where it is, but it's a little weird. Perhaps it is a fact that he suppresses his opponent, but there is almost no feel. Moreover, although Mu Hantian had been defending, he was able to handle her attacks with ease.

"Uh, Julis... classmate, you should almost forgive me, right?"

"Just call me Julis, so, are you going to surrender?"

"Well, it's not. In fact, I didn't want to fight you from the beginning."

"Well, if you want to surrender, I have no objection. But you will either be cooked as a pervert by me, or you will be taken away by the guards of the girls' dormitory. By the way, you were caught by the guards a few days ago. Underwear thief, after being 'punished', he can only speak a few words, and in the end, he becomes a waste person who dare not step out of the room."

"Uh, I'll try harder." Seeing what happened to him, Mu Hantian showed a stiff smile and held his sword again.

"That's right." It seemed that she had made up her mind, and Julis concentrated her star power.

Star power is the source of power of the 'Star Vessel Generation'. The nature is similar to the aura invisible to the naked eye, and by concentrating the power of the stars, it can increase the attack power or defense power. In addition, for "witches" or "magicians" like Julis, it is also an indispensable energy for activating abilities.

Of course, a 'witch' or 'magician' must allocate star power to their abilities, and this nature inevitably reduces the proportion of star power they allocate to defense, thus making it easier for them to fight in close combat. suffer. However, as long as the opponent is not allowed to approach, this weakness is not a weakness.

"Bloom in full bloom--six-petalled flame flower!"

As soon as the huge fireball appeared in front of Julis, the crowd began to riot.

This was the same move that blasted Mu Hantian out of the room, but it was two times bigger than before.

"It's miserable! It's a big trick."

"Hey, this is not a joke!"

"Run away!"

Of course, if you are affected by the battle, you must be responsible yourself, so the onlookers hurriedly distanced themselves.

Julis didn't even look at the people who joined in the fun, and quickly calculated the most suitable orbit and launched it. Although Mu Hantian bent, Julis clenched her fists before the fireball was about to flash past.

"Blast it off!"

"Bang..." The fireball obeyed Julis' order and exploded in front of Mu Hantian's eyes.

The blazing flames obscured the sight. Julis blocked the gusty wind so as not to burn her face, and at the same time made sure that she had the chance to win.


"Oh, really, Ertian First Class is a pair of swords, so... use this! Underworld Godly Flow—Full Crescent Moon!"

A crescent-like sword wave cut the flame petals into a cross shape.

"What's this?"

While Julis was thinking, a black shadow flashed from the place where the flames were cut, and she closed the distance in one breath.

When she realized that the shadow was Mu Hantian, Mu Hantian had already rushed into her arms.

This speed is unbelievable, at least it is a world away from the speed just now.

"what are you doing!"

Julis responded reflexively, but Mu Hantian suddenly shouted. "Get down!"

Before Julis understood the meaning of this sentence, her entire body was pushed down by Mu Hantian.

Seeing that Mu Hantian's face was close at hand, Julis's heart was beating wildly.

"You, what are you doing...!" Just as Julis was about to protest—she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

A shining arrow was inserted where Julis stood just now.

There is no entity, it looks like something formed by a brilliant weapon.

The Brilliant Armament can temporarily focus and fix the Elemental Elements to form a blade or bullet. Weapons like swords that stay within the spawning range of the generator are fine, but if it's a shooting weapon, it won't last long after firing. Seeing that the arrows are about to turn into light particles and disappear.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" It was obviously an attack on Julis just now.

"What do I want to do? You should ask the attacker about this, not me." Mu Hantian replied indifferently.

"It's not like this! Why did you deliberately save me?"

"We're classmates anyway, aren't we?"


"I said, classmate Julis, have you offended anyone?" Mu Hantian looked at Julis with a displeased expression, it was clearly his own duel, who was making trouble.

"How do I know!" Julis said indifferently, turning her head away arrogantly.

"That's it, forget it, it's nothing to do with me, goodbye." Mu Hantian stood up and was about to leave.


"Okay, okay, the two of you, please stop here." Accompanied by a very calm and composed voice, there were a few brief clappings.

"Our Star Guide Academy does recognize the right of students to duel freely...but unfortunately, I have to declare this duel invalid." While speaking, at the same time, walking out from the crowd, was a dazzling blonde swaying girl.

She exudes a calm and calm atmosphere, and has a beauty that is different from Julis.

If a bright rose is used to describe the beauty of Julis, then her beauty is as deep and stable as the tranquil lake. The age should be not far from Julis, but her temperament makes her look more mature.

"Claudia, what right do you have to stop me?"

"Of course it's up to me as the student council president of Star Guide Academy, Julis." The girl named Claudia smiled and put her hand on her school badge.

"With the authority of the chief representative of Chilian, I announce the cancellation of the duel between Julis = Erexia von Risfet and Mu Hantian."

As Claudia's words fell, the school emblems that originally glowed red on Julis and Mu Hantian immediately lost their light.

"Hehe, that's fine, classmate Mu Hantian."

"Thank you very much... Student Council President, isn't it?"

"Yes, my name is Claudia Enfield, the student council president of Xingdaoguan Academy. Please give me more advice."

Mu Hantian also stretched out his hand and held it with Claudia's gently stretched hand.

Julis seemed dissatisfied with the judgment just now, and stared at Claudia with a dissatisfied expression. "Even the student council president shouldn't be able to intervene in a duel without a legitimate reason, right?"

"Of course there are valid reasons. Do you know that he is a transfer student? Although he has already logged in the information and the school badge has been certified, he has not completed the final transfer procedures. Therefore, strictly speaking, Mu Hantian is not a star guide. A student of Guan Academy." Claudia kept a smile and answered Julis fluently.

"A duel is only allowed if both sides are students. So of course this duel can't be established, right?"

"Hmm...!" Julis bit her lip regretfully.

"Okay, that's it, please disband. If you stay any longer, you will be late for class." After hearing this, the onlookers left in twos and threes.

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