Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 657: Hoshibu Festival

"Uh, student council president, is it okay for you to let them go like this? Just now..."

"The attack on the 'Starting Page Twelve' is nothing to make a fuss about. This kind of case is not uncommon. It's just too much this time. It's really abhorrent for a third party to launch a sneak attack in a duel of others. I will tell the ethics committee. An investigation will be launched, and once the culprit is caught, strict punishment will be imposed."

"Is that so, then the so-called 'Twelve People from the First Page' is really dangerous!" Mu Hantian shook his head with a wry smile.

"Well, Mu Hantian, please come with me, I will take you to the final transfer procedures." Student Council President - Claudia said.

"That's it, let's go!"

"Oh, by the way, Julis, is your search for a partner going well?"

"Um...this...this..." Julis lowered her head in disbelief.

"There are only two weeks left until the registration deadline for the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', there is not much time left."

"I know! Just find a partner before the deadline!" After speaking, Julis turned around and walked back to the dormitory angrily.

"'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'? Is that what was mentioned in the mission?" Looking at Julis' back, Mu Hantian lowered his head in all his thoughts.

"Aiya. Forget it, let's go, classmate Mu Hantian." Claudia said with a light smile.

"Ah, yes!"


"This - because of these reasons, the tragic situation of the last century can be described as a disaster century. Among them, the meteorite group of 'falling stars' struck, bringing unprecedented damage to the whole world. For three days and three nights without The meteorite that stopped and fell has completely changed the whole world. The decline of the country and the rise of conglomerate conglomerates, accompanied by the change of moral values, and the new human being born under the influence of the universal element brought by the meteorite——also It is you of the 'Star Vessel Generation'. Coupled with the development of Luoxing Engineering centered on the study of all elements, it has brought rapid progress in science and technology. Whether it is good or bad, the history of mankind is in the 'Luoxingyu' Under the influence of . It can be said that it has produced a complete makeover." From the passing classroom, the voice of an elderly teacher lecturing was heard.

"Of course, according to the most recent mainstream theory, the 'falling star shower' is not an ordinary meteorite. Because observatories around the world not only cannot detect any signs, but also cannot observe any suspended matter that should be produced when it hits the surface. What does this mean? What do you mean..." The teacher's tone of lecture was very monotonous and slow, almost like a lullaby to lure people to sleep. Mu Hantian took a look inside the classroom, and sure enough, most of the students were already sleeping on the desks.

"You're in class so early in the morning. Shouldn't it be time for the class meeting now?"

"That's right, but right now there's a tutorial in this classroom."

"Are you going to tutor for the first class?"

"Well, after all, the motto of our academy is both civil and military. So please be careful." On the way to the student union office, Claudia, who was walking in front of Mu Hantian, turned around and smiled.

The school building and appearance of Star Guide Academy is quite classical, different from the girls' dormitory. It is an open-plan high-rise building in a modern style.

The three school buildings of the University Department, the Higher Department and the Secondary Department surround the vast atrium, among which the higher school building with the largest number of students is the largest.

"By the way, classmate Han Tian and I are in the same grade, so you don't have to be so restrained when speaking."

"Are you a first-year student?" Mu Hantian was surprised when he heard that Claudia was actually a first-year student like him. First-year student council president? Although I don't know the selection system here, it is an impossible task to become the student council president in such a short period of time.

"It's like this, I've been the student council president since the middle school period. Now it's the third term." Claudia said lightly as she walked on the glass corridor where the bright sunlight shone into the interior.

The higher or middle schools here do not have their own autonomous organizations, but only one student union that coordinates the overall affairs of the academy. Therefore, the members of the student council are not only students from the middle school, but also students from the university.

"It's really amazing!"

"Well, so, please call me by my name in the future, just call me Claudia!"

"Well, I see, Claudia!"

Hearing Mu Hantian calling her name, Claudia narrowed her eyes happily.

"Then I'll call you Han Tian in the future?"


"Well then, I'll call you Hantian in the future." Claudia looked very happy.

"Okay, here it is. Come in!" During the chat, the two arrived at the Student Union Office on the top floor of the Higher School Building.

Claudia passed the school badge authentication system, and after opening the door, what appeared in Mu Hantian was a wide space that was completely unimaginable to be the office of the student union.

The floor is covered with a dark brown carpet, furnished with a full set of leather guest tables and chairs; the walls are hung with paintings of the vision of the Star Museum Academy; in front of the huge glass windows that look like the sky is cut, there is a heavy oak desk.

Claudia, who was skillfully sitting at the desk, clasped her fingers together, took a slow breath, and said to Mu Hantian, "Then again... Welcome to Star Guide Academy, Hantian, welcome. "

Then, Claudia stared at Mu Hantian who was standing in front of the table, then turned the chair around and looked out the window.

"You are also welcome to 'Asterisk'."

Mu Hantian also followed her line of sight, and the street overlooking from a high place was very orderly. The artificial city floating in the huge crater lake was formed by a regular hexagonal city block and six academies with large vertices protruding like a bastion, and it looked like a crystal of snow. The official name of this city will be called 'Liuhua', which may be derived from this.

In addition, each academy has a straight avenue that crosses the city block and connects to the diagonal academies. The shape is indeed very similar to a star - that is, Asterisk (six-pointed star).

"Hantian, let me introduce you to the Xingwu Festival! 'Xingwu Festival' is actually just a general term, but it is actually divided into three items. The first summer's crotch battle "Phoenix Xingwu Festival", the second autumn Team battle 'Griffin Star Wu Festival', and individual battle 'Wanglong Star Wu Festival' in the winter of the third year.

In each meeting, students with excellent grades and affiliated academies will receive points. After the end of the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", the comprehensive score will be determined. In other words, divide it by three years -- that's a season.

But in recent years, our academy's performance in the 'Xingwu Festival' has not been ideal. The overall ranking last season was fifth. The sixth-placed Kwai Enweier has never been considered in the comprehensive ranking because of its strategic policy, so we are essentially equal to the last place. We have to break this deadlock no matter what, so we have to ensure every capable student as much as possible. "

"So, does this have anything to do with me?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Of course, because you are a special transfer student of the Star Guide Academy, we have only one expectation, which is to win." Claudia was still overlooking the street.

"If you dominate the 'Xingwu Festival', then our academy will fulfill your wish. As long as it is a wish that can be fulfilled in this world, we will fulfill it for you."

"That's fine, and in this way, both of my tasks can be completed, um!" Thinking of this, the corner of Mu Hantian's mouth rose slightly.

"Oh, Han Tian, ​​looking at you, you seem very interested!"

"Of course, this season's champion will be handed over to me!"

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