Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 658: Mu Hantian's doubts

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, the smile on Claudia's face became even bigger!

"Great! This is the main reason why I strongly recommend Han Tian to join Xingdaoguan Academy! This year's Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, please help us win back the championship!"

Huh? Did Claudia recommend me to join Singshimakan Academy?

Mu Hantian was a little surprised, do I know her? But not in memory, what's going on?

"By the way, I remembered one more thing, can you say it?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you say it just now? You have to go through the 'final transfer procedure'!"

"Oh, that...I..." Having said this, Claudia suddenly fell silent. Then he seemed to be thinking about something, and then looked around nervously.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing! I didn't mean that." She quickly shook her hand, her attitude was obviously different from just now. His cheeks seemed to be as red as a fever, and his eyes kept drifting down.

"This... this, can you please close your eyes a little?"

"Huh?" Why do you have to close your eyes when going through the transfer procedures? Although he was puzzled, Mu Hantian didn't think too much and closed his eyes.

All I could hear was the creaking of the chair. After a gap...

"Ah?" There was a soft shock from behind. Mu Hantian was a little surprised, but it didn't hurt at all. It should be said to be very soft.

Mu Hantian opened his eyes and found two graceful arms around his abdomen.

"K... Claudia. Are you?"

"Finally...I can finally see you." Mu Hantian could feel that the voice coming from behind was both slender and weak, as if it contained uncontrollable feelings.


Claudia didn't answer.

After the two were speechless for a while, Claudia let go.

"Haha, just kidding. Are you scared?" Mu Hantian looked back, Claudia smiled, as if nothing had happened.

"Suddenly being hugged from behind, anyone would be frightened." Although it felt very wrong, Mu Hantian still didn't ask.

"Please don't get me wrong. I wouldn't do this to anyone casually. I'm very conservative." Claudia covered the corners of her mouth and smiled.

"and then?"


"Isn't this hug just now a transfer procedure?"

"Oh, that thing is a lie."

"Liar?" Mu Hantian's mouth twitched after hearing Claudia's words.

"You can use it as an excuse. You have officially become a part of our academy, and there are no procedures left. But it is the most effective way to clean up the situation just now. Julis has a very strong personality. Seriously, so I know she won't break the rules just to keep fighting."


"Oh, wouldn't it be better if I didn't stop her just now? Hehe, if you continue to fight, what will happen? Neither the school nor the academy want that to happen."

"Well, I understand! By the way, I want to ask, can I live alone?"

"Want to live in a single room? I understand, but... In Xingdaoguan Academy, ordinary students share a room with two people, but as long as you are on the list of 'the first twelve people', you can enjoy a single room room."

"That's it, I know, I'll find a 'Twelve Shi Shi' in a while, and then defeat him."

"Hmm, okay Hantian, class time is about to start, let's stop here. If you have any questions, please let me know at any time. I will assist you as much as possible." Claudia said while looking at her Leave on cold days.


"That's it, this one is Mu Hantian, a special transfer student, everyone can get along with each other casually."

"It's a casual introduction." Mu Hantian was very speechless. He glanced sideways at the woman standing beside him. She is the teacher of the third class of the year, Tanizaki Yasuko. She is thin and tall, and her eyes are very sharp... Maybe it should be said that her eyes are fierce. Her tone and attitude really didn't look like a teacher, but to be honest, she looked a bit like a bad guy.

"Hey, hurry up."

"Ah, good. Everyone, my name is Mu Hantian, please give me more advice."

The students in the class looked at Mu Hantian in various ways. Some are interested, some don't care, some are testing him, some are on guard... Although transfer students will inevitably be the center of attention, it seems a little too much.

There was only one person, a girl looked at Mu Hantian with a very complicated expression on her face. However, Mu Hantian also knew the reason for her complicated expression.

"The seat... um, just right. There is an empty seat next to the girl playing with fire, go and sit there!"

"Who's the girl who plays with fire!" The girl the teacher said—Juris blushed and jumped up.

"Hmph, who else is there besides you, Risfeite? You had a good time early in the morning. If someone else took the initiative to look for the ball, it would be fine, and the 'Starting Twelve' are still so frivolous. Fighting everywhere. When we're Rewolf here?"

"Hmm...!" Julis reluctantly sat back in the penultimate row. There are two empty seats beside her.

"I can't believe we are in the same class."

"Is this a cold joke?" Mu Hantian said hello while sitting, and Julis, who was lying on the table, sighed heavily.

"Although a lot happened this morning, I still have a lot of advice."

Julis squinted at Mu Hantian and said, "I owe you one time today. As long as you speak, I will help you, but only once. Other than that, I don't want to have any interaction with you." Julis turned her head away.

At this moment…

"Haha, have you been dumped?" A half-sympathetic half-joking voice came from behind.

Mu Hantian looked back and saw a handsome boy with a kind smile stretched out his hand.

Mu Hantian held the boy's hand, and he shook it back and forth happily. "My name is Yabuki Eishirou, I'm your roommate."

"A roommate? I'm so sorry, I'm going to live in a single room."

"Eh? Are you going to challenge the 'Starting Page Twelve'?"


Eishirou seemed to be a very happy boy.

Originally thought he would not be able to see it from sitting, but he seemed to be about a head taller than Mu Hantian. Although the action is still childish, but the body and expression are quite mature. There is a slightly obvious scar on the left face, which matches the asymmetrical charm of the boy very well.

"Oh, on the morning of the first day of the transfer, the 'Twelve People from the First Page' was put on the bar, and the princess was toppled under the eyes of everyone, and then he had to challenge the "Twelve People from the First Page". It was really interesting."

"Wait a minute. I have a question, is 'Princess' a nickname for Julis? I think everyone seems to call her that."

"Well, it's not so much a nickname... It should be said that she is a real princess."

"Nani? Princess? A princess from a fairy tale?"

"Yeah. Cursed by an evil witch, waking up under the prince's kiss, it seems that she was almost forced into a political marriage, from the magic kingdom, a princess who was once raped by orcs or tentacles. Also called Princess."

"It seems that something strange is mixed in."

"Don't worry about it. You should know, since the 'star shower', hasn't the monarchy been restored in all parts of Europe? Of course, for the conglomerate consortium that actually holds the real political and economic power, there are these symbolic royal families. , is very convenient in many places. In short, one of the first princesses of the country called Lazetania is that princess. Her full name is Julis = Elexia Marie Feileng Thuy Renati von Risfeet. Her name is on the European royal register."

"Why are you so clear?"

"Because I rely on this to eat. I am also a member of the news agency." Eishirou showed a confident smile.

"Then why does the princess go to such a place to fight? Shouldn't it be more calm and reserved when it comes to princesses?"

"This is really beyond my comprehension. In fact, I want to ask more than you." Yingshirou nodded earnestly and said in a low voice: "If I really ask, I will write it on the front page news. ."

"Sorry, wait for me." Eishirou raised a hand to interrupt the conversation, then took out a slightly vibrating cell phone from his pocket.

"Hello, what's wrong with the president?"

"You're too embarrassed to ask me! Didn't I tell you that early in the morning is the deadline for proofreading drafts! What the **** are you doing!" As soon as the space window opened, there was a roar from a girl combing her sister's hair.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I have other things in the morning."

"Don't make excuses! Come to the social office right now! Within five minutes!" Then the window disappeared with a beep. Eishirou rubbed his nose with a wry smile.

"That's it, if I don't go, I'll be in bad luck."

"Well, see you then."


"By the way, before that... Ye Bhui!" Mu Hantian threw the thing in his hand to Yingshilang who was about to leave the classroom.

"Oh?" Eishirou caught it with a look of surprise, but he laughed immediately after seeing the thing.

"What, you found out."

"Thank you in advance."

"How do you know it's mine?"

"Listen to the voice!" Yingshilang was stunned for a moment when he heard Mu Hantian's understated answer.

"In that chaotic situation, how could one of the onlookers remember my voice?" He seemed surprised, but Eishirou left the classroom quickly.

The rest of Mu Hantian stared at the door for a while, then smiled slightly. "It's still very interesting here, I'm looking forward to it more and more."

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