Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 659: The battle with Resta (laughs)

"Oh, these 'starting page twelve' are too hard to find! It seems that today I can only sleep in the same room with Yingshirou." .)

Mu Hantian looked around and could see a flat, doll-like half-doll robot—a simulacrum pruning branches.

The silhouettes of the tree shadows became clearer in the setting sun. Just as Mu Hantian was walking and watching the simulacrum work curiously, he suddenly heard a roar.

"Then why are you fighting that newcomer!" was the voice of a young man. This roar shook the air around him, enough to scare the faint-hearted away when he heard it.

Is someone arguing?

Mu Hantian walked over and saw a small pavilion in a wide area. The trio of male students stood in front of the pavilion, and the students in the middle were particularly burly, and they felt oppressive from a distance. The other two polonium - the thin student and the slightly fat student stood behind him, and they seemed to be the attendants of the big student.

There seemed to be other people in the pavilion, but from Mu Hantian's perspective, they couldn't see it.


"Answer me, Julis!" Hearing this name, Mu Hantian finally knew who that person was.

"I'm not obliged to answer you, Rystad. It's my freedom to fight whomever I want."

"Yeah, me too."

Mu Hantian moved forward and saw that there was indeed a young girl with rosy hair sitting in the pavilion.

She glared at each other with a big student named Lexida, and there seemed to be sparks when their eyes met. Although not hatred, but the atmosphere between the two is really not good.

"Similarly, I have the right to refuse a duel. You will understand if I say it a few times. I don't want to duel with you anymore."

"Why exactly!"

"Do I have to make it so clear?" Julis sighed deeply, then stood up and faced Lexida face to face.

"Because it's endless, I've already beaten you three times, and there's no point in continuing the duel."

"Next time I will definitely win! You just have better luck, don't think you can continue to be arrogant! My strength is more than that!"

"Yes, yes! If Lei Shida shows his true skills, opponents like you are not enough to see!" One of the two people hiding behind Lei Shida, the slightly fat student took advantage of the situation to help and ridicule Julis.

"Then you prove your strength first, and find an opponent other than me." Julis didn't seem to want to continue entanglement, and turned around.

"Wait a minute! I haven't finished speaking yet..."

Just as Lei Shida was about to reach out and grab Julis' shoulder, Mu Hantian came out from the shade of the tree to say hello.

"Hey, isn't this Julis? What a coincidence, I met you here."

"How will you be here?"

"who are you!"

Probably because the timing and lines were too old-fashioned, Julis and Lei Shida invariably frowned and stared at Mu Hantian.

"Haha... no, I'm just wandering around."

"Ah! Resta! He's the transfer student!"

"What did you say?" Lei Shida looked at Mu Hantian with sharper eyes.

If his gaze is offensive, his gaze should be able to penetrate the iron plate easily. However, Mu Hantian did not hug Qifeng as if nothing had happened, and asked Julis. "Juris, who is he?"

"Resta Markfield, our academy ranks ninth." Julis answered impatiently with her hands on her waist.

"Oh, that's great. You are also one of the 'Twelve People from the First Page'. Come and fight with me. If you defeat you, I can live in a single room."

"Oh, are you going to duel with me?" Lei Shida looked at Mu Hantian.

"Of course, don't you want to duel with Julis? Fight me. If you win, Julis will fight with you!" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Oh, Julis, is what he said true?" Resta looked at Julis, wanting to know her answer.

Julis looked at Mu Hantian and thought to herself, "That's fine, let me see how much you have hidden!

At the moment, he said to Lei Shida: "Yes, as long as you beat him, you can fight me."

"Then, fight with me!" Lei Shida looked at Mu Hantian excitedly.


With the recognition of the school badge, the duel between Mu Hantian and Lei Shida started immediately. Judging from the brilliance-style armament in the opponent's hand, we could see that this guy's attack was simple and rude, why? Because he is holding a long axe, plus his size, you can tell at a glance.

"Drink!" Lei Shida's attack was very simple and rough, and it was a heavy slash against Mu Hantian. It's just that this monotonous action did not pose any threat to Mu Hantian, but Mu Hantian avoided his attack in order to put on a pretence.

"Yulis, can you lend me your sword? I don't have my weapon with me." Mu Hantian looked at Julis.

"Take it!" Julis didn't say anything, and threw her rapier directly to Mu Hantian.

"Thanks!" Mu Hantian shook his head, flipping the rapier in his hand, and he really wasn't used to using such a light weapon.

"Hmph, since you've got the weapon, let's continue!" After speaking, Lei Shida attacked Mu Hantian with another heavy blow.

"Hey!" Mu Hantian raised the rapier in his hand, blocking Lei Shida's attack.

"Oh, seeing that you are really capable!" Seeing that Mu Hantian easily blocked his own attack, Lei Shida was a little happy, this opponent is not a fake.

"It's up to me. Hey, drink!" Mu Hantian blocked Lei Shida's axe and quickly swung a sword.

"Damn it!" Lei Shida shouted, swinging an axe at Mu Hantian again.

"You don't have any skills in your attack, Kong has all the strength." Seeing the incoming attack, Mu Hantian fearlessly shook his head.

"Forget it, let's end it! The Underworld God Flow - The Moon of the Blue Sky!" Mu Hantian turned the thin sword in his hand upside down and held the hilt, then turned the blade back and quickly swung the sword. The sword hit Lei Shida's axe, which opened a hole in the axe.

"Sure enough, the thin sword is totally useless." Mu Hantian shook his head slightly, as if dissatisfied with his attack.

"Have I won?"

"It's me who lost!" Lexida said, looking at the notch on the axe.

"Actually, you don't have to be discouraged. Your strength is good, but you don't have skills. If you train more skills, your strength will definitely increase."

"I see, thank you!" After speaking, he looked at Julis again, and said, "Yulis, I will definitely become stronger, wait for me to challenge you!" The two attendants left.

"Ah, that's great, so I can live in a single room."

"You beat Resta just to live in a single room?" Julis didn't know how to complain.

"Of course, in fact any of the 'Starting Page Twelve' can be used, but I just searched all afternoon and couldn't find it." Mu Hantian smiled and shrugged.

"You really..."

"By the way, Julis, why are you fighting in such a dangerous place?"


"I have heard that you are the princess of a certain country?"

"I am indeed the first princess of Lezetania, but so what? The students in this city are more or less fighting for what can only be obtained here. This has nothing to do with title or status. It doesn't matter at all." Although Julis' tone was calm, Mu Hantian could still feel her strong and unyielding will.

"What does Julis want?"

Julis answered Mu Hantian unexpectedly and readily. "Money, I need money!"

"Money? Aren't you a princess? How..."

"Do you think that my princess really has that much power? That country... is just a puppet of a unified corporate consortium."

"Hey, can I know why? Why do you need money."

"For my friends!" Julis answered affirmatively, and her eyes became more determined.

"Well, I understand."

"I want to dominate all the 'star martial arts festivals' this season. That's my goal."


"That's right, the first goal is the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', at least we must win the championship in this competition."

The prize money of the 'Xingwu Festival' depends on the score in the game. It is said that as long as you win the championship once, the bonus is enough to make people enjoy it for a lifetime.

"Oh, so you're looking for a partner?"

"That's right! Don't think about it, the reason I haven't found a partner is not because I don't have friends? No, it's true that I don't have friends in the school, but it's a different matter. It's just because no one can It's just my partner's eligibility criteria."

"Then let me ask, what kind of partner do you want?"

"Well... First of all, the strength must be comparable to mine - but this condition is too high, so at least you must have the fighting ability of the 'First Page Twelve' level, innocent, quick-witted, strong-willed, and at the same time implied A noble knight or something."

"Really? I feel like I fit in perfectly." After saying this, Mu Hantian smiled slightly, waved to Julis, and turned to leave.

"Completely? I know it, and it's up to you." Looking at Mu Hantian's departure, Julis made a decision.

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