Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 660: material

After saying goodbye to Julis, Mu Hantian arrived at the boys' dormitory. Although he had already defeated Lei Shida, one of the 'starting page 12', he could only go to a single room tomorrow, so he could only live with Yingying tonight. Shirou squeezed into a room.

The school building is sandwiched between the boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory. Compared with the classical European-style buildings of the girls' dormitory, the boys' dormitory is a very ordinary building.

"Where is Room 211?"

Although there are separate buildings from each other, it is very strange that students from the middle and university departments can be seen on the shared floor at the same time. All the students who passed by looked at Ayato curiously, which made people feel overwhelmed. But Mu Hantian was used to it, so he just smiled back.

Finally, Mu Hantian found the room. Room 211 was at the corner of the second floor, and the brand new nameplate also had the name 'Mu Hantian' printed on it.

"Yo, I'm back, haven't I found the 'Twelve People on the First Page'? Do you want me to provide you with information? Of course, this will charge money."

After Mu Hantian knocked on the door, he opened the door of the room, only to see Yingshilang lying on the bed waving his hand as if he were welcoming back.

"Uh, no, I have already defeated Lei Shida, but it is not easy to move so late, so I have to stay here for one night." Mu Hantian said.

"Resta? Is that Resta Markfield? You are really amazing. He is the first year of Star Guide Academy, ranked ninth in the 'Starting Page Twelve'. He is good at using the pure power of his physique. In combat, few people can beat close combat. On the other hand, people with abilities such as 'witch' or 'magician' are often caught in a hard fight. The weapon used is an axe-shaped brilliant weapon 'Lion Tomahawk'. According to you Judging from the performance in the morning, you can defeat him, which shows that your melee ability is very strong!"

"It's okay!" Mu Hantian touched the back of his head with an embarrassed expression.

"Yobuki, how is your strength?"

"Me? I've given up on the 'Xingwu Festival'."

"Give up?" Mu Hantian didn't understand what this meant.

"That's right. Although they are all members of the 'Xingmai Generation', not everyone can make a breakthrough here. As long as they stay here, even if they are unwilling, they will be forced to face the gap in strength. A barrier that can never be crossed. So the point is, what can these guys who give up the game do.”

"Do something?"

Seeing that Mu Hantian was lost in thought, Yingshirou laughed and raised his chest at the same time. "It's very simple, just look for something worth doing other than the 'Xingwu Festival', something interesting, or a way to make money. As for me, it's the news agency."

"But I've never heard that news agencies can make money." Mu Hantian couldn't imagine how to "make money" for students' club activities. Generally speaking, these clubs also need funding from the school. (ps: I am the author too!)

"Come on, you're so rude. Don't underestimate the news agency, you can make a lot of money. You should have seen Asterisk's videos on the Internet or on TV. If those videos are set inside the academy, it's almost impossible. They were all filmed by the student reporting department. External media organizations are restricted by the agreement and cannot enter the academy.”

"Ah? So that's the case, I understand, Ye Bhui, you guys will carry information on these images and sell them to major media organizations outside."

"That's it." Eishirou smiled with satisfaction and raised a finger at the same time. He went on to say: "There are many other people who have a skill. In terms of the community, the Luoxing Engineering Research Association, which specializes in customizing the transformation of brilliant weapons, has much better technology than the Equipment Bureau. Of course, if you compare it, it's better than not. Alcant, who is known as the No. 1 in technology in the Six Academy, is not very public. In the casinos related to duels in the Academy, most of them are made by students as bankers.”

"Open a casino? Wouldn't that be banned by the academy?"

Yingshirou shook his index finger and explained, "You have to know that in this world, the rich is the uncle. What's more, the senior management of the academy is a consortium of conglomerates."

The conglomerate of conglomerates regard stimulating and revitalizing economic activities as the most important goal. For this purpose, money must flow. Therefore, consumption activities have become a worldwide trend with the help of the fuel. Asterisk was also founded on this concept.

"There is also a simpler way, that is to become a follower of a strong student. Especially after being promoted to the level of 'Twelve People on the First Page', there is a lot of light that can be touched."

"Is that so? So...Is it possible that Lei Shida also has followers?" Mu Hantian thought of the two students standing behind Lei Shida.

"Oh, these two?" Yingshilang operated the phone, and then two more space windows were added.

One is a thin boy, the other is a little fat. The two are the exact opposite in appearance, only the bowing eyes are very similar.

"That's right, it's these two people." Mu Hantian nodded.

"This skinny guy is called Silas Norman. Although he can be regarded as a 'magician', he has no dazzling record. The ability is to manipulate objects. The slightly fat one is called Randy Hook, and he seems to have been listed in the 'famous sacrifice book'. ' once, but it has been squeezed out. The weapon used is a bow-shaped brilliance."

"Wait, you just said that this fat man used a bow?" Mu Hantian suddenly thought of the sudden attack in the morning.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing!" Mu Hantian thought for a while, he felt that Lei Shida should not be such a despicable person, it may be just this person's unilateral, or it may be just a coincidence, after all, there are still many people who use bows, but Mu Hantian Still feel something is wrong.

"By the way, I have another question, did Resta and Julis have any holiday?"

Hearing this question, Eishirou smiled happily. "That's it, I said you, do you really want to chase the princess?"

"Uh, I didn't plan to do that."

"I want to tell you that it's okay, but as I said just now, I have to pay next."

"I understand."

"Yeah!" After receiving Mu Hantian's answer, Yingshilang opened the space window again.

This time it's a video. On the screen is a gorgeous dance of a girl who drives fire to fight.

The girl's opponent is the burly boy. Although he wields a huge battle axe that rivals his height, anyone with a discerning eye can see who is at a disadvantage.

"It was last year's formula ranking battle. At that time, Rystad was fifth and Princess was seventeenth."

"I see, the one who won is Julis."

"Yes, for the princess, this was a commemorative battle on the first page. On the other hand, it was a humiliating defeat for Rishida. Rishida later challenged the princess twice in the official ranking battle. Again, they all failed miserably.”

The official ranking battle is a selection test held once a month by the academy.

Since a duel requires the consent of both parties, a duel can always be refused. In order to prevent students who were once promoted to the upper ranks from passively avoiding battles in order to protect their status, there was such a design that they had to duel once a month. In principle, in the official ranking battle, when the person who is lower in the ranking is designated, the challenge cannot be refused.

"Of course, you can only challenge the same opponent or the same ranking at most twice. If you don't limit it like this, someone will make a fool out of it."

"In other words, Rysta can no longer be designated to challenge Julis in the official ranking battle?"

"Han Tian, ​​you're right, Lei Shi Da has a strong self-esteem and a very impatient personality. He probably won't be reconciled until he succeeds in revenge... Although I don't think he can win." After speaking, Ying Shi Lang put his mobile phone in his pocket. inside.

"what do you think?"

"If it's just based on the movie just now, it's not that there is no chance of winning. But——the eyes are different."


Julis didn't put her eyes on Resta at all. Her eyes looked farther, farther away. On the other hand, Resta only has Julis in his eyes! Mu Hantian sighed in his heart, no wonder Lei Shida couldn't compare to Julis.

"Thank you, Yabuki. So how much will the information cost?"

"Forget it, I'll treat it as free this time. In the future, I'll take the light of you, the Twelve People on the First Page. It's time to go eat! Let's go, Han Tian!" Yingshirou smiled and hugged his arms. Mu Hantian's neck directly dragged Mu Hantian out of the room.

"Wait a minute, night blowing!"

"Our school cafeteria has Japanese and Western food. Which one do you want to eat?"

"This, it's nice..."

"If it's Japanese, today's menu seems to be Yuan-yaki with Tuyu fish, thick fried tofu, stewed radish, and bamboo ... well, your thick fried tofu is mine."


Eishirou grinned, released the hand around his neck, and lightly patted Ayato on the back.

"Don't worry, I'm a good guy."

"Good guy? Hope it's not bragging!" Mu Hantian gave a wry smile and left the room with Yingshilang.

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