Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 661: We are childhood sweethearts

"Did you see it? That's the new special transfer student who arrived today!"

"It's really him? With such a thin and weak body, he can actually defeat Lei Shida?"

"Don't say that, he is now the ninth person in the academy."

"Uh, Ye Bhui, is the news spreading too fast?"

"Well, Han Tian, ​​you have to get used to it. In this academy, news like this cannot be concealed."

"Forget it, let's go eat first, I'm a little hungry." Mu Hantian waved his hand and stopped the topic.

"Let's go then!"


"Well, the food in the academy is not bad." Mu Hantian put the last bit of food into his mouth and said with a smile.

"Of course, although it's not necessarily delicious outside, it's not bad. But... behind you." He pointed his finger behind Mu Hantian.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian turned around and saw a dark figure. Looking up, it was Lei Shida.

"Resta? What's the matter?" Mu Hantian asked.

"You just said that I'm not skilled enough, right?"

"Indeed, what's wrong?" Mu Hantian asked with a puzzled face.

"I want to take you as my teacher, please teach me the skills of fighting." Lei Shida said sincerely.

"Uh, that... it's okay to be a teacher or something. It's no problem to teach you. The 'Xingwu Festival' is coming soon. I also hope that you can be stronger. Let's talk about it tomorrow, that's all."

"I know, Master!" Lei Shida nodded with a smile on his face, and then left.

"Oh, forget it, it's up to you."

"Han Tian, ​​you are really amazing, Lei Shi Da wants to worship you as a teacher." Ying Shi Lang was very surprised.

"Alright, alright, we're almost done eating, so we're going back." Mu Hantian changed the subject, then dragged Yingshilang out of the cafeteria.


"Good morning, Julis."

"Oh, good morning."

Mu Hantian greeted the seat next door, and Julis, who supported her face with her hands, answered Mu Hantian briefly.

At this moment, the class suddenly fell silent.

"Hey, I said, did you hear...?"

"Then... that princess would actually respond!"

"Did I hear it wrong?" Then the classmates started to riot again.

Julis slammed the table hard and stood up abruptly. He shouted: "You guys are very rude! Why won't I respond!" Julis had an indignant expression on her face, but the voices of the classmates did not stop. Seems rather surprised.

"Huh? That person is...?" Mu Hantian saw that there was no one sitting on the left seat yesterday, and someone was sitting today. It was a girl with emerald green hair, lying on the table to sleep.

At this moment, the girl lying on the table sleeping raised her head, first looked around, and then saw Mu Hantian.

"You are... Han Tian?"

"Hey, you are... Shaye?" Her name is Shasha Palace Shaye, a childhood sweetheart arranged by the system for him. According to the system's settings, Mu Hantian is the adopted son of Tianwu's family, and Shasha Palace Shaye and others Tian Wuyao is a companion who played with him when he was a child.

At this moment, Ying Shilang, who was behind Mu Hantian, seemed to have found a new toy, and leaned over with twinkling eyes.

"What's the matter, do you know each other?"

"Well, yes, we are old friends, we should be childhood sweethearts." Mu Hantian replied.

"Childhood friends?" Yingshirou looked at the two with a puzzled look.

"Then how could you not know that she is a student in our class?"

"It's like this. Although we are childhood sweethearts, we haven't seen each other for six years since Sha Ye moved abroad."

"Oh, but her reaction wasn't very enthusiastic."

Sha Ye's expression did not change at all, she just kept staring at Mu Hantian.

"That's right, but she's always been like that. So she should be surprised too? Probably."

"Really?" Yingshirou looked suspicious.

"Hantian, how are you doing?" At this time, the expressionless Sha Ye suddenly spoke.

"It's alright, but then again, Saya, you still haven't changed at all. It always feels like it's the same as before."

Hearing this, Saya shook her head. "No, I do grow taller."

"Eh? Really?" Mu Hantian compared the memory given by the system, and at the same time stared intently at the childhood sweetheart whom he reunited by chance.

Big piercing eyes and a tender face. Compared with the day when Mu Hantian finally said goodbye, there was almost no change in height. No one would object to her being a primary school student. Since there is almost no change in the expression, it is as cute as a doll in both positive and negative senses.

"Sure enough, nothing has changed."

"No, it's Hantian, you are too tall." At this time, Sha Ye suddenly puffed out her cheeks.

"But it doesn't matter, I plan to grow as tall as the current Hantian around next year. You should grow taller in Hantian, so this is just the right balance." Sha Ye nodded eloquently alone.

Eh, it is an impossible task for a person to grow thirty centimeters taller in a year. Mu Hantian was very speechless, how could people grow so fast, and it is impossible to take hormones.

"By the way, Sha Ye, is his uncle okay?"

Sa Ye's father is a scientist of Luoxing Engineering, and he specializes in the development of Huang-style weapons - the reason why the Shasha Palace family will move is also related to work.

"Too energetic, I hope he can be a little more self-respecting."

"Haha, listening to you, it doesn't seem like my uncle has changed at all." According to the impression in memory, to put it bluntly, he is a mad scientist.

"I will come to this academy because my father asked me to come."

"Did your uncle call you here?"

Saya took out the activator of the Kwang-style armament from the sleeve on her uniform. A large automatic pistol appeared instantly after the grip-type activator was activated. Saya's series of movements are very smooth, which shows that she is very familiar with this weapon.

"Dad called me to advertise the gun he made."

"Just for publicity?"

"Oh, don't look down on people so much. If you can become famous here, the publicity effect is hard to estimate. In fact, even the conglomerate that runs this place seems to have half the purpose of publicity." Eishirou interrupted to explain.

"But is Saya willing to do this?"

"I have my own reasons, so it doesn't matter." Sha Ye replied to Mu Hantian as if nothing had happened.

"By the way, Sasha Palace, you applied for permission to go out right after entering school. What happened?" At this time, Yingshirou asked such a question.

Although Asterisk is located in the territory of Japan, it enjoys full extraterritorial jurisdiction. Therefore, when you want to leave Asterisk, you must have a valid reason and the permission of the school you belong to.

"I haven't got permission yet, what's wrong?"

"No, I wonder if you don't need permission anymore. After all..." Eishirou grinned and suddenly closed his mouth halfway through. Because Saya took out a gun and stuck it to his throat.

"I advise you not to speculate."

"Okay, I got it. Sorry, sorry." Yingshirou pushed the muzzle of the gun with his chin and raised his hands in surrender.

"Although I don't know why, Saya's personality is unexpectedly excited, so it's better to be careful."

"Please, can you talk about this kind of thing first?"

"Alright, alright, take me back to my seat. The class meeting is about to start." Before he knew it, the teacher, Kuang Zi, had already walked into the classroom with sleepy eyes.

The spiked bat in her hand dragged on the ground, making a shrill noise, which still made people feel inexplicably terrifying.

"Over there, don't brandish your weapons in the classroom... Aren't you Shasha Palace?"

"Good morning, teacher."

"Girl, why did you ask for leave yesterday? Explain it to me." Kuang Zi dragged his bat and came to Sha Ye with a creaking noise, looking down at Sha Ye with his hands crossed.

"Just overslept."

"Huh? It turned out to be oversleep."


"it hurts."

"Idiot! This is your first time! Give me advice next time on vacation!"

Sha Ye, who was punched, was still expressionless, but there were some tears in her eyes.

"Haha, Sha Ye still can't seem to get up in the morning."

"I can't resist the temptation of the quilt." Sha Ye replied to Mu Hantian with a blank expression.

Julis, who was seated next door, looked at the interaction between Mu Hantian and Sha Ye with a dull expression on her face. Inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes.

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