"Master, can we start?" In a training room, Mu Hantian and Lei Shida stood together.

"Well, it's time to start. Listen to me, your strength is very good, but your speed is not at all good. If your opponent fights you for a long time, you will definitely suffer, so the first thing we need to train is your agility. "Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Master, rest assured, I can accept any training." Lei Shida patted his chest and said firmly.

"Very good, then let's start, you can't use the 'star power' to hide." Mu Hantian pointed to the tennis launcher beside him, (ps: It's the kind of machine that can quickly launch tennis balls, which was used by Zeng Xiaoxian. That thing.) said to Resta.

"No problem, Master."

"Do you think it's easy? No, this machine is ten times as fast."

"It's okay, I can do it!"

"Well, let's get started!" After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he placed the tennis launcher beside him at a certain distance, and then started it up. Lei Shida held the tennis racket and stood opposite.


All afternoon, Lei Shida was repeating the same action, and couldn't help but use the 'star power', but he was immediately beaten by Mu Hantian.

"Resta, your speed and strength have improved a bit, but it's not enough, but it's already so dark today, come back the day after tomorrow, I promised Julis to visit the city block with her tomorrow."

"I know."

"That's it, I will put this thing here, you can do it yourself tomorrow, and we will train new ones the day after tomorrow." Mu Hantian glanced at Lei Shida and said lightly.



the next day:

"It's been a long wait, Julis. Did you make you wait a long time?"

"No, I've only just arrived. It's a compliment to actually arrive before the appointed time. But you look dumbfounded. Don't you know it makes you look dumbfounded?"

"No, it's you who looks too good today."

When he came to the main entrance of the meeting place, Mu Hantian froze in place when he saw the appearance of Julis.

The black and pink girly one-piece dress has a slightly shorter hem, and her slender thighs are exposed under knee-high stockings with frills. He holds a short umbrella in his hand, which is different from his usual image, very girly.

"Oh, you mean, didn't I look good before?"

"Ah, no, sorry! No, how should I say it... It's very different from the usual image."

"Yes, is it?"

"Well, but it suits you well."

"What! Stupid... Stupid! Don't talk about such a shameful thing!" While Julis said, she turned her head away with a blushing face.

"And I just grabbed a few clothes from my country, not just for you." Julis muttered for a while with a shy or angry expression on her face. Then his eyes turned back to Mu Hantian, and he said with great interest.

"Okay, let's go!" There was no way of knowing if Julis knew Mu Hantian's mood, but she was very happy to walk away.

The city block of Asterisk is mainly divided into the outer residential area and the central area.

The outer edge of the residential area has a light rail tram loop line passing through it, connecting the harbor area and the residential area on the edge, and even the Sixth Academy.

In contrast, the central area uses the subway as the main means of transportation. It seems to be designed to prevent the students' duels from affecting traffic. The central area is further subdivided into commercial and administrative areas, in which there are scattered stages.

Julis and Mu Hantian came to the main stage of the 'Xingwu Festival' in the central district.

"This is the main stage known as the largest in Asterisk, and the championship battle of the 'Xingwu Festival' is held here." Facing the majestic dome building, Julis continued to explain.

It can accommodate 100,000 people here, and when the 'Xingwu Festival' is held, it is always crowded with audiences. There are still sights of tourists taking commemorative photos everywhere.

"It is said that this dome is modeled after the Colosseum, but it is completely different. There are also three large-scale stages and seven medium-scale stages. There are countless small-scale outdoor stages."

"Oh, there are so many."

"That's right, even in a duel in the city district, in principle, etiquette must be observed and performed on stage. However, it seems that everyone does not follow it."

"So they are all dueling on the main road?" Mu Hantian expressed doubts.


"Fuck, it's too dangerous to say it again, right?" Mu Hantian thought to himself, just like Julis, if he launched the previous attack indiscriminately, it would instantly turn the surrounding area into scorched earth.

"The residents here are prepared. Tourists are the same. If they don't sign the relevant guarantee, Asterisk will not be able to enter. In addition, if the shop or home is damaged, basically they will compensate."

"It's really messed up, but I don't understand, since it's so dangerous, why are everyone still willing to rush to come here."

"From a corporate point of view, opening a store in Asterisk is the benchmark and has a promotional role, so it has to be done. And depending on the event, the entire Chuo City may become the stage for the event."

"Okay, where are you going next? Do you want to continue walking around here?"

"No, that's fine."

"Well, then let's go to the administrative district and go to the treatment center. There are 'witches' or 'magicians' with healing abilities, so players who were seriously injured in the 'Xingwu Festival' will be sent to the hospital. Treatment is there. However, in order to maintain fairness, minor injuries at the level of fractures can only be treated with ordinary treatment.”

Healing abilities are very rare. Therefore, in order to allow students from any academy to receive equal treatment, the injured will be concentrated in the treatment center directly under Asterisk according to the agreement.

However, in order to prevent manpower shortages, only critically ill patients who are dying or who may have sequelae can receive treatment from those who are capable.

"Next... By the way, it's not bad to visit the redevelopment zone. Some parts of that area have become slums, which have become a hidden danger to public security. If you accidentally break into it, it will be even more dangerous."

Those who couldn't get along in the academy for various reasons, or the criminals of the 'Spiritual Generation' who escaped into Asterisk from the outside, hid in the slums.

As disturbing as it may sound, this grey area is bound to arise wherever so many people gather.

"By the way, Saya once said that she wanted to go shopping, but she got lost in a strange place. It seems that there are a lot of dilapidated buildings and closed stores."

"That must be the redevelopment area. But shouldn't you usually go to the commercial area to buy things? Why go there?"

"Sha Ye's Lu Chi is notorious." Mu Hantian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Okay, next we..."

"Yulis, let's go eat first, I think you are hungry too?" Mu Hantian suggested as he watched Julis open the space window map and ponder.

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