"Um... um, it's indeed time for lunch, but..." Julis looked at her watch, looking a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

"No, this... It's okay to have lunch, but which store should I go to?"

"There should be a lot of shops in the commercial area, right? But I heard that there are expensive shops there?"

"That's not what I meant, how should I say it. Anyway... I'm sorry!" After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Julis suddenly bowed her head and apologized.


"I, this, rarely... I should say I have hardly been to the business district. So when this happens, I don't know which restaurant to take you to for lunch."


"I was supposed to show you, what a shame... No, no, I actually found it on the Internet first! Look!" Julis took out her phone from her arms and displayed some pages. It appears to be a page from a word-of-mouth website. However, these pages almost made Mu Hantian's jaw drop.

All Julis looked for were ultra-high-end famous stores, and the price of tourist attractions was nothing compared to that. Compared with the price of ordinary lunch, it is about two zeros more. And they are all stores that require an appointment to enter.

"Uh, will the prices of these stores..." Mu Hantian didn't say it clearly, but Julis still knew what he wanted to say.

"I also know that the amount of these stores is not very close to the people! But I searched from the names I have heard and only found these results! No matter how high the evaluation is, I dare not take people to the store that I have never been to. what!"

"Haha, I see. Then let's just wander around and go in if we see a good store. How's it going, Julis?"

"Is this okay?" Julis said hesitantly.

"As long as you're fine."

"I'm fine. I should say...you, are you going to be angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Mu Hantian showed a puzzled expression when he saw Julis asking anxiously.

"Because... it's obviously because I'm not well prepared, right?" Julis said in a very serious tone.

"Yulis, you don't have to care too much, it will be very tiring to always go straight like this."

"Even if you say that, I'm usually like this, I can't help it!" Julis puffed up her cheeks and turned her face aside.

"You always take all the responsibility on you, and I'm more worried that you will collapse because you can't stand it."

"I carry these burdens on purpose, because that's how I live. You're the more worrisome, in my opinion. Casual, irresponsible. You should be a little more responsible, too? down to earth."

responsibility? Me too, for all the world.

After hearing Julis' words, Mu Hantian's expression changed slightly, but he recovered immediately. "Juris, anyway, let's go to the business district first." Some reluctantly changed the topic.

Julis did not continue to speak. Therefore, the two went directly to the most lively main street in the business district.

"Wow, that's a lot of people."

"Well, because today is a holiday."

The neatly paved flagstone roads were crowded with students. All of them were of course dressed in civilian clothes, because they knew they were students because they saw the school badge on them. At Asterisk, one of the obligations of students is to wear the school badge even on holidays.

The commercial area appears to be closed to vehicles except at certain times, so now there are only pedestrians on the road.

There are various shops on both sides of the road, and this area seems to be the distribution center for restaurants. According to the price list posted outside the store, the price is relatively affordable.

"Then just pick one nearby." Mu Hantian turned around and asked, but he didn't see Julis.

"Huh?" After looking around for a while, she found Julis with bright rose-colored hair standing not far from the previous road.

"What's the matter, I was shocked when you suddenly disappeared." Mu Hantian breathed a sigh of relief, walked over and said.

But at this time, Julis suddenly faced Mu Hantian suddenly. Point to a shop and say, "Can I have lunch here?"

"Here?" Mu Hantian's eyes followed the direction that Julis pointed. What Julis was looking at was a burger chain. Although its popularity is similar to the famous stores that Julis has searched on the Internet, the price is not that expensive.

"Are you okay?" Mu Hantian looked at Julis.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's here!"

After entering the store, Mu Hantian thought that as a princess, she chose this kind of store out of curiosity, but she was quite skilled in ordering and paying. Let Mu Hantian look at him sideways.

Mu Hantian also ordered hamburgers and cokes, and sat on the outdoor seat with Julis.

"This seems to be the second time to ask you, are you really a princess?"

"what do you mean?"

"Because the average princess wouldn't come to a burger chain at all, would she?"

"That's just prejudice. You have a counter-example in front of you, so accept the facts."

"That's right." Mu Hantian also nibbled at his hamburger while leaning back on the chair.

"This is what my friends taught me."


"What's your expression? Of course I have friends. But it's not here, it's my own country."

"But ah, this kind of store can't be found on the word-of-mouth website, why?" Julis looked at Mu Hantian and asked.

"Of course, no one will log in to this kind of store specially."

"Why? Isn't it delicious?" Julis' expression felt incredible from the bottom of her heart.

"Because those restaurants are serious restaurants, there is no such food." Mu Hantian explained.

"Well, you're right to say so." Julis thought for a while and accepted Mu Hantian's statement.


In the end, after Julis led Mu Hantian to visit, it was already sunset.

"Thank you so much for today, Julis. Not only did I learn a lot, but I also enjoyed it."

"Really... no, I've said it many times, it's just because I owe you a favor. So you don't have to thank me."

The two walked on the street at dusk and slowly walked towards the subway station. Suddenly, there was a commotion from the direction of the station.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Mu Hantian asked, and when he approached Julis, it seemed that two groups of students were quarreling, yelling at each other, and there were about a dozen of them.

There are some people who are far away waiting to watch the excitement, but most of them don't seem to want to be involved, so they speed up and pass by.

"That's Rewof's students. They're still the same, always doing stupid things." Julis said with some disgust.

Of course, Mu Hantian knew what she hated, and Leiwolf Black Academy was known for being the most belligerent of the six academies. The school spirit takes victory as the absolute priority, and there are almost no school rules at all.

As a result, Rewolf had many students of bad character. According to statistics, most of the dropouts in the slums were born in Rewove.

"Juris, it seems that two groups of people clashed... ah, let's do it."

It looked like the eldest student was pushed away by another group of students, causing both sides to show their weapons at the same time. Thinking about it, in the blink of an eye, the two sides turned from a quarrel into a big fight.

Many people scattered around, and began to find people to duel everywhere.

"Oops, we're surrounded."

"Huh?" Just as Mu Hantian was about to ask what was going on, the student holding a dagger armed with a brilliance suddenly stabbed him from behind.

"Damn, you dare to sneak attack on me." Mu Hantian avoided the attack with light steps. He could feel that the attack just now was clearly aimed at him.

However, the man immediately mixed into the chaos and disappeared without a trace.

Unknowingly, Mu Hantian and Julis were surrounded by Leiwof students who had skirmished around them.

"I've heard that Rewof's idiots often use this method when they sneak up on people on the road. Like this, they surround the target during the fight and teach the opponent a lesson. Finally, pretend that the target is accidentally affected by the fight." .But it's the first time I've encountered it." Saying that, the students who were attacked by Julis confronted him.

"So, the quarrel just now is an illusion, right!" Mu Hantian looked at all the students around him, and the fight looked fake. Moreover, they peeped at Mu Hantian and Julis with sharp eyes from time to time.

"That's right, but I didn't expect them to spend so much trouble. They should have all applied for formal duel procedures. Even if they are transferred to the guards, they can find a reason to justify it."

"So, the person who attacked Julis before was sent by Levoff?"

"No, as long as they have money, those little scumbags will do anything dirty. So it's not necessarily them—hey!" Julis avoided the flying brilliance-style armed arrows, and at the same time showed malicious intent. smile.

"What's more, these people are all unpopular."

"So, should we fight back now?" Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"It goes without saying that this situation is an obvious self-defense. Just beat them up before asking questions."

"Well, it's up to you." In fact, Mu Hantian decided that 80% of the chaotic fight was designed to expose Julis' flaws. The attackers may have been hiding somewhere ready to strike.

"Then leave it to me. With this level of stuff, even if I stay vigilant, I can cook them." As Julis's words fell, flames began to dance around Julis.

"It's good to bake you half-cooked."

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