Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 670: the truth

"What's your purpose!"

"Oh, don't be in such a hurry. For me, of course it would be better if we could communicate peacefully. I came out with you in hopes of communicating." Silas smiled fearlessly.

"How long do you have to keep your eyes open and talk nonsense?"

"No no no, I mean it. I also try my best to avoid confrontation with you." Silas tried his best to defend, but his calm attitude remained unchanged.

Before coming here, Julis did some research. Silas is not only outside the rankings, but also has no experience in participating in formula ranking battles. His strength is unknown. And there were at least three attackers, even if one of the men in black was Silas, there should be two other accomplices.

"I know, just listen to what you have to say." Julis believes that it is best to see what the opponent will do first, and it is also good to attack later.

"That's right. Actually, like you, I came here to make money. So I always thought that we both had the same goal." Silas also nodded with a arrogant smile, and then continued: "You should You know, my condition is that you have to give up participating in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'. Also, it would be better if you can testify that I have nothing to do with this attack."

"Oh, is this any good for me?"

"Of course there is, isn't it enough to guarantee the safety of you and that Mu Hantian?"

"You idiots are talking about dreams." Julis bluntly refused.

"As long as I beat you here, I don't need to talk so much. Besides, even if I keep silent, the student council should have locked you in."

"I have my own way to do it over there. After all, there is no evidence to prove that I did it," Silas said.

"Oh, is that really true?" The sudden teasing sound made Silas's face look ugly.

"It's you!"

"That's right!...Sorry, Julis, it's late, but you're serious, aren't we partners? Why don't you tell me, come here alone, if it weren't for Saya and Claudia , I still can't find it here." Mu Hantian said.

"Hmph, well, I'll catch you all today." Silas snorted coldly and said nothing. With his wave, countless figures suddenly appeared in the shadow of the building.

"What! Actually..." Julis didn't expect that there were so many people hidden here. She didn't notice it at all.

"Yulis, don't worry, these are not human beings." Mu Hantian smiled fearlessly as he looked at the figures surrounding him.

"You're right, they are really just puppets, but..." Silas smiled after hearing Mu Hantian's words. Along with his smile, more and more puppets appeared, and soon the surrounding The space is full.

"Here is the maximum number I can manipulate at the same time, a total of 128 dolls. If you can knock them all down, then I can only surrender, if you can't, I'm sorry , I can only ask you to die. By the way, these dolls are specially made. In order to deal with you, Julis, the heat resistance limit has been specially increased."

"Really? Let's see how this move works! Let's bloom! Swallow the dragon and bite the flame flower!" I saw a magic circle appear on the track drawn by Julis' rapier, and then a violent heat wave burst out from the magic circle. Immediately afterwards, a huge flame dragon appeared as if it was about to break through the magic circle.

"Oh, this is the first time I've seen this move." Silas whispered in admiration.

It's no wonder, after all, this is one of Julis' sure-kill trump cards, and it's impossible for others to see it easily.

The flame dragon's roar shook the air around it, and then the dragon jaws shattered the puppet in front of Julis.

"Oh, can't you?" Even though the heat resistance limit of the special doll was raised, it was helpless under the overwhelming destructive force.

"It's really amazing. It's really not just talking about being ranked fifth. But, there are so many dolls here, can you do it?"

"I'll see if it works or not, but I just realized something." Mu Hantian said with a light smile.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"It's the person behind your backroom, the Alacante College, that's right!"

Mu Hantian's words made the smile on Silas' face disappear.

"You said just now that these dolls are specially made. But where did you get the dolls that can defend against Julis? Not to mention that it is technically impossible to produce so much garden."

"Really sharp - but then I can't let you all survive."

"Come and try, Julis, protect yourself!"

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself." Julis replied.

"Well, then, this should be the first time I use you, please advise, 'Black Furnace Devil Sword'" Mu Hantian finished speaking, took off the starter of the 'Black Furnace Devil Sword' from his belt, Open it, and in an instant, a sword of light is born in the middle. The blade is pure white like fresh snow, and black patterns appear at some point. No, it should be said that the pattern really floated away from the sword body, as if it was wrapped around the sword body.

"That's the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'?"

"Yes, but the original 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' was too big, so it has now become like this according to my will." Mu Hantian said.

"Hmph, so what if you have the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'. Next, I'll do my best." Following Silas's words, the messy puppets just now began to form a neat formation.

The front guard is a long-handed weapon such as a spear and a tomahawk, the rear guard is a firearm or a crossbow, and the gap is filled by a figure holding a sword and a hand axe. The last column was overseen by Silas himself.

"This is the essence of my 'merciless puppet army'! The destructive power is equivalent to a military squadron. If you have the ability to challenge, just come!"

The avant-garde puppet suddenly dashed forward.

Mu Hantian jumped up instantly to dodge the tip of the spear that stabbed at him together, but the light bullet had already been aimed at Lingtou and fired. Mu Hantian quickly chopped it to pieces with the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', and this time the puppet with the sword changed and attacked the flaw where Mu Hantian landed on the ground. Mu Hantian hurriedly backed away.

"Hmph... It's really a shame you can dodge. But don't you just keep dodging?" Seeing Mu Hantian's constant defense, Silas showed a provocative smile.

"No, I was just thinking. Now, I fully understand the blow just now."

"fully understand?"

"That's right, Silas, there are at most six dolls that you can drive individually, right?"

Silas frowned in surprise, and said angrily, "I thought you were going to say something...Is there something wrong with your eyes? Am I driving more than a hundred dolls now?"

"Just look at it. There are six kinds that can move completely freely, and the others can only perform a certain degree of patterned action, but there are only about sixteen at most. The rest of the dolls can only pull the trigger. It's just a simple gesture like waving your wrist."

"This move should be used for bluffing at best. But I also fully understand why you only dare to attack others. If you use this rough ability to duel with others, you will be exposed immediately."

Silas shivered slightly. His reaction clearly showed that Mu Hantian's words were completely correct.

"By the way, there are sixteen types of six types, do you have the impression of chess?"

Generally speaking, the abilities of a 'witch' or a 'magician' are self-constructing specific impressions. Like Julis' flowers, Silas is associated with chess pieces.

"Maybe you called yourself a chess player just now, but your chess skills don't seem to be very good."

"You bastard!" Silas yelled, blushing. "Kill him! Kill him for me!"

The avant-garde puppet attacked again, but Mu Hantian did not hide. I saw Mu Hantian walking towards the black doll army, waving the magic sword in his hand at will.

With just a random wave, the three puppets charged with spears were split in half almost simultaneously. Mu Hantian used his unusual sword speed, as if pushing away a bug, only to see the puppets fall down one by one.

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