Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 671: untold secret

"It's useless. Silas, these so-called puppets of yours are just ordinary puppets to me." Mu Hantian didn't even look at the tip of his sword. I saw the puppet throw itself into the net like a moth to a flame, melting with a hissing sound.

"Okay, it's almost time to end this farce." As soon as Mu Hantian finished speaking, he rushed into the core of the doll army. Every time the magic sword flashed, the number of dolls continued to decrease.

Several dolls tried to defend against Mu Hantian's attack, but to no avail. The power of the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' was too powerful, and ordinary brilliant weapons could not fight against it at all, and the moment it touched it, it broke into two pieces together with the light blade. The dolls hiding behind pillars or rubble and preparing to snipe, also burnt like cutting butter together with the cover at a speed as fast as a black gust of wind.

Facing this overwhelming force, Julis couldn't help trembling.

A completely indefensible magic sword? Even if it is pure star brilliance-style armament, this is too messy.

Even if he had to dodge Qi Feng, Mu Hantian's sword speed was too fast.

It's less than three minutes. In such a short period of time, Silas's more than 100 dolls have all been reduced to wreckage. Even the black doll that had been heat-resistant against Julis lay on the ground in two halves.

" could this's impossible!" Silas was completely at a loss when he saw the scene in front of him. As soon as Mu Hantian's sword pointed at him, Silas immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

"Game over, Silas."

"No... not yet... it's not over yet! I still have the last card." Although Silas fell to the ground, he still waved his arms vigorously.

At the same time, the pile of rubble behind him scattered, and a huge figure appeared from it.

This puppet was five times the size of the other puppets, and if it wasn't for the sky-piercing roof, it would have even hit the ceiling. Wrists and feet are as thick as the pillars of this abandoned building. Although it still looks like a human, its body size is closer to that of a gorilla.

"Hahaha! Come on, my queen! Kill him for me!"

The queen obeyed Silas' orders and attacked Mu Hantian with agility that surpassed that of the giant body.

Facing the attack, Mu Hantian only sighed lightly and grasped the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' again. Just as the huge fist was about to crush the two of them, the blade flashed.

"Rear the sky, the **** of the underworld—the **** of death is coming!"

Even if you saw Julis from a very close distance, she didn't know what Mu Hantian had done just now.

I thought the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' was flashing, but in the next instant, the giant doll's hands and feet were cut off, and it fell to the ground with a bang. The doll's body has marks that the sword has been slashed. What kind of attack can cause such damage? This confused Julis very much.

Silas was really speechless now.

After Mu Hantian approached, Silas ran away with a distorted expression.

"Hey, hey!" I saw him staggering and burrowing into the wreckage of the doll with a sad face.

"Don't give up yet." Although Mu Hantian frowned impatiently, he immediately showed a stern expression.

Just as Mu Hantian rushed forward, Silas was one step ahead. Silas, who grabbed the remains of the doll, floated lightly. To be precise, it was the remains of the doll that floated, but basically there was no difference. I saw Silas accelerate in one breath and escape into the air.

"Sorry, Julis. I'll go after him, can you wait for me here?"

"Yes, yes, but can you catch up?" Julis asked.

"What do you think?"

"I think you can, but ah, we are partners, so..." Julis smiled boldly, while concentrating on the stars.

"Bloom it - Bird of Paradise Lantern Wings!" Following Julis's words, Wan Ying Su concentrated and spread out several wings of flames on Mu Hantian's back.

"Go, this time, you must teach that despicable guy a lesson!"

"Princess wouldn't talk like this." Mu Hantian smiled lightly, then waved his wings and chased after him.

In an instant, he rushed out of the roof with an astonishing explosive force and jumped out of the sky reddened by the setting sun. Accelerating further, Mu Hantian chased Silas in a rush, then turned around instantly. Mu Hantian's sword tip slashed at the puppet master whose eyes widened in fright.

"It's a real general this time, Silas Norman. Drink!"

"Stop, don't ah ah ah ah..." The two sides passed by in a flash.

The wreckage of the doll shattered into pieces, and Silas, who was screaming in agony, fell to the bottom of the abandoned building.

Since he is the 'Star Vessel Generation', this height will not kill him.


"Claudia and the others are still waiting, I'll leave it to them next."

"That's fine!" Julis closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

A lot has happened, but it's over for now. The strong wind whistling by felt very comfortable.

"Juris, the scenery here is not bad."

Hearing Mu Hantian's murmur, Julis looked around again. "Yes, it is indeed a superb view."

The sunset, which gradually went down to the west, dyed the whole city red. The streets, the sky and the lake are all bright red.

Julis and Mu Hantian quietly looked at each other and smiled.


Silas Norman shuffled, desperately fleeing into the alley of the redevelopment area.

Although the cushion formed by the concentrated doll remains can barely offset part of the impact of the fall, it is impossible to escape unscathed. Silas had several broken bones, and pain like electric shocks ran through his body.

But he still didn't stop. The "movie star", a secret agency under the direct jurisdiction of the integrated corporate consortium, has already been dispatched and cannot be caught no matter what. They will definitely use all means to press for all the information they know, and in the end...

"Damn! Why! Why don't you answer the phone! If I get caught, they'll have a headache too!"

"Aren't you exalting yourself too much? Classmate Norman."


The person standing in the dark to block Silas's path was a blond girl.

"Student President!" She held a strangely shaped sword in each of her hands. The patterns of the swords are like eyeballs, and the pair of swords look like monster eyes.

The pure star-brilliant weapon 'Pandora', although Silas saw this pair of notorious double swords for the first time, he had already heard about its abilities.

"To them, you're just a throwaway, what a pity."

"Can you make a deal, student council president?"

"Deal? With me?"

"Everything! I'll tell you everything I know! So I want you to keep me safe! Don't hand me over to the 'movie star', but to the regular ethics committee!"

Claudia tilted her head and made a short sentence. "But then, is there any benefit to me?"

Hearing her answer, Silas snickered inwardly. As long as there is room for negotiation, there is still a chance to turn around.

"The 'movie star' will definitely deal with me in private. But if the disciplinary committee is in charge, this matter has to be left in the sun. Then you can use me as a diplomatic bargaining chip, how about it!"

"Um..." Claudia fell into deep thought and closed her eyes.

Seeing a great opportunity, Silas continued to agitate the three-inch tongue. "You and I should be the same type of people who use others as pawns in the chess game. Idiots may criticize this, but using the available chips in the most suitable place is the iron rule of chess victory. This point You should understand, right?"

"It turns out does make sense."

Hearing this sentence, Silas's expression suddenly relaxed.

But Claudia smiled and said, "But I'm very different from you, Norman."


"You seem to think of yourself as a chess player, but I consider myself a part of the chess game. Wouldn't it be boring if it wasn't?"

Then she laughed happily. "And—instead of making it public as a diplomatic bargaining chip, it's better to settle it privately and sell Alcant a favor. It's better for me that way."

Silas' face was bloodless, his feet were shaking.

"Uh, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." With the shrill screams, Silas played his last trump card.

I saw that he manipulated the knife hidden in his clothes beforehand and launched a sneak attack on Claudia. There was absolutely no way to dodge at this distance, and Silas had absolute confidence in the perfect timing.


"Oh, you don't know what this kid is capable of, right?" Claudia flicked off his knife as if she knew Silas would sneak attack.

The sneak attack was a complete failure.

The deflected knife landed, right next to the heel of Silas, who was about to escape.


"There's no need to be so afraid, because you still have value. But that's only for now." Claudia showed her usual smile. Her eyes, however, were frosty, and Silas was so frightened that his feet were rooting.

"Goodbye then." With a soft voice, Claudia swung her swords like a dance. Silas spurted blood from his entire body when the two eyes depicted on the hilt glowed strangely.

"This, this is 'Pandora'..." I saw him kneeling on his legs and fell directly to the ground.

In the pure star-bright armament proud of the Star Guide Museum, this magic sword hides a unique ability to foresee the future. The school badge on Silas's chest also cracked. When he was confused, he felt someone approaching.

"Please! Are you going to do it again?" The boy who appeared faintly from the shadow of the streetlight greeted Claudia in a relaxed tone.

"Don't worry, in short, throw him into the punishment room first. The aftermath will be handed over to you 'movie stars', be sure to get all the information out."

"Of course, we rely on this to eat." The young man glanced at Silas, who was lying on the side, and shrugged his shoulders irrelevantly. As if you were an outsider.

"By the way, how are the two of them?"

"Well, Julis has contacted me just now, and it seems to be going well."

"Then why are you still not happy?"

"Oops... I'll be seen by you, does it mean that my skills are not at home yet?"

"If you're really so unwilling, why don't you go with us?" the boy said noncommittally.

"No way, I also have a job that belongs to me."

"Oh, is that the only reason?"

The boy smiled and teased Claudia. I saw Claudia still smiling, pressing the tip of her sword against him.

"Did the higher-ups order you to inquire about my details? Yowuki Eishirou-san?"

"No, no, absolutely not!" The boy, no, it was Ying Shirou, shook his head quickly, but still had a smile on his face.

"I'm just curious. In fact, it would be nice if you could handle it completely."

Claudia lowered her head sadly instead of answering, sighed and said in a low voice, "No way. It's a pity, but I'll give Julis the chance this time. After all—the wonderful show has just been unveiled. What. Besides, even if he is alone, there is no problem. If he used those two swords, I would be instantly killed."

The girl who was listening to the report in the dark laboratory stopped her homework and sighed slightly. "It's time for Ming Jin to withdraw his troops. Anyway, enough information has been collected, and the side task that he was asked to do - sneak attack on a strong student, seems to be more serious than expected."

Countless space windows opened up beside her, displaying ever-changing values ​​and graphs.

"Oh, but does this mean that my doll is excellent? Hahaha." The girl laughed happily and called out the optical keyboard at the same time.

"After all, it's best to deal with someone who is half-smart." With a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, the girl continued to go back to her homework. At the other end of her line of sight, two dolls were quietly sleeping.

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