The scorching July sun, which is enough to sting the skin, still has no tendency to slow down after school.

Mu Hantian wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, and at the same time, he ran through the shade of the trees to the atrium.

"Oops, it looks like I'll be a little late..." Julis, who was particularly strict with punctuality, glared in her mind.

I was late because I was called by my mentor Kuang Zi to do chores. As long as I explained it well, Julis should understand. perhaps!

It has been two weeks since Mu Hantian and Julis formed a partner and registered for the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival".

The two train hard every day for the game. It wasn't any special reason, but Mu Hantian didn't know anything about the rules of the 'Xingwu Festival'. There are so many things to remember.

Of course, Julis had no experience in team formation, so Mu Hantian wanted to teach her, after all, after staying in sao for so long, team formation was no problem at all.

"Well, now it's just a matter of devising patterns for close-range cooperative attacks."

As he passed through the atrium and across the corridor connecting the middle and university buildings, Mu Hantian suddenly noticed someone. The shadow of the pillar just formed a blind spot, and a girl suddenly appeared.

Although Mu Hantian hurriedly slowed down, it was too late.

A moment later, the girl seemed to have noticed it, and looked at Mu Hantian with a surprised expression.

In this way, a head-on collision is inevitable. In desperation, Mu Hantian changed directions extremely quickly.

The movement beyond the limit of physical strength splashed with shining sparks, and the body felt electric shock-like pain, but he couldn't care less.

Just when Mu Hantian thought he had successfully dodged, he was relieved for a moment—unexpectedly, the face of a girl appeared unexpectedly in the direction of his body dodging.



Alas, this time I really wanted to dodge but couldn't dodge, and finally Mu Hantian and the girl slammed into each other head-on.

Fortunately, under the sudden deceleration, the impact was not very big, but the other party was a girl after all. Mu Hantian hurriedly stood up and ran to her who fell on the ground.

"Classmate! Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Ah, yes...I-I'm fine." The girl who replied in a low voice had a shy smile on her face, and looked up at Mu Hantian at the same time.

"I'm really sorry!" Mu Hantian bowed his head deeply and apologized, while observing the girl again. After confirming that the other party was not injured, Mu Hancai breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Mu Hantian discovered another important fact and quickly turned his eyes away. Perhaps because the girl was standing on one knee, the skirt was lifted up greatly. The cute little trousers were completely visible, which naturally made Mu Hantian blush. (ps: In fact, the protagonist is still very shy, just like the author.)

"Ah woo...!" The girl also seemed to realize that something was wrong, she hurriedly pulled up her skirt, and held her hands tightly around her body. She looked like a cute little animal with tears in her eyes, but she didn't seem to notice that the action of holding her chest with her arms emphasized her plump figure. Looking at the girl, Mu Hantian thought of Sha Ye again, and he suddenly felt that God was still unfair.

The girl wore the uniform of the middle department, at least her age, she should look similar to Saya. The big watery eyes and the straight nose bridge are very cute. Although the whole body exudes a delicate atmosphere, she is an uncompromisingly beautiful girl. (ps: This is the soft girl)

Her silver hair was tied in two strands, flowing behind her back. Saya's hairstyle is the same. There are many people in the 'Star Vessel Generation' with very special hair colors, and she should be one of them.

Through the clothes, you can see that her figure is very good. A scabbard that seemed to contain a real sword hung from the slender waist.

"This... uh, sorry anyway. I bumped into it accidentally because I was in a hurry."

Mu Hantian looked at other places and stretched out his hand at the same time. The girl looked at Mu Hantian's hand with a confused expression for a while, and then reached out to hold it with trepidation.

After standing up, the girl covertly patted the dust on her skirt, and then bowed. "No, no, I should apologize to you. My uncle has reminded me many times because of my bad habit of walking quietly."

Only then did Mu Hantian remember. I might have been in a hurry just now and didn't pay attention to the situation around me. But the distance is so close, I don't even feel it at all, this girl is not simple.

Moreover, the reason why the two collided may be because they had to avoid each other, but accidentally dodged in the same direction. But at that time, the person who can dodge with such a skill, and the sharp judgment, are not ordinary people.

"Please, may I ask, what's wrong...?" Seeing that Mu Hantian suddenly fell silent, the girl tilted her head slightly with a mysterious expression.

"Oh, no, it's nothing... Hey, wait a minute. Something seems to be stuck here." Upon closer inspection, the girl's beautiful silver hair was tangled with a dead branch the size of a pinky finger.

"Eh? Where...where?" Hearing Mu Hantian's instructions, the girl hurriedly touched her hair, but she couldn't seem to see it herself, and kept touching the opposite place.

The flustered girl always finds it so cute, I really want to watch it again, but unfortunately I don't have time now.

"Don't move, let me help you." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to remove the small dead branches on the girl's head, being careful not to hurt her hair.

"Thank you... thank you" the girl thanked shyly, blushing as if it was about to burst out of steam. Then he still bowed his head shyly, and remained silent. Occasionally, his eyes would peek upwards, and as soon as his eyes met Mu Hantian, he immediately lowered his head.


Just when Mu Hantian was at a loss, a loud voice suddenly came from the middle school building: "Qi Lin! What are you doing there!"

"Yes...Yes! I'm sorry, uncle! I'll go right away!" The girl shrank in fright, and bowed to Mu Hantian again with an anxious look.

"Then, then I'll go first...!"

"Well, let's go. Don't make that person wait."

A middle-aged man stood at the entrance of the middle school building, and the girl trotted over.

The male's physique is quite strong, but it should not be the 'Xingmai Generation', because Mu Hantian can't feel the power of the stars at all, and he looks like an ordinary person. Although the girl called him uncle, he could not easily enter the school grounds even if he was a relative, so he should be someone related to the school.

Just when Mu Hantian thought about these things indifferently, he suddenly woke up like a big dream and confirmed the time.

"No, I'm late now."

Looking at the time, it was already past the appointed time.

Mu Hantian felt cold sweat dripping from his back, and was about to run wild when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

A bad premonition... Mu Hantian opened the space window with a half-confidence, and as expected it was the unhappy Julis = Erexia von Risfet staring at him.

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