Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 674: Team training

"Oh, this combination of visitors is really unexpected." Julis said while showing an interested expression, looking at the two people standing at the door of the training room.

One was a young man who was nearly two meters tall, and the other was a petite girl, who might be mistaken for a primary school student in comparison. Both of them had displeased expressions on their faces, staring at Julis in front of them.

"Shaye and... Lei Shida? Why are you two here?" Hearing Mu Hantian's words, the girl - Shasha Gong Shaye took a step forward and pointed her index finger at Julis.

"Hello thief."

"Huh?" Julis blinked with a dull expression when she was suddenly accused by others. "Say I'm a thief...what do you mean?"

"Risfeite, it's too much for you to monopolize Cold Sky recently. This obviously violates antitrust laws and fair trade laws. I ask you to improve."

"What does being with him have to do with antitrust and fair trading laws?" Julis asked noncommittally.

Saya still maintained the same expression, took another step forward, still pointed at Julis and said, "It's useless to pretend to be stupid, I have the evidence in my hand. I have already investigated clearly, after school, Risfeite, you recently left. Both are locked in a secret room with Han Tian alone, immersed in ulterior motives, right!"

"You! Stop talking nonsense, okay! We're together just to step up our training for the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'! Also, who is spreading such rumors!"

"The source of the intelligence is secret... I can only reveal it, it is Mr. E.Y., the intelligence officer."

"Damn night blow!"

"And Risfeet, you are usually too close to the cold weather. It was also during lunch before. Although you pretended to be sitting together, you were guilty of guilt."

"What! That, that was really accidental...!"

"It's been a few days in a row. Can this be called an accident? Lie and type a draft."

"Well... Then, then I also have to say, Shasha Palace, you can't just keep..."

Saya and Julis started a fierce argument, and their foreheads were almost pressed together.

"Hey, forget it, leave them alone for now." Mu Hantian sighed heavily and faced the young man with a wry smile - Lexida Markfield.

"Resta, what's the matter today? Why are you still with Saya?"

"She just picked it up on the road. For some reason, she seems to have lost her way. Anyway, she was going to be where she was going, so I brought her along by the way."

"That's right, but the place you said you're going to is the same, does the representative of Lei Shida also have something to call us?"

As a result, Lei Shida frowned, looked away, and said: "This... how to say it, it's about Silas... In short, I want to apologize to Julis, after all, Silas is also mine. As a result, I didn't notice what he did. It caused so many people to be injured." After Lei Shida finished speaking, his face still looked away, and he lowered his head slightly.

"Anyway, anyway...I'm sorry! That's it! Goodbye!"

"Well, wait, wait a minute, Lei Shida!" Seeing that Lei Shida immediately turned to leave after speaking, Mu Hantian hurriedly stopped him.

"Master, is there anything else?"

"There is indeed something wrong. Julis and I are just looking for a training opponent for a partner battle. Lexida, can you help us if it is convenient? Saya, come with you too."

"Looking for training opponents?"

"Huh?" Lei Shida, Sha Ye, and Julis looked at Mu Hantian at the same time.

"Ask, hate it, don't make up your own mind, okay?"

"But we really need to train our opponents. Of course we have no problem with 1v1, but the 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival' is a two-person battle, we have no experience, and if it is them, it will be fine as long as we explain it?" Mu Han Tian explained.

"Yes, yes...but..." Julis was still a little hesitant.

"It's alright, what do you two think? If you agree, you will help us a lot." Mu Hantian made a decision half-heartedly, and then asked the two of them again for their opinions.

Saya simply nodded. "I don't care."

Of course, the three of them all looked at the rest of Lexida.

Lei Shida coughed, and then replied softly: "Since the master said so, of course there is no problem, I also want to see the results of the training."


"Well, everyone, can we start?" Mu Hantian looked at the three who were still warming up and asked.

"No problem!" The three replied, stopping at the same time.

"Anyway, you are also just starting partners, so I won't ask too much. Fortunately, the roles of forwards and defenders are very clear. Let's start practicing with support first. As soon as the forwards enter into close combat, the defenders will restrain each other. Support strikers. Can you?"

"Understood." A fierce spark erupted between Julis and Saya.

"The two of them are really serious." Mu Hantian, who felt the courage of the two, said.

At this time, Lei Shida, who had already activated the lion battle axe, said to Mu Hantian, "Master, this time I will not be like the last time, let you see my growth!"

"Okay, although you have only been training for four days, you have made great progress. Let me see it!" Mu Hantian responded with a smile, and at the same time activated the sword-shaped brilliant weapon in his hand. The magic sword' is just a random one.

As the whistle sounded at the beginning of the battle, Lei Shida immediately rushed towards Mu Hantian.

"Take the call!"


I saw Mu Hantian used his sword to catch Lei Shida's tomahawk slash with all his strength, and then the whole person flew back and retreated. Although Lei Shida has improved, his strength type has not changed at all. It can only be said that now He was consuming more physical strength, and this was originally to break in with Julis, so Mu Hantian would not take the initiative to attack.

"It's not over yet!" Just as Mu Hantian hit the ground, Lei Shida's second wave of attacks had already arrived.

Mu Hantian turned his head slightly, dodging the blade of light that was forcefully slashed from the top of his head, and at the same time cut into Leishida's arms while taking advantage of the gap. This move was a fixed pattern for dealing with a long-handled weapon like the Lion Tomahawk, but Lei Shida seemed to have expected it long ago, so he maintained his attacking posture and rammed Mu Hantian with his shoulder to stop the attack.

"Resta, you did a good job, but if you go on like this, your physical strength is too much." With the blade, Resta stopped the impact of his shoulder and said at the same time.

"Master, let's not discuss this issue. If Master continues to defend like this, but..." Before Lei Shida's words were finished, several fireballs intervened between Mu Hantian and Lei Shida. Lei Shida had to evade, but fortunately Mu Hantian did not pursue.

It's Julis's trick... I think it's called the Nine-Ring Dance Flame Flower. Looking at the fireball, Mu Hantian thought.

The fireball flying in the air is like a huge firefly, tightly wrapped around Lei Shida and restrained.

Seeing this move, Mu Han only understood why Lei Shida was not good at fighting against Julis.

Julis' attack can ignore the distance from the opponent, and the small movements of the lion battle axe are inflexible, so it is quite difficult to deal with.

"Damn, it's this thing again, over there, please be serious..." Lei Shida couldn't help complaining, but when he looked back and saw Sha Ye behind him, he froze in place.

No, it's not just Resta. Even Julis and Mu Hantian couldn't help staring blankly with their mouths open. Because of the gun in Saya's hand, no. It should be said that the gun is more suitable, that thing is really ridiculously large.

The barrel should be over two meters. Several space windows are opened around, and the shining light from the core reminds those who know about the Meteor Fighting Technique.

"I'm very serious, Type 39 Brilliant Light Cannon - Wolfdora - strafing." Saya's voice without tension just whispered, and the torrent of light burst out with a low roar.

"Wait, wait!" Hearing Lei Shida's embarrassed shouting, Mu Hantian fell down instantly.

A super thick beam of light swept overhead. Mu Hantian, who was lying on the ground, saw that Julis and Lei Shida were also lying on the ground in the same position, as if they had escaped at the last minute.

Not long after, the beam of light fanned out in the direction of Mu Hantian and the others, and then slowly disappeared like melting.

Mu Hantian turned back in fear, and saw that a large hole had been gnawed by vegetable worms in the wall that had hit directly. Is Asterisk's building too soft, or should I say Saya's firepower is too strong?

"Fire... the firepower is too strong, you idiot! Do you want to blow me up too!" It was Lei Shida who came to his senses first. I saw him stand up suddenly, blue veins appeared on his head and rushed to question Saya.

"You deserve it if you can't avoid it, but Han Tian is easy to hide." Sha Ye showed no fear at all. She still didn't care, as if she didn't know why she was being scolded.

"Shasha Palace, you really..." Julis didn't seem to be angry at all. I saw her bowing her head in despair, holding her forehead.

"Oops, did I just miss something?" A familiar voice came from the other side of the cave in the wall.

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