Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 675: From Alacante

Familiar voice. As expected, it was Claudia, the student council president of Seidokan Academy, who poked her head out of the hole in the wall.

"This training room is only lent to you 'The Twelve People from the First Page', but please don't forget that this is the equipment of the academy."

"I know. This was just an accident during training, and it wasn't intentional sabotage." Julis was like a rabbit with fried fur.

"That's good." Claudia smiled gently and nodded generously.

At this moment……

"Oh~ that's amazing, Camilla. I didn't expect to shoot through the wall all of a sudden. Although it's better than the weirdo, our research institute is not much better, but the weirdo from other academies are really interesting."

"Okay, really. Don't be too frizzy, okay, Anesta. Please don't cause me any more trouble."

At the other end of the hole in the wall, two strange women appeared behind Claudia. No, what was unfamiliar to Mu Hantian was not only the looks, but also the uniforms they wore.

"What's going on, Claudia?" Julis' voice was cold and deep. And it wasn't just Julis, even Resta showed a sharp look in a pose. But Claudia clapped her hands as if unaware of the tense atmosphere.

"Ah, I have to introduce you to a few people. These two are Miss Camilla Parette and Miss Anesta Quina from the Alcantre Institute."

"Alacante's...?" So it was, no wonder Julis and Resta were so murderous.

In the events of the past few days, Alacante was the school that threaded the needle behind its back. Julis is a direct victim, and of course she will be hostile to Alcant.

Claudia and the others went around the entrance that was barely used and entered the training room again.

"This time, our academy will jointly develop a new type of brilliant weapon with Alcant. This Miss Paret is the representative person in charge of this project. Today, in order to sign a formal contract, she will come to this academy specially."

"Hello everyone." The brown-skinned woman nodded slightly.

"Joint development? Well, so it is. So it is." Julis seemed to understand herself and said unhappily.

Resta asked, "Hey, Julis, what does 'So it is' mean?"

"It seems that even if you have been trained, your observation skills are still the same. These two are the guarantees of Silas's incident. Mostly on the condition that they do not report the mastermind behind Alcant, they will ask the other party to provide information. technology."

"You...!" Lexida was speechless.

"Oh, what does that mean?" Claudia just smiled. Although she neither affirmed nor denied, her attitude has fully answered everything.

"Forget it, anyway, that matter has been handed over to you. You are best at this kind of under-the-table trading. But—why are Alcant's people here?"

"Well, it's because—"

"Yes, I came here because I said I wanted to see it." At this time, another girl in the uniform of Alcant suddenly jumped and raised her hand.

"Oops~ I want to see it with my own eyes, the swordsman who can cut all my dolls in half." After finishing speaking, Enesta smiled.

"Huh?" At this moment, the surroundings suddenly fell into an indescribable mysterious silence.

Julis and Resta were so surprised that their jaws dropped, not knowing what to say. Even Camilla covered her face with one hand, as if to say 'Oops...'. Claudia also showed a surprised expression and covered the corners of her mouth with her hands. Of course, Mu Hantian was no exception.

Because what the girl said just now is equal to generously admitting that 'I am the mastermind behind the scenes'. No wonder people are so surprised.

"So, are you that swordsman? Well, that's how it is~" Enesta completely ignored the awkward atmosphere, approached Mu Hantian, looked at Mu Hantian with wide eyes, and nodded several times with an expression of admiration. next time.

"Well, you look really cute. I like you very much!"

Then she faced the stunned Mu Hantian and beckoned Mu Hantian to approach. I saw her covering her mouth with one hand, as if whispering, "I'll tell you~".

Mu Hantian leaned over half-guardedly and half-doubtedly, Ainesta's eyes narrowed like a cat's, and whispered in Mu Hantian's ear, "But—won't it be so simple next time?"

Just when Mu Hantian was about to raise his head, Ainesta's lips took the lead and touched Mu Hantian's cheek lightly.




Mu Hantian stepped back quickly, and the expressions of the three women in the Star Guidance Center changed.

"You, you! What the **** are you doing!" "Stolen cat, annihilate." Julis drew out her rapier, and Saya turned the unrestored brilliance-style gun muzzle toward Ainesta.

"Meow, haha, it's so scary~ Don't be so critical, people are just saying hello!" Enesta ducked behind Camilla, stuck her head out and smiled wickedly.

"Since the opportunity is rare, the grievances of the past will be in vain, let's be good friends. For me, it is not just a swordsman, but I am very happy to be close to the 'Witch of Huayan'!"

"Unfortunately, even if the Silas incident didn't happen, I still hate you Alcant so much, don't pretend to be familiar." The anger in Julis's voice really made people feel quite strong hatred. meaning.

Regardless of being a good friend, Julis would show such an obvious disgust. Maybe she had some grudges with Alcant before.

"Oh, what a pity!"

"I'm sorry, Ainesta... In short, her personality is the same as what you see. I apologize to you on her behalf." Camilla smiled bitterly and lowered her head slightly.

However, Camilla's gaze inadvertently stopped on Saya's brilliant armament.

"Well, it's really interesting. This brilliant-style weapon has a real personality, and there are two universal ore at the core... no, three, right? The universal ore is connected to each other to increase the output power - what a design idea that makes people nostalgic. ."

Saya rarely showed a surprised expression and looked at Camilla. "That's right. How did you know?"

"Of course, this is my area of ​​expertise. But in my opinion, it's not really a useful weapon. The Robles migration method of linking multiple cores was rejected more than ten years ago. Not only is the output power unstable, the burden on the user is too large, but it is inevitably bulky. In order to maintain high output power, it will inevitably lead to excess response, and a cooling time is required between each attack. These The shortcomings can't be improved no matter what." Camilla said a lot, although Mu Hantian didn't understand it at all, but she seemed to be saying that the brilliance-style armament in Sa Ye's hands was very tricky.

"That's true."

Although Saya bit her lip regretfully, she still stared straight back at Camilla. "But I still can't forgive you for insulting Dad's gun. I ask you to take those words back."

"Dad?" Camilla stared at Saya intently. Then came to a realization. "Are you the daughter of Professor Shasha Gong?" Her voice contained some nostalgia and sarcasm at the same time.

"So what?"

"Then I can't take back what I just said."

Seeing Camilla shrugging, Saya's eyes became sharper.

"Sasha Palace's teaching aid was exiled by Alcant and our 'Lion faction' because it was too heretical. Weapons are power, and power should not be owned by individuals, but must be given to the public. This is our 'lion' The basic ideology of the faction, as a representative, of course I cannot tolerate the existence of such a heretic."

Saya and Camilla did not give in, staring at each other. Just when there was a sense of tension all around him—

"Hmm." Claudia coughed softly at the perfect timing.

"Then the two guests are about to do serious business, right?"

"That's right, sorry." Camilla sighed deeply and took the initiative to look away. Then, as if urged by Claudia, she turned her back to Saya.

"Wait a minute, I insist that you take back that sentence." Although Saya further stared at her back request, but Camilla didn't answer any more and left.

"Don't look at Camilla, she's very stubborn. She probably won't change her opinion for trivial matters." Aenesta, who was watching the confrontation between the two with gusto just now, smiled happily.

"However, if you insist, you can only rely on strength to get her to agree with you. That's the rule here."

"You mean a duel with her?"

"Meow! Camilla wouldn't agree to this kind of duel." Ainesta giggled and waved her hand, then continued: "However, we will participate in this year's 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'! "

"Participate in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'?"

"Yes, if you advance to the finals, you might have a chance to fight." Although Anesta's eyes were smiling, it didn't sound like a joke.

"Anesta, go."

"Come on~! Then everyone, goodbye Luo!"

Responding to the urging sound from the entrance, when Enesta was about to leave the training room...

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Mu Hantian stopped her.

"Oh dear swordsman, what's the matter?"

Mu Hantian smiled slightly, walked to her side, and said softly, "Next time, I will make your doll disappear!"

"Oh, really? I'm looking forward to it." After Anesta finished speaking, she looked at Mu Hantian, and then jumped away.

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