"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just found an interesting subject." Yingshilang answered Mu Hantian's question, his eyes shining like a child who found a new toy.

Following his line of sight, he saw two figures hiding beside the pillars in the corridor.

"It's them—" Mu Hantian had an impression of these two. It was the girl who almost ran into the hallway after school a few days ago, and the middle-aged man whom the girl called 'Uncle'.

There is a distance between each other, and although no sound can be heard, the atmosphere does not seem to be very peaceful. It doesn't seem like a quarrel, but the tense atmosphere seems to be felt even here.

"Hey, I didn't expect to find the subject of Kato Fujisaki Rin here. It must be because I usually have a good relationship." Eishirou has already taken out a notebook from his arms, his eyes are staring straight ahead, and he is writing quickly in his hand. .

"Do you know who that girl is?" Mu Hantian, who was a little concerned about the girl, asked whether Yingshilang's usual performance was good or not.

Yingshilang stopped what he was doing and looked at Mu Hantian in surprise. "Please, are you serious?"


"Kadoto Kirin, is the number one of our Star Island Pavilion's 'Starting Twelve People'. Haven't you read her profile?"

"Eh? So that's the case." Indeed, Mu Hantian remembered that when he was looking for a duel with the 'Twelve People from the First Page', he read their documents, and there was Kato Teng Qilin in it.

"This is a big..." Just as Yingshiro said here, 'Crack! ' A crisp sound rang out.

The man slapped the girl, Kato Kirin, on the face.

"I've warned you not to think about these things, Kirin."

"But, but uncle, I..."

"Have I allowed you to talk back?"

The man raised his hand again, and Qi Rin shrank in fright. but--

"Enough, bullying a girl like this, are you still a man?" Before the man was about to slap his hand, Mu Hantian, who intervened between the two, grabbed the man's wrist.

"Eh?..." Qi Rin's eyes widened in surprise.

"Who are you." The man only frowned slightly and answered briefly.

His eyes were full of cold contempt for Mu Hantian, and his voice was clearly full of disgust.

"I don't know why, but hitting an irresistible girl is not what a man should do."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, a mockery appeared on the man's face. "Laughing to death. Those of you who are fighting for your own desires, still dare to make irresponsible remarks?"

"We are not fighting, but competing with each other. Please don't confuse us with unilateral violence." Mu Hantian glared back at the man's oppressive gaze.

The two stared at each other for a while. Soon the man took the initiative to shake off Mu Hantian's hand and snorted. "Hmph, it was just a simple training just now. Outsiders rarely make irresponsible remarks about housework."

"Housework...?" Mu Hantian observed the man again. About forty years old. Similar to yesterday's impression, close-up also thinks that his stature is burly. Although it is not as good as Lexida, it is also quite tall. He has broad shoulders and a thick chest, and he wears a dark brown suit. From his figure, it can be seen that he is also a martial arts practitioner, but it seems that he is not really the 'Xingmai Generation'.

"I am Koichiro Toto, the uncle of Kirin Toto."

Mu Hantian looked at Qi Rin, only to see her nodded timidly.

"Get out if you know it, kid. Besides, you guys from the 'Star Vessel Generation' aren't so useless that you can't stand it with two slaps, right?"

"But it still hurts."

Hearing these words, Qi Rin suddenly raised her head and looked at Mu Hantian. At the same time, he opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something—but his eyes wandered hesitantly, and he swallowed the words in the end.

On the other hand, Koichiro frowned in extreme displeasure. "Students even dare to play tricks, what's your name?"

"Mu Hantian!"

At this time, Koichiro took out his mobile phone from his arms and operated it skillfully, opening the space window.

"Mu Hantian, hum, it's just the ninth of the 'Twelve People on the First Page', oh, even using the 'Black Furnace Devil Sword' doesn't seem like a worthless waste!" Gang Yilang showed a defiant smile and turned around. Come to face Mu Hantian.

"Okay, kid. If you're dissatisfied with my discipline, tell me what you want to do." Koichiro crossed his hands proudly.

"I just don't like what you're doing. I can't stand you hitting a girl like this."

"Okay, then I won't fight." Gunichiro nodded cheerfully, with a malicious smile on his face. He continued: "If you win the duel, then."


"Uncle! Please wait a moment!"

Although Qi Rin exclaimed, Gang Ichiro didn't take it seriously, and continued to say to Mu Hantian, "That's right. Isn't this the city—and your rules?"

"This is indeed our rule... but you should be someone who is not restricted by this rule? Besides, you don't seem to be a 'Star Vessel Generation'."

"Bullshit!" Mu Hantian had just finished speaking, when Gang Yilang's roar interrupted Mu Hantian.

"Don't confuse me with monsters like you!" After scolding, Gang Ichiro stared at Mu Hantian and came behind Qi Rin at the same time——

"Your opponent is her." He put his hand on Qi Rin's shoulder.

"Oh, it seems that you are just a waste. What is it to rely on a woman?"

"Oh, don't you dare? Don't worry, even if you lose, I won't make any demands on you."

"No, that's not what I meant! Forget it, I don't care."

"Uncle! I...!"

"Shut up, you just need to obey my orders." Qi Rin also raised the decibel to protest, but Koichiro turned a deaf ear.

"But, but!"

Seeing that Qi Rin still refused to give up, Gunichiro stared at her with cold eyes. "Qi Rin, do you want to rebel against me?" The voice was low and dark, full of inseparable pressure.

"NO, I have not……"

"That's good. Since he can subdue the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', it means that he has a certain level of strength. It is worth looking forward to." After speaking, Koichiro turned his back to Qi Rin and slowly opened the distance.

Qi Rin, who stayed where she was, still lowered her head and bit her lip.

Soon someone heard the commotion, and some students stopped and watched from a distance. It seems that they are all students who love to join in the fun.

Mu Hantian gave Yingshilang standing in the front row a look of help, but Yingshilang gave a thumbs up with a smile on his face. It seems to be entirely on his own.

Mu Hantian took a deep breath and turned to face Qi Rin. "This... uh, Kato-san? I..."

"Senior, I'm sorry." Qi Rin still lowered her head, but her trembling voice interrupted Mu Hantian's words.

"I... Kato Teng Qilin, apply for a duel with Senior Mu Hantian." As if echoing her voice, the school badges of Qilin and Mu Hantian both glowed red.

"Have you really decided?"

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Qi Rin continued sadly: "I also really don't want to duel with senior... But I can't help myself."

"Can't help it?" I asked Claudia for a while.

"I have a wish that I want to fulfill, so I can only follow my uncle's orders." Her voice barely suppressed her feelings. But there is still grief that cannot be completely hidden.

"Please, senpai, if you can back down now, you can avoid the conflict. Please give up, senpai."

Mu Hantian thought deeply for a while, then looked straight at Qi Rin. "Sorry, I can't back down on this matter."

"Senior is really considerate!" Qi Rin showed a weak smile and put her hand on the scabbard around her waist. "But I can't, and I can't just admit defeat."

Qi Rin maintained an expression that seemed confused and like she was about to cry, and drew the knife neatly from the scabbard. In fact, from the appearance, I can guess that it is inseparable from ten, it seems that it is not a Huang-style weapon. Although it looks very modern, it is a true Japanese sword.

Since she doesn't have a universal response, she probably isn't a 'witch' or something. However, I can still feel that there is quite a strong star power on the body, sharp and cold, which can be called a sword-like pressure, which is radiating from Qi Rin, who is holding the knife in a straight-eyed posture.

"Interesting!" Mu Hantian whispered, placing his hand on the school badge on his chest. "I accept the duel."

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