Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 678: victory

"Qi Rin, don't fight with his pure star brilliance, you will even be cut in half with a knife." Mu Hantian just took out the 'Black Furnace Magic Sword' from the sleeve and started it, when Gun Ichiro came from behind Qi Rin. the sound of. It seems that the other party seems to know the ability of the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

However, the advantage of this pure star-bright armament is that even if you know the ability, it is not easy to deal with.

Mu Hantian seemed to cooperate with Qi Rin, holding the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' in a straight-eyed stance.

"I'm going to make a move." The next moment after Qi Rin's brief announcement, the white blade approached Mu Hantian's chest.

"Hmm!" Mu Hantian quickly backed away, but the next strike from the bottom to the top was not allowed to pursue.

So fast, in this world, it is exceedingly fast. It seems that her potential is more than that. Interesting.

Mu Hantian originally wanted to block the pursuit with the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', but just before blocking, the trajectory of the sword changed.

Qi Rin's knife drew a circular arc in the air as if avoiding the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', and slashed towards Mu Hantian's right wrist.

Mu Hantian immediately let go of his right hand to avoid the slash, and once again grabbed the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' with one hand with his left hand, and at the same time opened up the distance. Qi Rin also took the opportunity to hold the knife back to the previous position.

"Senior Hantian is really amazing, it scared me." You could tell that Qilin's voice was pure praise.

"You're also very powerful, but it's boring to fight like this, so..." Mu Hantian said, put away the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', and took out a very ordinary sword-shaped brilliant-style weapon.

"Senior, you..." Qi Rin was surprised, she didn't understand why Mu Hantian did this.

"Well, in the battle between swordsmen, even swords can't touch each other, what is it?" Mu Hantian said directly, and instantly launched a counterattack.


The pavilion at the corner of the atrium was the most peaceful place in the entire academy.

After lunch break or after school, whenever Julis wanted to pass the time in moderation, she would naturally go there.

Although I have met some people recently, it seems that the habits that have been cultivated for a long time have not changed so easily.

Julis, who had a quick lunch - after being choked by Saya yesterday, chose to solve her lunch alone today - took out her mobile phone to confirm the news of Asterisk's current affairs, and went to the gate of the atrium at the same time.

"Well, has the 'Holy Grail' user appeared... Although I shouldn't participate in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', it is still difficult to deal with... In addition, this Leiwofu's sickle hand is also interesting... Huh? What kind of news?"

On the space window shrunk to the size of a palm, the text of the emergency bulletin was scrolled.

"Oh, is Kato Kirin dueling? I see, it's really big news. The opponent is..."

At this moment, Julis heard cheers from nearby. Taking a closer look, a lot of people gathered at the other end of the corridor.

"Huh?" Julis found that a familiar name seemed to appear in the cheers, and she couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in her heart. She pushed aside the wall while worrying, and Julis squeezed to the front row. The sight in front of her made Julis doubt her eyes.

"This, this, this...!" He couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

Unexpectedly, Julis' partner is exactly Kato Kirin's duel opponent.

That big idiot, yesterday warned him again and again not to duel anyone before the 'Xingwu Festival'—! Julis was very angry.

Just as Julis was struggling, her eyes stopped at the crowd of onlookers. A teenager just stayed in the position with the best view of the battle, and eagerly took a picture with a palm-sized camera. Julis hurried forward, grabbed the young man's collar and questioned loudly.

"What the **** is going on, Ye Bhui!"

"Wow! ... What, isn't this a princess?" Eishirou raised his head in shock, but then grabbed the camera in his hand again.

"Sorry I'm too busy right now—"

"It doesn't matter, hurry up and make it clear to me!" Julis turned towards her, half-toughly, holding the camera tightly in her hand. "Don't forget that you used to talk nonsense to Shasha Palace. If you want to cook you, I won't be merciful?"

"I understand, I understand, you have the final say." Yingshirou gave up his resistance, took a deep breath, and scratched the scar on his cheek with a troubled face.

"Actually, it's not a serious matter. The cause of the incident was on the corridor... oh!" Yingshirou suddenly leaned forward, and Julis couldn't help but follow him.

At this time, Qi Lin was just one shot away, dodging the sword swung by Mu Hantian. The tip of the sword slashed the tip of Qi Rin's forehead, letting her hair blow in the wind.

"Oh, it's really exciting. Even the official battle of the 'Xingwu Festival' may not be able to see such a wonderful victory or defeat. It turns out that Han Tian is hiding his strength at all. The first place was actually suppressed." Standing aside Inshiro praised with admiration.

"But why doesn't he use the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'?"

"I used it just now, but I just put it away. He might think it's unfair!" Yingshirou said.

At the other end of the line of sight, Mu Hantian just bent his body, dodging the sharp slash above. Mu Hantian maintained a bent posture at the moment, waving the sword in his hand to slash at Qilin's feet, Qilin could only give up the attack and quickly retreated.

Qi Lin, who jumped back, immediately shortened the distance between the two of them, and cut the head off from the upper section before Mu Hantian got up.

Mu Hantian blocked the attack with his sword.

"Come on, this kind of battle is a bit boring, you're too constrained." Mu Hantian said, Jian Qilin's sword was thrown away, and he regained his stance. But Qi Rin didn't give Mu Hantian a chance and quickly attacked.

"Really, forget it. Underworld God Flow - Sifang Slash!" Just as Qi Lin's sword was about to slash to Mu Hantian, but there was no sense of reality, Qi Lin immediately realized that the Mu Hantian in front of her was a fake.

Sure enough, when Qi Lin was about to withdraw her sword, four Mu Hantian appeared in her four directions. Attacking Kirin at four tricky angles.

"Princess, Han Tian only had a couple of moves with the princess when he first came in, and he never had a serious duel, right?" Yingshilang asked.

"So so what - doesn't he know that as long as the school badge is destroyed, he will lose?" Having said this, Julis finally understood what Yingshirou meant.

"Well, it's possible! So although he has the advantage now, there may be such a small mistake." Yingshirou said, turning his eyes to the battlefield, Qi Rin had just narrowly escaped Mu Hantian's blow .

"It's right now, Underworld God Flow - Sword Formation - Sifang Slash!" Qi Rin's current position is enough to trigger the conditions. Mu Hantian seized the opportunity and attacked in an instant.

At this moment, the four Mu Hantian disappeared, and the real Mu Hantian was standing not far away.

"Senior, you..."

"No, I didn't release the water, it's over."

"The outcome is revealed! The winner, Mu Hantian!" Qi Rin was surprised by the sudden mechanical sound.

Qi Rin noticed it immediately, and hurriedly looked at her left chest. Qi Rin's school badge was sharply divided into two.

"Sorry, I can only do this, because you can't catch the next move." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" After the duel, Kato Teng Qirin was convinced that he was defeated by Mu Hantian, but Koichiro Kato, one of the witnesses of the duel, was completely unacceptable. In front of the reality, the whole person hugged his head and squatted directly on the ground.

"Thank you for your guidance, senpai! This battle has benefited me a lot!" Unlike Koichiro Kato, Kirin Kato accepted her defeat very easily. Although she was out of breath after the duel, she was still out of breath. He still bowed his thanks to Mu Hantian.

"You don't blame me for taking your first place, right?" Mu Hantian was a little embarrassed.

"How come, I am convinced, the senior is really strong. If I have the opportunity, I will ask the senior for more advice."

"Well, it can be anytime, lah, goodbye. Oh yes," Mu Hantian looked at Koichiro Kato. "Don't bully Qi Rin, otherwise..." After saying that, he pointed his sword at Gunichiro, snorted, and left.

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