Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 679: Kato Kirin visits

The next afternoon, after school.

When Mu Hantian returned to the dormitory, he found that the atmosphere was not quite right. The surroundings seemed to be inexplicably noisy, full of mysterious tension and excitement.

"What happened?" Originally wanted to ask someone to ask, but only after taking the first step, he found that the students around him were shouting together.

"he came……"

"It's Mu Hantian..."

"it's him……"

"Why is he again..."

Although I couldn't hear it clearly, from the whispering voices, there seemed to be mixed feelings mixed with curiosity, jealousy, and pity.

"What the **** is going on!" Mu Hantian looked around in confusion, and found that Yingshilang stuck his head out from among the onlookers. There was an overjoyed look on his face.

"Yo, Han Tian, ​​you are really slow. There are guests here."

"Guest? Looking for me?"

"Yeah. The other party is in the reception room now, hurry up and go."

"Oh, good." At the urging of Yingshilang, Mu Hantian went to the reception room next to the shared floor.

There were also people staring at him on the road, and Mu Hantian suddenly remembered that the same situation had happened before.

It was the same feeling when I came to the boys' dormitory for the first time after my duel with Julis. At this moment, Mu Hantian suddenly had a bottom line.

So, it should be-

"Ah... Please, please come in." Mu Hantian knocked on the door and heard a cute voice reply.

I thought it was right, and opened the door at the same time. Slightly nervous and huddled on the sofa in the reception room, it was the No. 1 ranking of Star Guide Academy—that is, Kirin Kato.

"Yesterday... I'm really sorry for yesterday!" As soon as Mu Hantian entered the reception room, Qi Lin hurriedly stood up from the sofa and bowed to Mu Hantian to thank him.

"It's okay." Mu Hantian waved his hands.

The reception room of the male dormitory is about four pings in size. Except for a set of leather sofas for guests, there are no particularly conspicuous furnishings, and the room is very simple.

Since there is no adjoining external wall, there is a simulated environment reproduction window, reflecting the scenery similar to the outside at any time.

"Aren't the seniors angry?"

"No, but I have a problem with your uncle."

"Um... this, I'm really, really sorry..."

"So there's really no need for you to apologize." Seeing Qi Rin bowing her head again, Mu Hantian scratched his head in confusion. Although she knew she was a good boy, she was too timid. But her swordsmanship is so strong, I always feel that the contrast is amazing.

There were tears in Qilin's eyes, and it looked like she was about to cry. Mu Hantian gently placed his hand on her head and touched her gently.

"Ahhh..." For Mu Hantian, it was just an unconscious action, but he quickly retracted his hand when he saw that Qi Lin's face was slightly red.

"This, so, do you have anything to do with me?"


"Don't you come here specially to apologize to me?"

Qi Rin tilted her head with a puzzled expression——

"Is that right?" The answer was a matter of course.

"Uh, is that so..."

"Ah, no, it's not just like that—" Qi Rin said here, bowing her head deeply to Mu Hantian again.

"This...Thank you very much, senior!"

Apart from apologizing, Mu Hantian really didn't know what she had done to deserve her thanks, and asked back with a puzzled face.

"Thank me... thank you for what?"

"Just, just to thank the senior for protecting me, who I never knew, from my uncle...! This, although the ending turned out to be like that, but I-I'm really happy!" Qi Rin blushed and said with courage.

However, Mu Hantian shook his head weakly. "It's okay, Kirin. And I didn't do anything."

"It's not like this...!" When Qi Rin said this, Mu Hantian suddenly had a serious expression, put his index finger in front of his mouth, and looked at the door of the reception room at the same time.

Qi Rin seemed to notice it immediately, holding her breath and only using her gaze to signal her understanding. Mu Hantian lowered his breath while approaching the door, seized the opportunity, and suddenly opened——

"Oh wow!" The students who were lying on the door eavesdropping on the movement in the room all fell into the room. Of course, the person who took the lead was someone he knew, and Mu Hantian was a little unhappy.

"You are very keen on interviews, Ye Bhui."

"Haha... it's okay."

Seeing a twitch on his face, he probably felt guilty. Although this was within Mu Hantian's expectations, it seemed not to Qi Lin. I saw her stunned.

"Kaodou-kun, let's continue our chat outside. I'll take you back to the dormitory."

"Well, okay." Hearing what Mu Hantian said, Qi Rin quickly nodded.


"Oh, it's this time, and it's still so hot outside."

The sun sets in the summer sky, showing a vivid red. The light of the newly lit streetlights seemed to be dyed red under the setting sun, and it could not play the role of lighting.

Mu Hantian and Qilin walked side by side on the promenade dominated by the shadows and the setting sun. Qi Rin's face was also slightly dyed vermilion, but it didn't seem to be all about the setting sun.

"Kadoto-san, are you alright?"

"Huh? Ah, I-I'm fine...!"

"Could it be—are you nervous?" Mu Hantian's question caused a shy smile to appear on Qi Lin's face.

"Sorry, senpai, it's the first time I've walked side by side with a man outside my family like this."


"Because Dad - Dad was pretty strict with me."

"Really? I heard that Toudou-ryu's practice is very strict. It turns out that the public and private are the same."

"Does the senior know the genre of our family?"

"I'm barely a swordsman, so how could I not know about the swordsmanship known as 'like a folding crane'." (Well, I admit, this is what I heard from Claudia.) Mu Hantian's sentence The unintentional words made Qi Rin's expression suddenly brighter.

"Speaking of which, Senior Hantian's school is Guliu, right?"

"No, I created it myself."

"Hey! The senior is really amazing! He was able to create a genre." Qi Rin said with a cheerful look in her eyes, as if her body was leaning forward, but she was suddenly shocked and closed her mouth halfway through. Immediately, his face flushed with shame, and he took a small step back.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I was not careful again..."

Seeing Qilin shrinking into a ball pitifully, Mu Hantian couldn't help laughing.

She moves really like a small animal.

This made Mu Hantian want to touch her head again.

"Kadoto-san really likes swordsmanship."

"Yes, yes." She answered Mu Hantian's question decisively.

I saw her looking straight ahead, showing a bit of a lonely expression and continued: "Because I have nothing to do except swordsmanship."

"No way--"

Qi Rin shook her head, preventing Mu Hantian from continuing.

"No, it's true. I have a bad mind, I'm stupid and timid, I can't even do housework... But as long as I have a sword in my hand, even a fool like me can help others. So I'm very happy , I like it the most."

"Really?" Qi Rin replied with a clear will. These words made Mu Hantian unable to deny. But Mu Hantian felt that there was still a subtle gap between her aspirations and her actions. This is something to be concerned about anyway.

"And there's a wish I'd like to achieve—no, it's a must."

"What is Kato-san's wish?"

"I want to save my father." Qi Rin whispered, as if speaking to herself.

"So I can only follow my uncle's orders?" Although he felt that it was a bit too much, it was a concern anyway, so Mu Hantian tried to get in touch with the core of the problem.

As expected, Qi Rin looked a little surprised, and then nodded slightly. "Uncle is different from me. He is very talented. He pointed out the most suitable and shortest shortcut for me to achieve my wish. The title of number one is beyond my ability. ...I am very grateful."

"Even if he uses you to get ahead?"

She didn't look surprised, just a faint smile appeared. "In order to realize my wish, my uncle guides me on the way and gets relative benefits in the process - so this is an equivalent exchange."

"In my opinion, it's not equivalent at all." Thinking of yesterday's situation, Mu Hantian frowned. In the face of unreasonable violence, Qi Rin could only endure it silently. This kind of relationship is not equivalent.

"Because my uncle hates our 'Star Vessel Generation'." So this is impossible. Just be patient. Qi Rin said so with a wry smile.

Mu Hantian wanted to continue talking, but finally stopped. I am not hers, and I am not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to her. You should stop here for now. At least not yet.

"Ah, by the way... can I ask the senior something?" Qi Lin peeped at Mu Hantian tremblingly.

"Well, what's the matter?" Although the way she changed the subject was obvious at a glance, let's follow her. Mu Hantian thought so.

"What kind of training do seniors usually do?"


"This, I didn't do much training, but recently, I have been doing special training for partner battles with Julis after school..."

"Hmmmm. That's it! Now I have to decide the training content by myself, but I'm still very uneasy... and I can't practice kutachi (dual martial arts) by myself."

"So that's the case. Do you want to join our training? Oh, if it's convenient for you."

"Huh?" Probably unexpectedly, Qi Rin's eyes widened. "Yes, can you?"

"Well, I have to ask Julis, but it should be fine."

In Mu Hantian's mind, Julis pouted and said with an unhappy expression, "Don't agree to others easily without permission! ’, but if I explained it to her, she should be accommodating.

Qi Rin smiled for a moment, but then lowered her head in frustration. "I'm sorry...Although I am very grateful for the invitation from the senior, my uncle repeatedly warned me to keep a distance from the classmates on the list - especially the 'starting page twelve'."

"Huh? Why not?"

"My uncle told me not to expose my details easily."

"I see. So can you train with me in the morning?"


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