"You seem to have a good relationship with Kato Fujiki recently." Mu Hantian was standing in front of the meal ticket vending machine in the North Cafeteria, thinking about what to order when a voice suddenly came from behind him. Looking back, the girl with bright rosy hair stood behind Mu Hantian with a straight face.

"Oh, it's Julis, are you going to have lunch now?"

Yingshilang was short of money, and Sa Ye was late for class because he overslept and was arrested by Kuang Zi to lecture, so it was rare that he was alone.

"In that case, do you want to eat together?"

"Yes, yes? Well, since you said that, it's not impossible to eat together..." Although Julis turned her face away, she still nodded with a happy expression.

"Okay, let's eat curry today." Mu Hantian selected the curry with extra large pieces of bone-in chicken and pressed it from the space window displayed in front of the meal coupon machine.

"What about you, Julis? What to eat?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Um... I don't know if it's better to use the pasta A set, or the C set with dessert, I should choose..."

Julis held her chin and stared at the space window, but then she suddenly raised her head and yelled at Mu Hantian, "That's not the case! What I want to ask is you and Kirin Kato!" With a strong wave of his hand, he touched the space window.



With a thud, the meal coupon spat out by the machine read "Extra Spicy Curry".

"That's right, this is the famous dish of Beidou Cafeteria, it's super spicy, can you do it?"

"No, it doesn't matter! I wanted to eat this anyway! Okay, I'll go grab a seat first, you can go get the meal!"

"Oh, okay!" At the urging of Julis, Mu Hantian hesitated whether to do this or not, and at the same time served two people's curry. At this time, I already felt the destructive power of spicy, and although the appearance was no different from ordinary curry, I could even smell the spicy taste. This dangerous aroma made Mu Hantian hesitate whether to take it away or not.

"Hantian, this way. Hurry up!" Julis, who took a table seat by the wall, raised a hand to greet Mu Hantian.

"It's been a long time, Julis... But are you really okay? This is very spicy!" Mu Hantian put the tray in front of Julis.

Julis' expression tugged at her face subtly. "No, didn't you say it's okay? Also, I want to ask Kato Kirin and you!"

"Well, but it's nothing, it's just practice together in the morning." Mu Hantian honestly said that there was nothing else between him and Qi Rin, and Julis was relieved after hearing that.

"By the way, Julis, you haven't eaten a single bite since just now... are you alright?"


Julis's extra spicy curry has not diminished in the slightest. She only moved the spoon, but didn't put a single bite into her mouth.

"If it's too spicy to eat, leave it alone. Now you can order something else."

"Big idiot! How can you be so wasteful!"

As a princess, she was reluctant to waste food, so she was influenced by friends from her own country. While Mu Hantian was thinking like this, Julis put the spoon into her mouth with a conscious face.

In the next instant, Julis's face flushed red, and then her face turned blue.

"Don't, don't do this, Julis! Really don't force yourself."

"Hmm...I-I'm fine...! This is nothing...!" Julis' tears rolled in her eyes, but she answered tremblingly, then grabbed the cup and poured it violently. She didn't look like she was okay at all.

"Then, do you want to exchange with me?"

"What, what!" After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Julis opened her eyes in surprise.

"My plate of curry is also a bit spicy, but it should be better than yours. Eat mine if you don't mind."

But Julis was frozen in place like a statue, not moving.

"Ah, it really is because I have eaten it, so you don't like it?"

"No, no! It's not like this!" Julis shook her head vigorously, denying Mu Hantian's words.

"I-I don't care about this, but..." Speaking of which, Julis suddenly fell silent.

"No, no, since this is what I ordered, I have the responsibility to finish it, and I can't let you help me eat it."

"You're still the same." Seeing that she was so brave, Mu Hantian admired her a little.

"But, we are partners, so..." Mu Hantian said, swapping the two's curries.


"Well, eat mine!" After speaking, Mu Hantian put the extra spicy curry into his mouth. It was so spicy that he almost fainted, but he still managed to finish the curry during the rest time.


In the morning, Asterisk turns into a misty white world for a short time.

Due to the temperature difference between the lake water and the air, it is easy to generate fog. Although the fog will disappear for a while after the sun rises, the fog-filled scene is full of fantasy beauty and attracts a large number of viewers. Today, however, the fog is thicker than usual.

"Good morning, Senior Hantian." Qilin in sportswear appeared from the white mist and nodded shyly.

"Well, good morning, classmate Kato... By the way, the fog is really thick today." Mu Hantian responded while looking around in surprise.

As usual, the two of them were in front of the higher school building of Star Guide Academy. It's been a few days since morning training with Qi Rin -- plus the days of training alone before -- this is the first time I've seen such a thick fog.

"Yeah... ah, but I've heard that in winter or on certain days, the fog gets thicker."

"Oh, I think it's already amazing today." The fog was so thick that even the expression of Qi Rin who was not far away could not be clearly seen.

"Anyway, since the fog is so thick, you might get scattered when you run. Maybe it's better to hold hands."

"Okay, okay, then..."

"Huh?" Mu Hantian was only joking, but Qi Rin seemed to take the joke seriously. I saw her blushing, tremblingly holding Mu Hantian's fingertips.

"Hug, sorry, I was just joking just now."

"Ah!? This, this, Xue, Senior, I'm sorry...!" Qi Rin hurriedly let go.

Although the contact time was short, the warm touch still remained on Mu Hantian's fingertips.

"Uh, this, in fact, I should..." The two of them were silent in unison.

"This... we should almost leave, right?"

"Yeah, that's right." Mu Hantian finally squeezed out these words, and Qi Rin quickly nodded and set off.

The basic route is a ring road around the periphery of Asterisk. It was still early, and there was hardly anyone on the road. Occasionally pass by students who are also doing morning exercises, and the whole town is still full of sleep silence.

The town that fills the morning mist seems to be in an unfamiliar and exotic scenery. However, if you look at the lake, you can't even see the scenery a few meters away. Maybe it's closer to another world.

However, Qilin, who was running in front, was still walking lightly, and she could feel that she had nothing to do with these feelings. When the two of them ran calmly along the trail by the lake shore, Mu Hantian suddenly felt some strange aura.

- There is something behind me. Although the other party maintains a certain distance, it seems that they are deliberately acting at their own pace.

"Senior Hantian." Qi Lin seemed to have noticed it too, slowed down and came to Mu Hantian's side, and whispered at the same time.

"Well... it seems that there is more than one person." Mu Hantian and Qi Lin exchanged glances and suddenly slowed down their running speed.

"There are 5 people, but the breath is a bit strange. This kind of breath is not so much a human being..." Just as Qi Rin whispered, the two of them stopped at the same time.

This time it wasn't a deliberate stop, but because the road was suddenly blocked.

"Under the fortifications? But these were not available yesterday...?" Due to the thick fog, the two of them came to the front and realized that there was a sign prohibiting entry, blocking them all the way to the trail.

"It's not impossible to ignore the blockade and break in, but what should we do?"

"With such a bad line of sight, there may be danger. It may also be a trap."

"Although there seems to be a way to detour... but there must be a trap." Just in front of the blocked road, a detour was left. Not far to the right sits a large park surrounded by high walls, one of which is open at the entrance.

"By the way, who attacked us. Do you have any idea about Kato-san?"

"This, more or less... Does Senior Han Tian also know what to do?"

"Well, it should be?" Of course Ainesta came to mind, but she always felt that something was wrong. I just don't have time to think about it now.

"Senior, what should I do?"

"It's settled here!" After speaking, Mu Hantian would turn around and shout, "Come out!"

Soon, slowly emerging from the white mist was an unseen creature.

At first glance, the massive body looks like a big cat like a tiger or a lion, but the skin is covered with things like hard scales. The neck is a bit long, and the vicious appearance is similar to reptiles such as lizards, with sharp fangs in the mouth. Like a dragon without wings. There are five in total, and they are clearly hostile to the two.

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