"What kind of creatures are these...?"

"At least it doesn't look like a local species."

Qi Lin seemed to be seeing it for the first time, and tilted her head with a puzzled face. "But it's kind of cute."

"Oh, is it... Wait, cute?" Mu Hantian couldn't help but glance at Qi Rin again, and the dragon-like monster immediately saw the flaw and flew towards Mu Hantian.

"Come on, you guys will also make sneak attacks!" Mu Hantian instantly took out the sword-shaped brilliance-style weapon from the sleeve around his waist and activated it. After the light blade appeared, it directly blocked the sharp claws of the dragon-like monster.

Mu Hantian pushed back his huge heavy body, only to see the dragon-like monster flipping in the air and landing on the ground. The action seems to be closer to the feline.

"Senior Hantian, are you alright?" Qi Rin repelled the three dragon-like monsters that attacked at the same time. Moreover, with the scabbard that has not yet drawn the sword, it is light and easy to move a thousand jins.

"Well, fortunately, the opponent is very weak!" Mu Hantian said at the same time as he drilled through the front feet of the dragon-like monster that launched the second wave of attacks.

However, the attack that was originally lightly restrained actually cut off the front foot of the monster neatly, which made Mu Hantian stunned.

"What...!" The severed front foot slowly collapsed on the spot, melting like maltose. But it didn't disappear, but kept shaking like a translucent slime. On the other hand, the monster whose front foot was cut off didn't care at all, and there was not even a drop of blood on the cut surface. At the same time, the severed slime-like object wrapped around the cut surface with a squeak, and in a blink of an eye, it returned to the front foot that had been cut off.

"These guys..." Just when Mu Hantian was speechless, the one who had been silent just now opened his mouth wide. The Wanying elements around them gathered rapidly. The dragon-like monster erupted with flames and rolled into a ball.

"What!" This is the same as "Witch" or "Magician", it is obviously the interference ability of Wanyingsu.

With a low roar, the monster spit out a fireball, which Mu Hantian bounced off with the blade of his sword.

Although it is far inferior to Julis's ability, it is surprising that creatures other than humans can connect with the Omniscient.

"Is this the mutant Claudia said...?"

No, if it was really a mutant, it should have been in the news long ago. Even if Asterisk is a city beyond common sense, it's impossible to let this creature wander around.

No matter what Mu Hantian thought in his heart, these two dragon-like monsters obviously would not miss any chance, they let out low roars and crawl toward Mu Hantian.

"Although I don't know what you guys are, it seems that if we want to leave, we must deal with you." Mu Hantian squatted slightly and held his sword in one hand while he spoke.

Just as the two dragon-like monsters kicked on the ground at the same time and attacked from the left and right sides——

"Underworld God Flow—Blade of Blast Wind!" Mu Hantian circled the outer circle at a high speed of lightning, and quickly swung the sword in his hand.


The two dragon-like monsters let out strange screams that were not like living creatures, and at the same time, Mu Hantian pierced their flanks.

But at this moment, the entire body of the dragon-like monster melted like the front legs that were cut off before.

And the slime-like object that melted on the ground pulled the distance away with unexpectedly agile movements, and slowly emerged again—in about ten seconds, it returned to its original appearance.

This time, Mu Hantian was really speechless.

"Isn't it really an immortal body? No, there can be no so-called immortal body in this world."

"It seems that attacks like slashing, stabbing, and stabbing are ineffective." At some point, she walked around behind Mu Hantian, and Qi Lin, who was leaning against her back, showed a troubled expression.

She held the unsheathed knife in her hand.

"Maybe. The opponent's true face should be a slime-like creature, so it's probably a mimesis, right?"

"I see... I actually have an idea, and I want to try it out." After Qi Rin finished speaking, she approached one of them at an almost random pace.

The monster roared and threatened, but just as it was about to approach Qilin, it suddenly swooped in.

"I'm sorry Luo." Qi Rin said in a low voice without being nervous at all, leaning slightly to avoid the attack. In the next instant, the attacking dragon-like monster was neatly split in half.

"Oh oh oh!" It screamed like the solid body just now, but the body still melted like a slime.

At this moment, Qi Rin aimed at the slime-shaped object, and slashed another sharp slash from the air. When the knife is closed, it strikes again, followed by another strike, slashing back and forth at an astonishing speed. The speed of continuous attack can really be called super speed.

Lim, who was divided into dozens of pieces, gradually converged as if they were still reaching out to each other after falling to the ground. However, the part that was chopped in the air became smaller and smaller.

Among them, Mu Hantian saw something strange. In what was left, there appeared to be some sort of spherical object wriggling.

The spherical object fled around inside the slime, not knowing where to hide. But as the slime was shaved off piece by piece, the ball was about to have nowhere to hide. Soon the slime was the size of a fist, and the ball could not move.


Qi Rin's knife flashed and slashed the ball in half. At the same time, the slime who was still wriggling on the ground just now stopped moving.

It seems that the part of the slime is controlled by the spherical shape just now. The other dragon-like monsters backed away in fright when they saw this scene.

"Sure enough, there is a core part in the body, as long as you destroy the core part." Putting the knife back into the scabbard, Qi Rin said as if nothing had happened, and at the same time seemed a little sad.

"I didn't expect you to find out."

"Because the flow of star power is very strange. I have been very sensitive to this since before."

Mastering the flow of one's own star power is common to the 'Star Vessel Generation', but mastering others is not so simple. Just measuring the amount and accuracy is another matter, but if you can grasp even the weak flow direction, it is a special ability.

"I seem to know why you are so strong." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly while picking up the spherical wreckage that had been split in half. Although the specific material is unknown, it must be composed of inorganic substances. Obviously man-made.

"Looks like... it really is Alcant who is doing the trick."

"Alacante?" Qi Rin asked with a puzzled expression.

"Uh~ it will take some time to explain - uh!" At this time, the dragon-like monsters who were separated from each other fired fireballs in succession. And all four were aimed at Mu Hantian.

"Shit!" Mu Hantian hurriedly jumped back, distanced himself, and landed near the entrance of the park.

Just as Mu Hantian was about to attack, the fireball flew over again. But this time, it was not aimed at Mu Hantian. The fireball with an apparently low orbit hit Mu Hantian's feet with a dull explosion.

At the same time, with the hit point as the center, radial cracks appeared on the slate floor.

"Ah?" Mu Hantian thought badly, and was about to reflexively step back—but he was a step too late. In the next instant, with Mu Hantian as the center, a huge pothole with a diameter of about five meters appeared like a collapse. That kind of fireball couldn't possibly penetrate Asterisk's territory, so it must have been manipulated beforehand.

"Senior Han Tian!" Qi Rin jumped up and stretched out her hand. Mu Hantian also reached out and grabbed her, and Qi Rin pulled Mu Hantian's body hard.

Qi Rin's outstretched hand barely grabbed the edge of the cave, and hung down with one left hand.

"Senior Hantian, are you alright?"

"It's okay!" Let me see, what tricks are you going to play!

While Mu Hantian was thinking like this, there was an ominous crackling sound, and the edge of the cave that Qilin grabbed mercilessly collapsed.

"Hmm!" Qi Rin screamed, and together with Mu Hantian, her body was sucked into the bottom of the dark cave.


"This is the end of the first act?" Enesta faced the space window, yawning with a dull expression.

The picture just showed the moment when Mu Hantian and Qilin were engulfed by the huge cave. Sure enough, they're the ones doing shit.

"How do you hide such a big hole? If the guards hear the wind, will it trouble Luo?"

"It seems that the construction there was originally scheduled, so it should be fine for the time being." Camila, who was sitting on the side, was concentrating on checking the data sent by the measuring instrument.

"Speaking of which, is that the cap bug-style sticky attack? As far as the 'Superman Pie' is concerned, it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"It's so worthless. I'm really interested in the content."

"Universal element flow control and pseudo-transformation technology are very interesting, but the others are very ordinary, too ordinary. And since they can change their appearance, why should they become that kind of lizard? Isn't there other shapes? Like penguins or cats or something." Anesta picked up a puppet of an unknown creature that was littering the ground and hugged it, her chin resting on the puppet.

"That's just your personal interest... After all, the original shape of the star power can only be changed into a pre-remembered shape. And at present, a core element seems to only be able to change into one type." Open the small space window that you use, and confirm the information leaked by the inner ghost of the 'Superman Pie'. The living body transformation technology is the specialty of the 'Superman Pie'. Although Ainesta's evaluation is not high, Camilla is quite optimistic.

"It's just one kind? That's even more boring. The "Superman Pie" without the "Big Doctor" is nothing more than a little." Anesta seemed to be even less interested. "By the way, those guys are already weak. It won't be of much use at all, right?"

"There's no way. They didn't mean to build biological weapons. That was just a by-product of research."

"That's right, but it looks like my puppets are tens of billions of times stronger than them, right?"

"If you really want to say good things, it's because the opponent is too strong. It's not a fake that the star guide hall is ranked first."

"Yeah~ it is indeed. In the current Alcant, there is still no one who has the ability to face an opponent of that level head-on."

"That's because including last year's 'Phoenix Star Martial Art' champion partner, the strong students in the practice class have all graduated."

"Camilla, it is precisely because of this that we have the opportunity to be on the big stage."

At this moment, the image of the space window switched.

"Oh, the second act has begun."

"For them, it seems that the next thing is to play the real Luo?"

"Oh, then look forward to it."

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