The first thing to feel is the shock. Then it was cold, followed by breathlessness.

Is it in water?

Mu Hantian opened his eyes, but his vision was dark and full of bubbles, so he couldn't tell where he was. But it seems to have fallen into deep water somewhere.

Since he couldn't tell the difference between up, down, left and right, Mu Hantian tried to calm down and relax his body.

It stands to reason that the body should float up automatically. But now there is no feeling of floating up at all, instead it feels more and more sinking.

"Yes, things are still hanging on your body!"

Mu Hantian hurriedly untied the heavy objects on his body and swam toward the water with the only light source.

"Pfft!" Splashing out of the water, he finally breathed a sigh of relief after taking a deep breath. I thought it fell into the lake, but it doesn't look like it.

There seems to be a huge space here. In the far upper part, you can see the hole where he fell, but there are several floors connected in the middle.

Asterisk also has various uses for the underground space, and as a result, each floor is carefully dug a large hole. Clearly a man-made trap.

"It's an honor to entertain me in this way."

The surface of the water was about twenty meters from the ceiling, so I couldn't tell how big it was. On the left is a piece of wall standing, and on the other side, the view of the wide water surface and the huge pillars continues to stretch.

There was almost no lighting around, just a few better-than-none lights on the ceiling and walls.

"Right! Where's Kato-san?"

Mu Hantian looked around quickly, and found a faint splash of water not far away.


Judging from the appearance of Qi Rin struggling desperately, she must be drowning. Maybe it's because the weight on him can't be undone.

Mu Hantian hurriedly swam to her side, only to see Qi Rin clutching Mu Hantian with a sad face.

"Cough! Cough...! Thank you, thank you, Senior Hantian...! Got, got saved!"

"Are you all right, classmate Dao Teng! I'll help you untie it right away..." But Mu Hantian saw that the heavy object on her body had been unfastened long ago.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, senior... I-I can't swim!"

"Oh... so that's what it is."

It was a bit surprising that she, who was so agile, turned out to be a land duck. However, the 'Star Vessel Generation' is human after all, and there are always things that are good and bad.

"No, I should apologize. I didn't expect you to be implicated."

"No, but this is...?" Qi Rin adjusted her breathing and asked with a slightly nasal tone.

"Should be the underground of Asterisk."

" should be the balance zone." Qi Rin looked up and said in a low voice.

"Balance zone?" Mu Hantian heard this word for the first time.

"Well, since Asterisk is a huge artificial floating island, use water as a weight to balance the weight."

"Oh, I see."

Although Mu Hantian didn't know much about the urban structure, this kind of design was very possible.

"So, there should be an entrance and exit for the security check somewhere!" Qi Rin was about to turn her head when her face suddenly flushed.

"What's wrong?"

"No, no! This, I... No, I'm sorry..." Seeing Qi Rin's ambiguity, Mu Hantian suddenly realized.

Since Qi Lin was holding Mu Hantian tightly, it was only natural that the two were so close that their cheeks almost touched each other, which was almost equivalent to being close to each other. The two of them now only have their heads above the water. Under the water's surface, the plump twin peaks were pressing tightly on Mu Hantian's wrist, and Mu Hantian's almost entire hand was deeply immersed in it.

"Sorry, learn, senior, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! If, if I could swim...!"

"No, no, it's me who wants to say sorry, sorry!" Mu Hantian hurriedly pulled out his hand.

Just then.

Mu Hantian saw a huge shadow lurking under the water.


"Yes, it is?"

"Can you hold your breath!" Mu Hantian hugged Qilin and dived into the water just after he finished speaking. And try to paddle as hard as you can to get out of the original spot as quickly as possible.

At this time, the huge thing in the water passed by as if passing over the two of them, and hit the two of them with a strong current.

However, Mu Hantian still didn't let go of Qi Lin and surfaced. The sight in front of me was unbelievable.


"Haha, this is really-"

Mu Hantian and Qi Lin were both speechless at the same time. In the place where the two of them were floating just now, a huge dragon was raising its head.

The body is much larger than the dragon-like monster that attacked on the ground just now, and the surface of the water is nearly ten meters away. The total length may be more than fifteen meters. From the outline alone, it looks like a long-necked dragon that inhabited in ancient times.

The dragon-like monster looks like a creature close to a lizard, but this one is closer to a snake. However, it can still be seen that the squat body has something similar to hands and feet, a row of sharp fangs and a huge head, and I can't think of a more appropriate term other than dragon.

And like the dragon-like monster just now, this one also exudes a very strong hostility.

"Is this the next present? Fun!"

"Senior Hantian, this dragon has the same feeling as the children above." Probably judging the flow of star power, Qi Rin whispered to Mu Hantian in a low voice.

"So, is the entity a slime?"

"should be!"

"If that's the case, let me fix it!"

Long seemed to understand Mu Hantian's words, so he let out a low growl and rushed over at the same time. But it was towards Qi Rin.

"Cut, it's really despicable!" Mu Hantian instantly protected Qilin and blocked the dragon's charge.

A terrifying impact came, but Mu Hantian still blocked it. Just when Mu Hantian managed to push the dragon back, the brilliance-style armament in his hand broke.

Mu Hantian was knocked out. The thick pillar was dented into a large pit, and radial cracks appeared.

"Depend on!"

"Xue, senior, are you alright!"

"Well, it's alright. I can withstand this shock, but this situation is a bit troublesome, so I can only..."

The dragon seemed to swam a distance to observe the two of them in order to confirm the state of the prey. Perhaps its personality is very cautious.

"This, if, if I will interfere with the senior, please let go of the senior!" At this time, Qi Rin suddenly said.

"If, if I hurt the senior...I, I...!" Qi Rin hugged Mu Hantian's arm, trembling and crying.

"Don't say that, Qi Rin, you are not my burden."

"I-I'm really useless... No matter how well you learn swordsmanship, the result is still... I don't want to see anyone die because of someone like me...!" Shaking his head.

"Huh..." Mu Hantian let out a big breath, hugged Qi Rin's body lightly, and gently touched her head.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about anything. Just leave it to me!"

"But, but...!"

"No but, leave it to me!"


"One more thing... You can't say 'I'm a person'. Because you are a gentle, strong--and excellent girl."

"Eh...?" In the end, Qi Rin showed a surprised expression and stared at Mu Hantian for a while - "Yes, yes." Her cheeks were dyed cherry red and she nodded greatly.

Then he wiped his tears hard and raised his head firmly.

"Well, that's good." Mu Hantian patted Qilin's head again, and changed the weapon to the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

Injecting magic power, black patterns appear on the blade, and the white blade gradually becomes black.

"As long as there is a foothold, you can fight with me!" Mu Hantian carefully avoided the blade of the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' from hitting the water, and waved it gently at the same time.

Dig through thick posts like tofu to secure a space barely enough for two people to stand.

First of all, Qi Rin had to get a foothold, but the dragon attacked from behind while taking advantage of the gap. However, Mu Hantian didn't even look back, and waved one hand at will.

Before the dragon's fangs came over, he cut off the dragon's throat with a knife, and saw the dragon's head flying in the air.

Of course, the faucet melted before it hit the ground, twisted and turned on the water, and returned to its original shape at once.

"Well, it's really the same as the ones above." Mu Hantian, who then climbed to the footing after Qi Rin, frowned when he saw this scene.

The resurrected dragon seemed to be wary of Mu Hantian's strike just now, opened a distance of about ten meters, and slowly circled around the pillar. It seems that the other party is not so stupid. Soon, like the dragon-like monster just now, it began to wrap the Omniscient element towards its mouth. In the blink of an eye, a huge fireball was formed, and it was fired at the two of them like missiles.

But Mu Hantian only waved the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' gently, and the fireball dissipated. Compared to Julis' power, this fireball was nothing but child's play.

"But if it goes on like this, it will never end." Although it is not impossible to launch an attack from a foothold, it is bound to have to jump and try to kill with one blow. It's fine if it's a normal opponent, but the opponent's structure is the same as that of a slime, so it's meaningless if it doesn't hit the core.

"Qi Rin, do you know the process of that guy's Xing Chen Li?"

"Ah, yes, barely."

"Where is the core?"

"This... seems to be constantly moving within the body."

"That's it, there's no other way but to destroy it all! Humans and ghosts—the future will be smashed forever!" With a flash of sword light, the dragon split into pieces in an instant, and the surrounding water began to surge.

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