Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 685: Qi Rin's heart

On that day, Koichiro Toto was in a bad mood from early in the morning. Because of the urgent contact from the Star Guide Academy Academy that Qi Rin's whereabouts are unknown.

After hurriedly arriving, Qi Rin was safely protected, which made Koichiro temporarily relieved. However, suffering unnecessary troubles wasting precious time and making him angry.

The headquarters of the Seventh Teaching and Research Office is at the headquarters of the 'Galaxy', which is the capital of Japan, Otsu, but Koichiro set up the activity base here at the Asterisk branch. Of course, because it's easier to manage Kirin's movements.

"Really, don't let people worry about it." Koichiro called Kirin to the back of the school building as usual, and said with a look of disgust.

"I'm sorry, uncle." Qi Rin bluntly bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

"Hmph, forget it. Anyway, about the target of the next duel—"

"Before that, uncle, can I ask you one thing?"

"what's up?"

"Just now, my uncle said he was worried about me... Is it Kato Kirin that you are worried about? Or is it the item Kato Kirin?"

This question made Koichiro feel guilty for a moment, but then a mean smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked down at Qi Rin. "I don't know what you want to do when you ask this. It's no use asking now. You should also know that all I need is your strength."

"Really!" Qi Rin lowered her head with a lonely expression.

"Speaking of which, when you were attacked... remember that the kid was called Mu Hantian, right—you were with the kid who used the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', right?" This unpleasant kid made Gang Yilang smack it. Tongue out.

"According to the leaked rumors, it seems that the kid had something to do with Alicante before. In this case, this incident should also have something to do with Alicante. Don't get entangled with that kid again, so as not to be swayed. Unnecessarily involved in trouble."

With Koichiro's management authority, although he can't know the details, he somewhat knows that there is another secret behind the technical cooperation between Star Guide Academy and Alcant.

"This, I refuse." But Qi Rin categorically refused.

"What did you say?" Gunichiro doubted his ears for a moment. Qi Rin also had a record of resisting many times before. But it was the first time that he fought against Koichiro like this time.

"Okay, I'll listen to your reasons." Koichiro suppressed the anger in his heart and glared at Qi Rin.

"Senior Hantian taught me important things. And I think there is still a lot to learn from him."

"It's worth learning from him?" Gang Ichiro snorted and sighed in annoyance.

"Boring, you just need to follow my instructions and act. There's no need to think about what's available or not."

"No, I-"

Koichiro didn't wait for Qi Rin to finish speaking, and slapped Qi Rin backhand. He didn't show mercy, because he didn't need mercy—but Qi Rin didn't waver at all, looking up at Koichiro.

Koichiro, who held his hands high, flinched a little with the look of strong will in his eyes.

Afterwards, Koichiro came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a big dream. He snorted deliberately as if he did not admit the truth. "Humph...! It's interesting, do you want to resist me? But what ability do you have? Without my strength, do you have the ability to pass the game alone?"

"Yes, that's what I wanted."

Seeing Qi Rin simply admit it, Koichiro's laughter was full of sarcasm. "Ha, hahahahaha! I thought you were going to say something... It's impossible for you to do it. Listen to me, without my management, do you think you can be number one? I admit that you do. It's very strong, but don't underestimate Asterisk. Even if you can live on your own, how long will it take until your wish is fulfilled."

As Koichiro spoke, he began to regain his composure.

"Don't you want to save your father Seijiro as soon as possible? Then just listen to me. I have a way to make you win the 'Xingwu Festival' in three years, no, two years. You are alone. Do you have that ability?"

"No, I think there should be no way." Qi Rin lowered her head slightly.

Koichiro nodded in satisfaction with her answer. "That's right, you know it well. So..."

"But I don't think that your method will succeed, Uncle." Qi Rin raised her eyes solemnly and stared at Koichiro again.


"To borrow what you said, uncle, don't underestimate Asterisk, not only me, but also you, uncle. People who can't step out on their own will not be able to pass the battle here. I only discovered this later."

"Damn girl, how dare you speak out like this...!" Gang Yilang was so angry that his voice was shaking.

"I met many students here before you were born. You've only been here for a few months, yet you dare to make an axe against my class...!"

"Some things have to be experienced in person. I'm sorry, uncle."

"I'm very grateful for my uncle's help, it's true. But I decided to fight in my own way. If I don't do it, one day... I will definitely regret it." After speaking, Qi Rin turned away from Koichiro and turned around. leave.

Gang Ichiro was speechless and watched her leave, but then he came back to his senses and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, make it up! What are you trying to do alone!"

"This... First of all, I want to duel." Qi Rin stopped and turned around, showing a steady wry smile.


"That's right. This time I'm going to fight again with my own will--senpai. Although I can't win, but... I have to do it again."


The next week, the scene came to the Xingdaoguan Academy Comprehensive Arena. In the auditorium of the biggest stage, the students watching the battle were packed.

This is not the training room that Mu Hantian and Julis used before, but a stage that is indeed surrounded by defensive barriers.

Defensive barriers that can defend against brilliant armed attacks not only consume a lot of energy, but also require extremely large-scale installations. Therefore, including this stage, there are only three in Star Guide Academy.

On this stage where the official ranking battle is usually held, two figures faced each other in the center.

"Thank you for being willing to accept my rash request-Senior Hantian." One of them, Qilin, bowed his head politely as usual. Her expression looked much more cheerful.

"Well, it doesn't matter...but why do you want to duel again? And you named me with you." The other person was Mu Hantian, with a confused, wry smile on his face.

"In order to take a real step here, I think it is necessary to duel with the senior no matter what."

"Real step?"


Hearing this, Mu Hantian sighed softly and shrugged. "I see. But as I said before, I'll do my best if it's a duel."

"I can't ask for it." Qi Rin smiled lightly, and immediately prepared to pull out Qian Yuqi.

Mu Hantian also distanced himself and activated the Brilliant Armament.

Seeing Mu Hantian's armament, Qi Rin asked in surprise, "Don't you use that pure Xinghuang-style armament?"

"'Black Furnace Demon Sword'? That's not fair to you."

"Really? The senior is really gentle." Qi Rin smiled slightly.

"It's alright, come on!" Mu Hantian said with a smile, holding a sword flower.


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