The duel between Qilin and Mu Hantian was ultimately a victory for Mu Hantian, but because of this, Qilin's heart was opened, and she also formed a team with Shaye.

"Excuse me, are you the 'white knight' senior Mu Hantian?" During the lunch break, Mu Hantian was eating in the Beidou cafeteria. Suddenly, a lively female student with chestnut hair came to ask Mu Hantian with a smile on her face.


"Hehe, can I ask the senior to sign?" After speaking, the girl handed colored paper and a pen to Mu Hantian.

"Oh, good!" In spite of the kindness, Mu Hantian wrote his name on the colored paper. Of course, Mu Hantian had never practiced any beautiful autographs, so he wrote in standard regular script. At first, Mu Hantian was also very puzzled, but recently he has gradually gotten used to it.

"Thank you, senior~"Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival", cheer up! I will cheer for senior!" The girl who took the autograph waved her hand vigorously as she left.

"Haha..." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly on his face. After watching the girl leave, I suddenly noticed the cold gaze, and hurriedly looked back.

Julis and Shaye, who were sitting in the opposite seats, stared at Mu Hantian with half-squinted eyes.

"Uh...what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just that people who are popular are still just as hard."

"Han Tian, ​​you are a little too kind, which makes people worry."

"Yes, yes? Hehe." The pressure from the sullen two made Mu Hantian fidgeting subtly, scratching his head with a troubled expression.

Mu Hantian defeated Qi Lin in a duel and was promoted to the first place in Star Guide Academy. This kind of thing has long been seen. In addition, he has received fan letters and gifts, or media interviews, corporate sponsorships, and anonymous slanders and threats. It really has everything, nothing is strange.

Fortunately, the academy seems to arrange assistance for these, and can give them all. However, face-to-face with fans like just now, of course, can only be resolved by oneself.

"Why should the princess and classmate Shasha Gong be angry about this trivial matter. It's only natural that Han Tian suddenly rises to the top of the ranking." Yingshilang, who was sitting beside Mu Hantian, eating hot soba noodles, said grin.

"Yeah, me too, this... luck, luck, and instantly became the 'starting page 12' through a duel, but there were only 11 at the time. Although I don't seem qualified to say, but suddenly become a ranking like Senior Han Tian. First, of course, there are more topics of ****." Qirin, who was sitting next to Saya and eating udon noodles, also agreed with Yingshirou.

Qi Rin ranked first a week ago, but she doesn't seem to be particularly attached to it. In addition, the ranking system of Star Guide Academy is an exchange system, so Qi Rin is now "out of the ranking", but in the special situation of the "buffer period".

This is the right of students in the "ranking" including the "first page twelve", and it is also to prevent the drawbacks of the exchange system. Students who enter the ranking can enjoy all kinds of preferential treatment, but if they lose, they will lose everything in an instant, which is bound to cause trouble, so the same treatment will be guaranteed for a certain period of time. At the same time, students during the buffer period, if there is an "opponent below their old ranking" in the recent formula ranking battle, they can ignore the level and have the right to challenge first.

"What's more, when you became the 'Twelve People on the First Page', Princess, didn't it cause a lot of commotion?

"Perhaps, but this commotion is temporary at best. My commotion at that time subsided immediately." Julis answered Eishirou's question seriously.

"Because the princess is completely refusing people thousands of miles away. After a few closed doors, everyone will back off."

"Sorry, I don't have the kind of spirit to give back to the audience. Although I am grateful to those who cheered for me, I don't want anyone to take advantage of me out of boredom. So rejecting everything is a sincere response, right?" Julis operated the phone and opened the space window.

"Net shooting...? Ah le, no way!"

Mu Hantian, who was staring at the window, couldn't help exclaiming. Because there are a lot of autographs on the rack, and the price is terrifyingly high, I really don't know whether to be happy or angry.

Although it doesn't take much effort to sign a name, it is inevitable to be a little bit shocked to see that the end of the autograph turned out to be an online shoot.

"Oh, this is also one of the common ways for students to earn pocket money, it's common." Yingshilang, who saw the window from the back, patted Mu Hantian on the shoulder.

"Don't take it to heart. Han Tian, ​​you still have loyal fans, such as me."

"Yes, yes! There are also fans of Senior Hantian in our class, and I..."

Seeing Saya and Qirin supporting Ayato, Julis showed a fearless smile on her face. "Hmph, that sounds really nice. If you really run into us at the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', what are you going to do?"

"Oh, by the way, are you two sure you want to participate?"

At the invitation of Shaye, Qi Lin registered as an alternate player in the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival", which surprised Mu Hantian greatly. However, a few days ago there was a vacancy due to the absence of some people, and it seems that the competition has been successfully completed.

"Of course, we will fight with all our strength at that time."

"Well, that's what I thought too. After all, it's a different matter." The two said, their expressions changed, and they looked at Mu Hantian and Julis with sharp and serious eyes.

"Hehe...that's right."

"Of course it's best not to run into each other."

"Hehe... Everyone is very high-spirited, it's really reliable." Claudia appeared at this time, still wearing the usual soft smile on her face.

"Oh, long time no see, Claudia. You seem to be busy lately."

"Well, approaching the 'Xingwu Festival' always adds a lot of work, it's very hard." Saying that, Claudia opened a huge space window on the dining table.

"But just now, the group list of the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' was announced, so I came to tell you."

Hearing Claudia say that, everyone's eyes were focused on the space window.

The long list of names is endless, and above them are the tournament schedules towering like a castle.

"Wow, there are so many contestants."

The number of participants in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' was 512 people, divided into 256 teams. Although I have memorized these basic common sense, it is quite scary to see the spectacular grouping list in person.

"Let me see, which group are we in... ah, found it! In the L area!"

"Well, are we in... Zone C? It seems that we won't meet you before the official schedule." Qi Rin and Julis looked at each other with a slightly relieved smile.

The 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival' is held for about two weeks. The previous week's schedule is commonly known as the preliminaries, and the top 32 will be selected. That is the group schedule that Mu Hantian and others are watching now. After that, the top 32 will draw lots to form a new schedule, commonly known as the official schedule. In order to earn points, the school you belong to must advance to the top 32 or higher.

"However, why did Claudia come to tell us?"

"That's the point. After all, you are one of the championship candidates, so you have to be fully prepared."

"Yes, is it that exaggerated? Champion candidate." Mu Hantian waved his hand with a wry smile.

However, Yingshirou froze his face and flicked Mu Hantian's forehead with his fingers. "Idiot, one is the current number one, and the other is the former number one? If you are not a champion candidate, are there others?"

"Yeah, Han Tian, ​​you and Toudou-kun are too modest, you have to be more confident in yourself. After all, the two of you represent our academy."

"What's more, there are no particularly strong players this time. Honestly, it's no surprise that one of your teams wins the championship, right?" Although Eishirou said it lightly, he was not someone who would flatter others at will.

"I took a look at it, and almost all of them were opponents that were expected before the game, and there was no one that was particularly difficult to deal with."

Of course, no academy will announce the contestants before the 'Xingwu Festival'. But there are always some gossip leaking out, so the schedule is roughly the same as the list circulating on the streets.

"Perhaps I should say lucky, there is no absolute powerhouse like the last "Griffin Star Martial Festival" and "Wanglong Star Martial Festival"."

"Absolutely strong?" Hearing Claudia's words, Mu Hantian tilted his head and fell into contemplation.

"The 'Griffin Star Martial Festival' is the Silver Winged Knights of Gary Dowath, and the 'Wanglong Star Martial Art Festival' is the 'Lonely Poison Witch' by Levoff." Julis shrugged indifferently.

"That's right, in fact, they played an unpredictable and overwhelming strength in the competition before, and they dominated the 'Xingwu Festival' respectively. This time is different from the past, it should turn into a big melee. Although each academy It's worth noting how much the 'Starting Page Twelve' is."

"The champion partner of the last 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival' seems to have graduated and will not participate in this competition. I heard that the quasi-champion partner of Kailong has also moved to the 'Griffin Star Martial Art Festival'." Claudia and Eishirou As expected of the information. Mu Hantian listened with admiration.

At this moment, Claudia clapped her hands and looked around at everyone. "After all, in terms of this season's strategy, this 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' has a very important position. It's not an exaggeration to say that the key to success or failure is on everyone. I hope you will give your best."

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