Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 687: transition

"I have a problem." Saya, who had been sucking orange juice silently just now, suddenly raised her hand.

"What's the problem, student Shasha Gong?"

"What about the strong candidates from other academies?"

It was Claudia who answered the students' questions like a teacher.

"Good question...Although I want to answer it like this, the students of Shashagong are interested in the two of Alkante, right?"

Saya's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Those two... oh, here, the H area." Julis quickly glanced through the schedule.

"About those two, the operating committee should also make various statements, but I really can't help it."

"Oh, is there any special case for the representative?" Seeing the words in Claudia's words, Yingshirou's eyes flashed.

"Ha ha……"


"It's not uncommon to change the rules, make exceptions and cancel them in the 'Xingwu Festival'. It's called trial and error, but there is no principle at all. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the students of the research class to be in the 'Xingwu Festival'. appeared in the festival, so there must be something weird!"

"The top priority of the operation committee is to heat up the atmosphere of the 'Hoshibu Festival', so it will continue to try new measures. Once it thinks that new measures will cause damage, it will simply cut it... That's all." Claudia After interrupting Eishirou's words, he stopped after saying this.

"Hmm." Saya was obviously dissatisfied, but she seemed to know that with Claudia's attitude, she couldn't get any information.

"Then, then, are there any other strong candidates?"

"Okay, Kato-san, wait a moment." Claudia smiled and operated her mobile phone.

Almost at the same time, Mu Hantian and others received letters on their mobile phones.

"That's it, I have sent the relevant information to you just now. I hope it can help you."

"Oh, that's really helpful. Thank you!" Mu Hantian immediately opened the profile and saw that there were dozens of ******** with photos. Personal information such as height and weight, battle history, and weapons used. If it is a pure star-bright-style armed messenger or ability, it will also attach related videos such as ability and even duel.

"No, any academy would do this. The other academies must be studying your materials right now."

"Well, so looking at the reliability and adequacy of this kind of information, you can know the strength of the academy's espionage capabilities." Eishirou, the only one who did not receive the information, smiled with a mysterious smile.

"Ah... Having said that, my uncle once told me that Lavoff and Quinnville are also good at this."

"Anyway, just remember this, and fight carefully." Saying that, Julis glanced through the information and suddenly stopped her gaze. "Really, the headache person really appeared."

"Headache?" Mu Hantian walked around behind Yulis, who sighed, and stared at her palm.

"She is the user of the pure Xinghuang-style weapon 'Blood Scythe'. Although I don't know what the two of Alcant have in mind, other than the two of them, the students on the list are her most dangerous. Bar."

"The name is -- Irene Wuerses, isn't it?" The screen showed a girl student with a somewhat peculiar sharp eye, showing a fearless smile.


A comprehensive main stage located in the central area of ​​Asterisk, commonly known as the 'Sirius Dome'. The 'Xingwu Festival' is held on eleven large and medium-sized stages including this main stage. Now this Sirius Dome is holding the opening ceremony of the 'Xingwu Festival'.

Mu Hantian had been led by Julis to the front of the dome, but today was the first time he stepped here.

The stage of the Sirius Dome is wide enough to accommodate all the contestants of the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival". During the actual game, it seems that it will be divided into smaller areas, and now the opening ceremony uses all the space. The contestants from each academy lined up neatly, but it seemed that some schools were absent. In particular, Leiwolf's side is particularly prominent, and there is no vacancy, and the queue is neatly arranged by Gallardois.

"Speaking of which, there are so many people."

"Hehe, do you mean the contestants? Or..." Probably hearing Mu Hantian's unintentional muttering, Julis, who was standing aside, said with a mischievous smile, while looking around. "Are you scared after seeing these audiences?"

As Julis said, the auditorium surrounding the stage was so full that there was almost no room for standing.

"Hehe, of course I was just scared by the number of participants." Mu Hantian told Julis in a low voice, and Julis shrugged exaggeratedly.

Mu Hantian looked forward. The contestants lined up radially in front of the podium. Just now, the mayor of Asterisk was giving a speech, and now another prime-aged man appeared.

"Good morning, everyone, I'm glad to see you all on stage this year. Also, I have to say hello to the new students who just arrived at Asterisk this year. I'm the chairman of the 'Hoshibu Festival' operating committee, Mathias. Mesa." The man greeted everyone in a clear, steady voice, with an amiable smile on his face.

"He's the chairman of the operations committee? He's really young."

About thirty-five years old. The so-called 'Xingwu Festival' operating committee is the person who is essentially responsible for coordinating the 'Xingwu Festival'. Of course, he must be a cadre of the unified enterprise consortium, and it is more certain that he is younger than Qi Rin's uncle, Okaichiro.

A shrewd appearance, a cheerful tone, and a certain laid-back ease. Looking at the past, I can see the perfect body that has been trained. He is obviously the 'Star Vessel Generation'.

"Madias Mesa is a graduate of our Star Director Center." Julis sighed with an expression of "please remember this little thing".

"I forget how old he is, but I can be sure that he is very young, less than forty years old. He is still the leader who once dominated the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' when he was a student."

"It turns out that it is, no wonder." Even if he deliberately suppressed it, he could fully feel the strong and steady star power.

"As the chairman of the operation committee, he is also quite talented. I remember that I took office a few years ago. As a reformist leader, I established a new system, and changed activities and rules one after another, and each reform was highly rated."

"Since he is our graduate alumnus, it means he is a cadre of Galaxy, right?" Mu Hantian continued to ask.

"Well, in name."

"In name?" Mu Hantian tilted his head in confusion at this sentence, while Julis answered indifferently.

"I heard that Mathias Mesa hoped to join the operation committee after graduation after winning the 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival'."

"Oh, even such a wish can come true."

"Of course, that kind of world can't be squeezed into anything, but I heard that he has opened up a lot of joints since he was a student. I have met him a few times, and he is quite a powerful character."

"Mum..." Mu Hantian stared at Mathias. At this moment, Mathias's eyes were fixed on Mu Hantian.

"However, too much talk will only affect everyone's interest, so finally I will announce an important rule change to everyone. Of course, we have already notified the academies, and it seems that some information has been leaked." Yas continued to speak as if nothing had happened, but the sight just now was probably just his own concern.

"The existing brilliant weapons have not restricted this aspect, but with the advancement of technology, some regulations are out of date. Specifically, whether self-disciplined mobile machines should be regarded as weapons."

It was Saya who immediately reacted to this sentence. Saya, who was standing in a daze just now, is now staring at the front with a serious expression.

"The basic philosophy of our operation is to provide a venue for everyone to exert their strength as much as possible. But if it is ignored, it will happen that individuals carry multiple self-disciplined mobile weapons as weapons. This is not fair to others... Of course, if It's the ability of a 'witch' or a 'magician', that's another story."

Mathias, as expected of someone who is good at speaking, continued to elaborate further after a moderate pause. "But we won't put a limit on the number of weapons. The easiest way is to ban the use of autonomous mobile weapons, but as I said earlier, we don't want to set limits lightly. Limits will cause stagnation and eventually decline. So, I hope you understand , this disposal is only to be used as a reference for the issues after the next competition... Only this competition is regarded as a form of 'participation by proxy'."

The audience suddenly started to riot. Not only the participating students, but also the auditorium became nervous.

"I hope the wise people can understand that this rule is not to benefit a specific school, but to ensure equality in the near future. Please believe that we will do our best at any time to arrange the rules that are most beneficial to you." The commotion inside the venue calmed down, and Mathias opened his arms to the audience after explaining further.

"In the meantime - please look forward to everyone who loves and supports the 'Xingwu Festival', this new regulation will take the 'Xingwu Festival' to the next level. The 'Xingwu Festival' will always be the best entertainment event in the world. , the birth of an extremely exciting and moving stage, and the supreme fighting performance that shakes the soul!" With his loud declaration, there was a grand applause from the audience. Audiences have the idea that as long as the atmosphere of the game is heated, any regulations are fine, so any new attempts are welcome. It seemed that Claudia was right.

On the other hand, the response of the contestants was much cooler. After all, this rule is a hassle, and it's no wonder that contestants lack interest.

After Mathias finished his speech, he walked off the podium with a smile and wave. After another boring ceremony, it was not until close to noon that the contestants were finally relieved.

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