Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 688: Prepare

"The opening ceremonies of the 25th 'Xingwu Festival' and the 24th 'Phoenix Xingwu Festival' have come to an end. Players from areas A to I participating in today's 'Phoenix Xingwu Festival', please arrive at the specified time Go to the competition stage inside."

"Uh~ our venue is the main stage, shouldn't we need to move it?" Mu Hantian slowly left the stage while listening to the venue's broadcast.

The first round of competition will last for four days, and the first battle between Mu Hantian and Julis will be on the first day, which is today.

"Well, but there is still a lot of time before the game, let's go to lunch first."

"No problem, Julis, with Sa Ye and Qi Rin... Huh, strange?" Having said that, Mu Hantian looked around. Saya and Qi Rin, who were still here just now, are nowhere to be seen. The first battle between the two should be tomorrow, and they will never leave the venue.

"Where did they go?" Both Sha Ye and Qi Lin were petite, and it was not easy to find them in this crowd.

"Discover the cold weather."

"Wow!" At this moment, someone suddenly hugged him from behind, causing Mu Hantian to exclaim in surprise.

"It turned out to be Saya... Don't be scary, okay? It's like this every time!"

"There are many flaws." Sha Ye, who was hugging Mu Hantian's waist tightly, showed a somewhat smug look.

"Where did you go just now? We're looking for you."

"No, sorry, we just went to the locker to get this."

Mu Hantian looked back, Qilin was standing behind Sha Ye with an apologetic face, holding a big thing in her hand.

"That is?"

"Hehehe, don't be frightened when you hear it - it's a bento." Letting go of Mu Hantian's Shaye, she raised her small chest and said.

"Bento?" Julis looked back at Saya with a look of surprise.

"Well, that's actually the case. I talked to Sasha Gong-senpai before—no, I chatted with Saya-san... This one was made to cheer for the two of them at the same time... No, if you don't dislike it, please try it. !" Saying that, Qi Rin's face flushed, and she handed the bento box in her hand to Mu Hantian.

"Oh, is this specially prepared for us?"

"Actually, I have nothing, no, I should say I have almost no experience in cooking, so I asked Saya-san to teach me... ah, but it's really simple cooking!"

"Oh, but Shasha Palace, is your craft good enough to teach others?" Julis glanced at the increasingly proud Sa Ye, opened the lunch box and saw that the rice **** were full. The shape is crooked and twisted, and the appearance is really not good-looking, but it seems to be able to feel the wholeheartedness of the maker.

"No, sorry, I'm really clumsy."

"No, I'm very happy. Thank you, Qilin." After speaking, Mu Hantian gently touched Qilin's head.

"Ah!" Qi Rin couldn't help but shouted softly, looking even more shrinking.


Seeing this scene, Sha Ye pulled Lamu Hantian's sleeve. He said, "Hantian, look at what I did too."

"Well, good." Mu Hantian then opened the second layer of the bento box, which was also stuffed with rice balls. The shape is much neater than the one made by Qi Rin, and it looks very delicious.


"This rice ball... it's really big." Julis, who looked at the contents of the bento box, whispered with an indescribable expression.

In fact, Saya's rice **** are nearly three times the size of normal. It's really amazing to see it tightly packed into the bento box.

"Big or small, that's my motto."

"It doesn't matter if it's big... But this bento box, shouldn't it be all rice balls?"

"Can't you?"

"No, I just admire you a little bit. With this alone, I can claim that I taught Qi Lin to cook."


"Let me state first, what I said just now is not a compliment." Julis said while pressing her temples, but Saya didn't seem to care at all.

"It doesn't matter, since there are so many portions, everyone can enjoy it together, isn't it great?" Mu Hantian said indifferently.

"How is it, Julis?"

Hearing Mu Hantian's invitation, Julis showed a confused expression, but nodded anyway. "Okay, then I'll be respectful rather than obedient."

"Okay, it's decided. Then find a quiet place."

"Then—by the way, our lounge should be available, and there should be a quiet meal there." With that, Julis turned and left alone.

"Wow, wait a minute, Julis!" Mu Hantian urged Sa Ye and Qi Lin, picked up the lunch box and hurriedly followed Julis who was walking in front.


"Huh... that's really good!" After eating the last rice ball, Mu Hantian folded his hands together.

"I'm sorry for being neglected. Ah, I'll make tea for you." Qi Rin, who had finished eating, took out the thermos that she seemed to have brought to help Mu Hantian pour tea.

"Thank you, Kirin."

"Please, please, this..."

"Well, the rice **** are delicious." Hearing Mu Hantian's praise, Qi Rin suddenly smiled.

"I ate too much." On the other hand, Saya lay on the sofa, rubbing her stomach.

"Who told you to eat three or four big rice balls!" Julis, who was sitting next to her, looked stunned.

"Okay, it's almost time."

After confirming the time, Mu Hantian turned on the TV set in the room. The lounge is quite wide and a bit too big for four people. The position close to the wall opens the space screen.

"Hello everyone, this is the venue for the first competition of the 24th 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival', Sirius Dome. My ABC broadcaster Liang Se Miko will broadcast the live broadcast for you, a graduate alumnus of Jielong Seventh Academy, currently The administrator, Miss Fang Ting Chang, the commander of the Allied French Army, will explain to the audience."

"Hello, everyone in the audience."

"Okay, let's review the basic rules before the game! When the school badges of both partners are destroyed, or they lose consciousness, surrender and other reasons, the winner will be announced through the school badge. . This is different from the 'Griffin Star Martial Art Festival' where the captain loses even if he loses!" On the space screen, a woman with fluffy curly hair and a woman with neat black short hair appeared. The former appears to be live.

"The first round is about to start. We are in the second round, and there is still plenty of time." Julis said, looking at the time.

"By the way, aren't there other venues playing games at the same time? How to broadcast it?"

Julis answered Mu Hantian's question indifferently: "Every stage has a broadcast unit. Generally speaking, you choose the channel you like to watch... But I heard that enthusiastic fans will watch several channels at the same time."

"Ah, but being arranged on this main stage means that we are a strong candidate, right?"

"Oh, I see."

"Well, according to convention, players who attract attention will indeed be assigned here. It is natural to have a partner ranked first, and..." Julis said, chin gestured to the screen.

At this time, the screen just displayed the list of partners who were competing in this Sirius Dome. A familiar name appeared in the list for the third round.

"Oh, they're playing here today too." - Aenesta Junee and Camila Palette, the partners of the Allekante Institute.

Saya sat up silently and stared at the screen with sharp eyes. There was a strong determination in her eyes, and it seemed that she had to win.

Julis glanced at the serious Saya, and at the same time stood up and stretched greatly, and said, "The competition in front of you is more important than the opponent you will meet one day."

"Remember that your opponent in the first battle, Senior Han Tian, ​​is the knight candidate of Gala Dowath."

"Well, it seems to be ranked thirty and forty."

"How is it, Han Tian, ​​are you sure?"

"Of course, but in fact, I'm enough alone!" Julis and Mu Hantian exchanged glances and smiled at the same time.

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