"Then next, today's second round, the first round of the first group in Zone C begins!"

The sound of the live broadcast resounded through the wide stage.

A moment later, there were cheers that shook the ground. In the criss-crossing dance of countless lights, Julis and Mu Hantian slowly walked onto the stage from the entrance.

"Everyone, the first to show up are the top-ranked contestant Mu Hantian from the Star Guide Academy, and the fifth-ranked contestant Julis=Alexia von Risfeet! Mu Hantian is in this year's competition. Just a few weeks before the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', he was promoted to the No. 1 ranking! He was also promoted to No. 1 after a direct duel with the former No. 1. Therefore, we have almost no information on him, so he can be called a super nova. Ah, by the way, the alias of 'White Knight' seems to be named by Ms. Enfield, the student council president of the Star Guide Academy~"

"He is the only one who ranks first among the contestants of this year's 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival'. According to the duel videos circulating now, it is certain that his strength is no trivial matter. It is really interesting to see."

"Yes, yes, I have seen the videos in the data, but they are all dueling videos, so the current strength is still unknown. At least we have to compete in the official ranking battle. Ah, that's right! Mu Hantian seems to be a star. There are users of the pure star-brilliant weapon 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' in the guide school... Miss Chang, do you know?"

"Well, it's one of the so-called 'four-color magic swords'. It's famous, but I've only seen the previous film materials. I heard that it's a pure star-bright weapon that is quite difficult to control. No one can use it. The most famous of the four-colored magic swords is the 'White Filter Magic Sword' of Gala Dowath, but it seems to be an indefensible weapon as well."

"So that's the case. Plus his partner is the 'Huayan Witch' Riesfeet. It's no exaggeration to call them one of the champion candidates!"

"That's right, then I'll introduce Gale Dowath's partner..."

Just as the live broadcast and the commentary were talking about you and me, Julis pushed Mu Hantian with her elbow from the side.

"You are very popular, Han Tian contestant." Julis said in a low voice, grinning.

"Can you stop joking like this? I'm very nervous!" Mu Hantian responded with a wry smile, but Julis's smile remained unchanged, staring at Mu Hantian.

"Don't lie, you don't look nervous at all, your expression is as relaxed as usual."


"That's right!" Julis giggled.

"Okay, okay, it's almost time to prepare." Julis, who returned to her serious expression, stared straight ahead.

Taking a closer look, the young duo who appeared at the entrance on the other side had already activated the brilliant-style armament in their hands. The two are complementary partners of the tall youth and the short youth, but the weapons are sword-shaped and brilliant. Gallardovas traditionally believed that swordsmanship was the right way, so the students also seemed to use swords as weapons.

Mu Hantian also took out the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' from the sleeve around his waist, but it did not activate it.

"Oh, the game is about to start! Who will win this battle, the Star Guide or Gary Dowath! Dear viewers, the second round is about to start today!"

As if echoing the live broadcast, the school badge on the chest glowed. In the 'Xingwu Festival', the school emblem is completely automated, so there is no need to declare and agree like a normal duel.

"The first group of the first round of the 'Phoenix Xingwu Festival', the competition begins!"

With the mechanical sound of the school emblem announcing the start of the game, the two of Gala Dowas charged forward with swords. According to the information, both of them are attackers who are good at close combat, and there is no attacking partner who arranges a defender. The plan of the two should be to start a close battle in one breath, and decide the winner.

As long as Mu Hantian confronted one of them, the other one rushed directly to Julis, making the guard unable to function. The tactics are simple, but effective.

"It's still within the expected range." But Julis still crossed her hands and nodded calmly.

"Then Han Tian, ​​I'll leave it to you."

"Of course, it's agreed!" Mu Hantian replied while activating the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

"Instant kill!" With only those words left, Mu Hantian disappeared instantly.



The two might just feel that Mu Hantian suddenly disappeared. However, the next moment, the two school badges made a crisp sound and split in half. Mu Hantian's divine speed slashed in a flash, as if passing between the two of them.

"The game is over! The winner, Mu Hantian & Julis = Alexia von Risfeet!" A mechanical voice resounded throughout the silent venue.

Silence was like blank space. But after a short while, the venue was immediately enveloped in cheers like galloping horses.

"This, this is incredible! It's too late to even live! Unexpected, unexpected speed! Unexpected strength! I can't think of any other adjective other than overwhelming!"

"Oh, that's amazing."

Amid the excitement and frenzy of the audience, the two of Gary Dowath still stood in place.

Mu Hantian returned to Julis with a slight smile, and Julis raised her hand gently to welcome him.

"Hehe, that's amazing."

Julis showed a satisfied smile, high-fives Mu Hantian to celebrate, and then the two walked off the stage. The game time is actually less than ten seconds, a veritable instant kill.

"There will be interviews with the winners later, no matter what they ask, just perfunctory." On the way, Julis repeatedly told Mu Hantian.

"I see, but I didn't think you didn't even activate the weapon."

"Please, the setting-type ability has been ambush long ago, and it is absolutely safe. If the opponent really steps in, there will be a 'boom--' sound." Julis, who opened her fist to signal the explosion, showed a fearless smile.

"Okay, Julis, all in all, let's keep it like this, it's up to you next time."

"No problem, I won't let you down." Julis responded to Mu Hantian with a smile.


"Hey, we're back~"

Mu Hantian and Julis, who returned to the lounge, sat on the sofa with tired faces.

"Huan, welcome back! Congratulations to both of you!"

"Why are you so tired? Isn't it an instant kill?" Qi Lin and Sha Ye, who came to greet them, looked at the two with puzzled expressions, and Mu Hantian had no choice but to answer with a wry smile.

"No, the game is indeed a second kill, but the interview after that..."

"The outside media is really annoying. The reporting club in our academy isn't that annoying." Julis looked tired and drank the drink that Qilin handed over in one breath.

"Hey, thanks for the compliment." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the wall.

"Oh, Inshiro, are you here?"

"Congratulations on your victory in the first battle." Yingshiro said with a smile, while taking pictures of the two with his mobile phone.

"I'll remind you again, I just said it's not that annoying. It doesn't mean I have a good opinion of you."

"Okay, okay, the princess is still as strict." Facing the sullen Julis, Eishirou shrugged exaggeratedly.

"Then, what's the matter? You won't come to cheer me on, will you?" Mu Hantian asked with a smile.

"Haha, an opponent of that level doesn't need me to cheer. My goal today is - the third round."

"Is that so, Alcant?" Julis nodded in understanding.

"Hearing that speech at the opening ceremony made my reporter's soul boil. Anyone could have heard that it was aimed at the two of Alcant. So I immediately went to their lounge to interview."

"Have you heard anything? Yebuki." Saya walked up to Yingshirou without hesitation, staring straight at him.

"It turned out to be a huge back door. The guards were so tight that a fly couldn't get in, and was kicked back."

"What!" Saya lowered her head in disappointment.

"Don't panic, anyway, the third round will start soon."

Just as everyone was looking at the screen carefully, a loud noise like the sky and the earth suddenly sounded on the other end of the wall.

"Wow!" Mu Hantian and the others couldn't help but look at each other, but then they noticed the true face of the loud noise.

- It's cheers.

"Oops! Has it already started?" Eishirou hurriedly turned on another space screen.

The cheers that shook the sky seemed to have no end, and they were more excited and frenzied than the bright debut of Mu Hantian and Julis just now, and they could feel the surprise of the audience.

As expected, what appeared on the space screen was the silhouette of two robotic dolls.

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