Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 690: autonomous simulacrum

Two dolls stand on the Sirius Dome stage—one of them resembles a combat mime. But it is two circles larger than the commonly used simulacrum. He was over two meters tall, and he was wearing armor all over his body, making him look like a mechanical knight.

The other doll was the exact opposite, almost human-like in appearance—and almost indistinguishable from a human female. With a flawless and upright appearance, a slender body is enveloped in a metallic garment-like armor.

Both dolls wear the school emblem of the Allekante Institute, 'Dark Owl', on their chests. These two dolls are self-disciplined simulacrums that have been spread by the gossip.

Mimics - This can basically be seen as a man-made robot, although it is quite different from a real robot.

And the self-disciplined simulacrum, which means that the robot has self-awareness, this situation is relatively rare in this world, and it is the first time it appears on the stage of the Xingwu Festival.

Generally speaking, this kind of self-discipline simulacrum should not appear on the stage of the Xingwu Festival, but this time the Phoenix Xingwu Festival is an exception. The operation committee decided to take this Xingwu Festival as an attempt to allow the self-disciplined simulacrum to play in place of the contestants, which means that the self-disciplined simulacrum is recognized as a personal weapon and can participate in the Xingwu Festival.

With the appearance of the two simulants, the live broadcast began to be introduced.

"According to this information, Datai's self-discipline simulacrum prototype AR-D, commonly known as Ardi; the female-type autonomous simulacrum prototype RM-C, commonly known as Limshi."

"After all, it's an agent, or is it better to add the word 'player'?"

"Haha, is that so? Don't mention these, there are many other interesting information. For example..."

Confronting Aldi and Limshi were two students from the Black Academy of Rewolf.

The battle started, but Aldi and Limshi didn't move at all, allowing the opponent to attack for a minute, but without the slightest damage. Amazing.

And a minute later, the two of them made a move, killing the opponent in an instant, without the slightest chance to fight back.


"Really, the game is completely one-sided." Saying that, Julis turned off the TV and sat on the sofa with a deep sigh.

Qi Rin and Saya still had incredible expressions on their faces.

"Well, today's headline news must be this. If it wasn't for them, it would have been the princess." Even Eishirou's expression couldn't hide his surprise.

"If you fight against those two, it must be a very powerful enemy." Hearing what Qi Rin whispered in a slender voice, Julis slowly shook her head.

"No, if we just win, we and you are good enough to beat the two of Lovov, but that's not the problem."

"Risfeite is right." At this time, Saya nodded in agreement.

"Oh, those two simulants are really good, but to me, they're just a bit of a hard machine, there's no pressure at all." Mu Hantian said indifferently.

"Although Han Tian said so, I'll go collect some information. I'll go and find out." After speaking, Yingshirou stood up from the sofa.

"You said to inquire... how to inquire?"

"Of course it's an interview with the winner, let's see if we can dig up some information." Eishirou answered Julis' question.

"Huh? But, but isn't the student media agency not allowed to enter?"

Compared with the fact that external media organizations cannot enter the academy, in principle, the official activities under the direct control of Asterisk, such as the 'Xingwu Festival', are given priority to the media organizations outside the academy. As a student, he could not even enter the press conference room.

"Hey, you're a first-class reporter who turns the impossible into a possibility. Anyway, just wait." Eishirou grinned at the uneasy Qirin and walked out of the lounge with brisk steps.

"If he can really help us find out some information, that would be great. But it's better not to expect too much." Julis said this, her expression was not expecting at all.

"But I want information." Saya whispered with a serious expression.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, I will abolish them." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Well, I'm sorry." At this time, Saya suddenly took out her mobile phone.

Although Sha Ye immediately opened the space window, there was no image. This is because the sender closes the image transmission and the receiver opens the relationship. Therefore, the recipient's image will be transmitted to the sender, but only the sender's voice can be heard.

"Oh, Saya! How is it, did you watch the game just now?"


"Hehe, the maker of that thing—it seems to be called Enesta Quina, she's so capable at such a young age! I can tell by just looking at it, that simulacrum should have used more than five universal responses. Mine. And they are not connected to each other, they are controlled by a parallel control method with one of them as the core. Well, it is really interesting! This kind of control of humans is indeed impossible, but with artificial intelligence, it is theoretically possible! "

"I see. But calm down."

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, sorry!" Mu Hantian's memory had an impression of this suddenly excited male voice.

"Excuse me... is it Uncle Chuangyi?"

"Oh, Han Tian! Long time no see! I saw your game too, um, it's great to see you in good spirits." The other party's happy voice was indeed the former neighbor's father, Shasha Palace, in his memory. Create one.

"Han Tian, ​​which means this is..."

"Oh, yes, he's Shaye's father." Mu Hantian replied to Julis who asked in a low voice, and Qilin next to Shaye bowed her head in greeting.

"This, this! Hi uncle, uncle! I am Kato Kirin who teamed up with Shasha Gong-senpai this time!"

"Oh, Kato Ryu! I've heard of it, I'll ask you to take care of my girl!"

"Yes, yes! Please advise!"

"By the way, Dad, what's the matter?" Saya urged with a shy expression.

"Oh, yes yes, I almost forgot! I sent a new gun, haven't I received it yet?"

"A new gun? I haven't received it yet."

"Hmm... I'm probably blocked at the customs, I'll check. I thought the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' should have been delivered before, but now it seems that I won't be able to catch up with the first round."

"No problem. The current armament is enough to win many games." Saya's expression was serious, but her tone was full of confidence. Chuangyi's voice smiled happily.

"Well, of course! As long as you use my gun, of course you can't lose! Come on! I look forward to your good results!" After unilaterally speaking, the space window closed immediately.

"What should I say... Your father's rap is the opposite of yours, Shasha Palace."

"That's already very restrained. If you don't care, you can even talk for a whole day." After saying that, Saya put away her phone and stood up from her seat.

"Okay, I'll go to customs to confirm."

"Ah, then let me go too!" Saya and Qi Rin left the room together.

Now only Mu Hantian and Julis are left.

"Juris, what should we do next?"

"Well, let's raise a glass to celebrate the victory in the first battle... Although I really want to say that, but seeing Alekante's one-sided game, I really can't be so leisurely." A wry smile appeared on Julis' face, standing up He reached out to Mu Hantian who was sitting on the seat.

"Go back to the academy and train again. Anyway, the second round is four days later, so you can still train well."

"Okay!" Mu Hantian shook his head slightly and held Julis's hand.

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