Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 691: vampire

On the second day of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival", outside the business district of the central district.

"Let's see, South River Arena... Oh, over there." After confirming the fluttering space sign in the air, Mu Han **** indicated the direction to look. On the other side of the building connected to the human dragon, the top of the dome-shaped roof can be seen. This is one of the three large stages in Asterisk, commonly known as the South River Dome. In addition, there are seven medium-sized stages, and the largest main stage where Mu Hantian and others competed yesterday. The 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival' is in these eleven stages for the preliminaries. In addition, from the official schedule, it seems that only these four large stages and the main stage will be used, and only the main stage will be used after the semi-finals.

Mu Hantian and Julis are on their way to Nanhe Dome in order to cheer for the match between Shaye and Qilin.

"But this crowd is really scary." The road was crowded with people, and it was difficult to even move in a straight line. Let people feel the amazingness of the tourist city of Asterisk once again.

The cafes and restaurants facing the road are full of people, and many people open the space window, they should be watching the live broadcast. Since some venues sell a small number of same-day tickets, these should be people who haven't bought tickets.

"During the 'Xingwu Festival', the population density in this area will skyrocket to dozens of times of normal. There is no way." Julis also showed a somewhat bored look.

"Although the dolls of Alcante grabbed most of the media space, your debut did attract a lot of attention. The external fans are different from the students in the school, and they rarely have the opportunity to meet the students directly."

" long will it take to get here?"

It was only a short walk from the subway station to Namha Dome, but it was so crowded that we could only move forward slowly. And in the hot summer days, the fierce sun scorched the skin mercilessly.

"Their match is the second, so there should be a little more time... Huh?" Julis, who was holding a fan in her hand, said this, looking forward with a surprised expression.

Mu Hantian also followed her line of sight, and the crowd in front seemed to have stopped moving. There was also some noise and yelling.

"No wonder the team didn't move forward. Someone was fighting." Julis said with a wry smile.

"Let's go have a look!" Mu Hantian and Julis looked at each other and nodded, pushing aside the human wall.

When I came to the front row and stuck out my head, I found a girl surrounded by several men in the middle of the road. Everyone was wearing Rewof's uniform, and Mu Hantian couldn't help but put on a posture of preparation—because he had encountered a similar situation before and was attacked as a result—a closer look, there were several male students lying on the ground, it seemed There seems to be a real fight.

But then again, the difference in strength between the girls and the male students was clear at a glance. With her bare hands, the girl defeated the male students who were wielding a brilliant weapon one by one. And she still wore a scarf around her neck on a hot day, and with the girl's movements, the scarf flew in the air like a dance.

"Is that woman a 'Vampire Storm Princess'?"

"Eh?" Mu Hantian had an impression of this alias.

Levoff ranked third—the contestants of this "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival", Julis named the most difficult contestant.

"Elena Wuerses. What is she doing there something wrong with her head?" Julis whispered with an expression of disbelief from the bottom of her heart.

But of course it is. During the "Xingwu Festival", duels are completely prohibited on the streets. Of course, this is for the safety of outside visitors.

However, it is still possible to duel in a place with a defensive barrier, but this equipment is only available on a medium-sized or larger stage. However, this type of stage is all used in the 'Xingwu Festival', so during the preliminaries, it is actually equivalent to only dueling in the academy.

And since duels are forbidden, fights are certainly not allowed. If the contestants of the "Xingwu Festival" fight in the street, they will definitely be punished accordingly. If you are not careful, you may be disqualified from the competition.

"Really, you guys are annoying. It's not popular these days to wait for someone to get revenge after being released from prison." After a scuffle, Irene defeated most of the boys. There were nearly ten boys, and only one was still standing.

"Less, less long-winded! Where will we lose our face if we don't take revenge!" Although the boy was scared to death, he still shouted stubbornly.

"It's just smashing one or two casinos. Why are you so narrow-minded. And you're the ones who go out first. What's more, if you make too much noise, be careful of that little fat man?"

"We don't care about that dead president! We have our own—"

"Really, I'm so annoying." Before the boy could finish speaking, Irene kicked him on the side of the head with a roundabout kick.

I saw her staring at the boy who fell silently with icy eyes, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hey! What's so beautiful!" Irene yelled at the onlookers, but after looking around, she just stopped on Mu Hantian's body and stared at Mu Hantian's face with a sharp gaze.

"Hey...Isn't this the 'white knight'? Just right, save me the trouble. I had a hard time finding you." Irene grinned with sharp teeth on the corners of her mouth.

Irene walked over without any scruples, stared at Mu Hantian and looked up and down. Although she didn't know what was going on, she didn't feel any hostility, so Mu Hantian didn't stop her. After a while, Irene let out a sneer. "It's so boring!"

"Do you have anything to do with my partner? 'Vampire Storm Princess'." At this time, Julis intervened between the two with an unhappy voice.

"'Huayan Witch'? The person I'm looking for isn't you, get out."

"That's not good. During the 'Xingwu Festival', the guy who fights in this crowd is too dangerous."

Irene's eyes narrowed at Julis' words. "Please, they were the first to find fault, I didn't do anything to them."

"But it's wrong to fight back in a place like this." Yuli didn't flinch at all.

"Okay, Julis..."

"It's really interesting. Okay, I want to see what you guys will do with it!" Before Mu Hantian could finish his words, Irene interrupted him, then took out the Brilliant Armament from the sleeve around his waist and activated it.

Mu Hantian and Julis instantly distanced themselves and assumed a confrontational posture.

In the next instant, a huge sickle that was longer than her height appeared in Irene's hand. The purple blade is full of sinister and eerie aura.

"Oh, the reaction is quite quick. So it is, as expected."

"Is that the 'Blood Scythe' that Claudia said?" Mu Hantian muttered in a low voice.

——Able to manipulate gravity, the notorious Lewolf has a pure star-like armament.

The 'Blood Scythe' is quite rare in terms of pure Xinghuang-style armament, and the suitability rate for anyone is very high, so it has been displayed in several 'Xingwu Festival' in the past. Of course, basically no one can make good use of this weapon. Whether Elena can exert its strength is still unknown...

"Come on, Han Tian."

"I see." Mu Hantian nodded in response to Julis.

"I see, is it your way to escape at this time? How clever." Elena burst into laughter, but then her eyes flashed fiercely, and she posed with a 'Blood Scythe'.

"However, if you can escape." She exuded a creepy murderous aura, and the atmosphere was instantly tense. The tension felt as if she would be cut in half if she relaxed. The surrounding onlookers were all silent, watching the changes in the situation.


"No ————!" At this time, a strange voice suddenly came.

"My sister is really annoying, and she fights with people casually! Didn't she tell her to be more peaceful? Really!" The owner of the voice was a menacing young girl who emerged from the wall of people.

The color of the dreadlocks was the same as Irene, and the two looked very similar, and they were both wearing Lewolf's uniforms.

"Wow! Pop, Priscilla!"

"No wonder why big sister suddenly disappeared... Why do you keep fighting with others? Explain it to me, big sister!"

"No, no, this..."

Mu Hantian and Julis also stared blankly at their interaction. Soon the girl seemed to notice the sight of the two, and hurriedly bowed her head to apologize.

"I'm sorry! Sister has caused so much trouble for you!"

"Oh, no, no..." Julis seemed to be completely stunned, and kept replying subtly.

"Come on, my sister also apologizes to others!"

"Why, why should I..."

"Don't worry about it, hurry up," Priscilla urged.

"Hmm...I-I got it." Irene, who was drunk by the girl, stared at Mu Hantian and Julis with a remorseful expression, and lowered her head slightly reluctantly.

"Hug, sorry... Okay, let's go."

"Really! The apology should be more sincere, right!" The girl put her hand on Irene's head and bowed her head deeply to apologize.

"I'm really sorry, I'll scold my sister again." Then the girl said apologetically, dragging Irene to disappear into the crowd at the same time.

Not only Mu Hantian and Julis, but even the onlookers were speechless.

"Ah, that girl was supposed to be Elena Wuerses' partner, right?"

"Well, it should be. Since her name is Elena-san, it should be right!"

Mu Hantian and Julis hadn't fully recovered yet, but they still took out their mobile phones to confirm the information. The face of the girl just now appeared on the screen.

Priscilla Woodseth, sister of Elena Woodseth, is also a partner.

However, there is almost no information about her, only her name and appearance.

"Okay, let's go, Saya and the others will start soon." Said, when the two were about to rush to the South River Dome, they found a commotion not far ahead.

"Really, what the **** is going on this time - oops, this is terrible! It's the guards!" Julis frowned and looked forward, only to see the male duo in unfamiliar uniforms, pushing away from the crowd Rush this way.

"You said the Guard... oh, is that the Star Hunter Guard?"

The Star Hunter Guard is a vigilante organization that Asterisk acts as a police officer. Mu Hantian had heard it before, but it was the first time he had seen it.

"Is there still time to relax now! Hurry up and escape!" Julis took Mu Hantian's hand and ran in the opposite direction.

"But this has nothing to do with us!"

"Although I don't want to say it, but the guards are not at all sympathetic. I don't know how long it will take to explain this mess until they accept it."

Hearing what Julis said, Mu Hantian looked around at the boys who fell to the ground. - That's right, it's really troublesome.

"Hey... there's no way."

The guards ran from the direction of the South River Dome where the two were going, so the only option was to run in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Those two over there, stop for me!" Mu Hantian and Julis didn't turn their heads to the arrogant voices behind them, and hurriedly fled into the alley after mixing in the crowd.

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