Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 692: World War II

"You guys are too late, we're all done!" Sha Ye looked at Mu Hantian and Julis with a displeased expression.

"This...there is a reason, we..." Mu Hantian quickly explained.

"So it is." After listening to Mu Hantian's explanation, Sha Ye's expression improved a lot.

"What about the result of your match?"

"Win!" Saya returned to her expressionless face.

"Did you win? Great!" Mu Hantian was happy for them.


On the fifth day of the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', at the Sirius Dome.

"Next..." Julis stretched her muscles and bones on the stage, then turned around and smiled at Mu Hantian.

"The first round completely let you perform, this time it's my turn."

"OK, then I'll stay by the side to enjoy the cool this time." Mu Hantian replied with a smile, and at the same time lightly patted Julis on the back.

"Everyone, finally, the 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival' has entered the second round from today! In the first round of the Sirius Dome, I would like to introduce you to the star who showed overwhelming strength and broke through the first round. The guide, Mu Hantian, and Julis = Elexia von Risfeet!"

"The first round was entirely dominated by Mu Hantian. I don't know what the second round will be like. I'm really looking forward to it."

Listening to the familiar live and commentary voices in the past few days, Julis looked at her opponent at the same time. The opponent is the partner of Kui Enwei Children's Academy ranked 37th and 54th, girls with double ponytails and single ponytails. Both have beautiful, well-proportioned faces.

If you ask, 'Which is the strongest academy in Asterisk? ' Answers may differ; but if you ask, 'Which is the weakest school in Asterisk? ’ Most people would say it’s Kwai Enwei Children’s Academy. In fact, in Asterisk's long history, Quinnville has never won an overall championship.

However, weak strength does not mean that the popularity is sluggish. If you simply compare the number of fans, Kwai Enweier has maintained a high level since the school was founded. Kui Enweier doesn't care about the overall results of the 'Xingwu Festival', and purely regards the 'Xingwu Festival' as a stage to arouse the charm of students. Because it is directly related to popularity.

As the only female academy among the six academies, it is also the smallest one. It has unique criteria for admission and is the most difficult one to enter. At the same time, it is through beauty and strength to find the ideal goddess academy. Kwai Enwei Children's Academy is such a place.

"Really, what a loud cheer..." Julis complained and activated the Corolla Spinning Sword at the same time.

"Thank you for your support!" "We will do our best!" The two of Kui Enwei'er showed kind smiles and waved their hands in response to the enthusiastic audience.

The girl with two ponytails activates the double sword type, and the girl with single ponytail activates the spear-type brilliant weapon. Despite their pitiful appearance, the two of them have no flaws in the way they use their weapons, and the density of star power is also quite high.

As far as the academy is concerned, perhaps Kwai Enweier is indeed the weakest, but that is only because they have strict selection principles, and even the 'Xingwu Festival' entry list has to be carefully selected, but it does not mean that the students in this academy are weak .

The best proof is that Kui Enwei'er's top ranking left a good result in the second place in the last "Wang Long Xingwu Festival".

"Hantian, don't take action."

"I know, we agreed!"

Julis took a step forward, and at the same time the school badge on her chest announced the start of the game.

"Take the call!"

The first move is the double ponytail girl. I saw her slashing towards Julis with a sword, but Julis easily pushed it away with the rapier in her hand.

"Compared to Han Tian and Qi Rin's swordsmanship, it's really nothing."

"Look at the move!" The single ponytail girl joined the battle immediately, but Julis's physical skills did not give her any chance to approach.

During the recent special training, the area where Julis has improved the most is her body movements in melee combat. Of course, they couldn't keep pace with Mu Hantian and Qilin, but facing ordinary opponents, even if the two attacked together, it was enough.

Although Julis was originally good at long-range attacks, her sword skills with the rapier were also superb. Maybe it's just learning the basics from an early age.

"Bloom it—the big red heart flame shield!" The sharp thrusts launched by the single ponytail girl were also bounced off by the flame shield that appeared in an instant.


"Wow, are you alright?"

The girl with two ponytails lifted up the girl with one ponytail that was thrown away. Julis saw this flaw and jumped back forcefully.

"Okay, it's my turn to attack next." The omniscient elements around Julis began to disturb.

"The flames of Trokia surpassed the city walls and destroyed nine calamities—" The flames erupting upwards formed a vortex, turning into nine fireballs in the shape of cute primroses beside Julis.

"Bloom in full bloom - the nine-wheeled flame flower!" The fireball dancing like a firefly, shouted along with Julis, and attacked Kui Enweier's partner at the same time.

"Yeah!" The single ponytail girl couldn't dodge the three-dimensional attack from multiple directions, and the school badge on her chest shattered.

Just as the mechanical voice announced the defeat of her partner, the twin-tailed girl dodged the fireballs while slashing them one by one, finally reducing the number of fireballs.

"How about it~ At this level, even I can...!" The moment when the girl slashed the last fireball and lifted her chest proudly.

"Bloom it—melting the empty red flower." Following Julis' command, a magic circle appeared at the girl's feet.


Setting abilities—aka traps. Julis used the fireball to trick the girl into a trap.

The girl raised her head blankly, and saw the huge flaming camellia blooming with petals.

"Hey hey hey hey!" The girl hurriedly wanted to run away, but it was too late.

The flame flower fell and exploded at the same time, instantly making the girl's figure disappear into the explosion.

"The game is over! The winner, Mu Hantian & Julis = Alexia von Risfeet!" A mechanical voice announced the outcome.

Soon the blast of wind and the whirlpool of flames disappeared, and the fainted girl lay on her back.

"The battle and the battle situation are once again one-sided! And this time, it's a one-man performance by Riesfeite! Oh, it's really incredible, the strength of this pair is still bottomless! After all, in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival', these two players We haven't attacked together do you say that?"

"However, it's a very effective tactic to hide your partner's cooperation skills, and there have been similar examples in the past. But the Risfeet player is really good at the game. The ability is very versatile, and the ability to respond in a timely manner is really strong. Especially the last..." The commentary seemed to see clearly, detailing how Julis lured her opponent into a trap.

"It's hard work, Julis." Mu Hantian greeted Julis with a smile and raised his right hand at the same time. Seeing this, Julis also smiled and gave Mu Hantian a high five, making a somewhat clear voice.


"Really, do those reporters know what it means to be prudent... La Li La Sao repeatedly asked boring questions." As usual, after the lengthy interview with the winner, Julis sighed and sat down on the sofa. .

"Haha... They are also for work, there is no way." Mu Hantian smiled with a troubled face, and made tea at the same time.

"By the way, speaking of today's game, there is one thing I am a little concerned about."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Juris, have you ever chanted a spell or something before?"

"Oh, that one? That's my own sideshow. The audience seems to like it better."


"Actually, you don't need to be so surprised. I know my position very well. Once I'm on stage, there will be some similar performances. Of course, the premise is that I can handle it with ease." Julis shrugged.

"The necessary procedures for activating abilities are different for everyone. In theory, there is no need to make sounds or actions, but there are some people who cannot activate abilities without a fixed sequence. In fact, me too, even if I don't recite the incantation, I shout out the sound. It will be easier to imagine.”

"I see."

While drinking tea, Julis looked at Mu Hantian in another direction. "Not to mention, don't you also call out the name of the nirvana?"

"Oh... that, I just think it's more handsome!"

"Oh, so that's why."

"Ah, by the way... What are you going to do today?" Julis asked Mu Hantian with a teacup in one hand.

Mu Hantian folded his arms in thought. "This~ Actually, I really want to cheer for Saya and Qi Rin... But it's too late to rush now."

"Well, when we arrived at the venue, the game was probably over."

Saya and Qi Rin are not here today, both of them have competitions. The first round will be played over four days and the second round over two days. By the third round, it's almost over a day, so unless you're in the same venue, or the races are far apart, it's hard to cheer up.

"Huh? Let's have lunch first." Mu Hantian suggested.

"Well, okay!" Julis readily agreed.

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