Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 696: being targeted

The next evening.

The residence Priscilla told was an apartment in a residential area. Although it is not a high-end building, it is a clean and simple small fresh building.

"I thought they would entertain us at the restaurant... What an apartment!"

"Okay, I think it's pretty good." Mu Hantian thought it didn't matter, where to eat or not?

"Is it really a trap?"

With a suspicious Julis on his face, Mu Hantian went to the designated room.

The door opened quickly, and Priscilla, who was wearing an apron, came out to greet her with a smile on her face. "Welcome! Ah, you are Miss Risfet, I'm sorry I couldn't say hello to you the other day."

"Ah, no, me too..."

"Come on, you're welcome, please come in. I'll prepare the cooking right away." Mu Hantian entered the room with Julis, who was completely dumbfounded, and saw a set of tables and chairs in the bright and clean living room. Elena sat on one of the chairs with a stern face, this time she was not wearing a uniform, but a light dress of jeans and a shirt.

"Yo." Irene glanced at the two of them, said hello briefly, and then turned away. Originally, Irene disapproved of entertaining Mu Hantian, so it was no wonder she was so indifferent.

Although it is a polar contrast with Priscilla, Julis seems to think it is just right. She returned to her usual confident smile and sat across the table across from Irene.

"What's your attitude, 'Vampire Violent Girl', is this how you treat guests?"

"I don't remember inviting you, 'Huayan Witch'."

"Hmph, you should know that I'm the partner of this bad guy. If something happens to him, I'll have a headache, so of course I have to follow him."

A mocking smile appeared on Elena's face. "You are so worried about him, are you his mother?"

"Who, who is his mother!" Julis immediately retorted.

"Yes, Irene, you can say yes, don't talk about my family!" Mu Hantian's voice was a little cold, and he sat next to Julis.

"I... I get it! What a stingy man." Irene's face was displeased.

"Everyone's been waiting for a long time!" At this time, Priscilla brought over the dishes.

It looked like an appetizer, but a few dishes in small plates were laid out on the table one by one.

"It's chickpea tomato salad, potatoes with a Mediterranean garlic sauce, prawns sautéed with garlic chilli, and sagovia-style mushrooms."

"Oh, this is good!"

"Disgusting, big sister! How rude!" Elena showed a never-before-seen smile and quickly reached out to grab the food, but Priscilla clapped her hand to stop it.

"Oh, what does it matter? It won't be so bad if you take a bite."

"Of course it has something to do with it! What's more, I want to thank classmate Hantian today, how could my sister rush to eat first... ah!"

"Go on~" Irene ignored Priscilla's restraint, grabbed the food and stuffed it into her mouth.

"I hate it, big sister!" Priscilla said with a helpless expression.

Seeing this scene, Julis laughed and whispered in Mu Hantian's ear, "So that's the case, the 'Vampire Girl' seems to care about the guests too."


"She's helping us test poison." Saying that, Julis smiled softly.

"Come on, let's eat together. Priscilla's cooking is the best." Elena said, and kept stuffing the dishes into her mouth with a strong appetite.

Priscilla also seemed to give up her persuasion and turned to the two of them with a sigh.

"Excuse me, you two."

"No, it's alright. Let's start too."

In this way, everyone began to enjoy one bite after another. Irene's words were indeed not bluffing.

"Oh, it's delicious." Julis, who had a bite of mushrooms, said softly in surprise.

Every dish is really delicious. Although it is not a high-end cuisine, it contains the warmth of family and a calming taste. And also put a lot of effort into it.

"Wow, thanks for the compliment."

"Hmph, I'm right." Irene proudly raised her chest.

"I'm not complimenting you."

Although Julis was a little stunned, for Irene, Priscilla seemed more happy than anything.

"Ah, I just remembered now... What kind of room is this?" Mu Hantian asked, remembering the question he had forgotten all about.

Irene, who drank her drink in one gulp, replied nonchalantly. "It's my usual room, what's wrong?"

"The usual room... what about the dormitory?"

Asterisk's six academies all adopt a full dormitory system, basically not allowing students to live in the city block.

"Revoff's 'Starting Twelve' has this kind of privilege, of course it's not made public." Elena said indifferently.

"And I often come to clean, or help my sister cook... But no matter how much I persuade, my sister rarely comes back to her room." Priscilla smiled wryly.

"But this time it came in handy. I can't invite the two of you to Rewolf."

"What an amazing degree of freedom, should it be said that it is indeed Leiwofu." Mu Hantian was stunned.

"But why do you want to live in a room outside?" Mu Hantian thought to himself, could it be that the environment in Rewof's dormitory was so bad?

But then I realized I guessed wrong.

"Because it's closer to Happy Street, it's a little more convenient." Irene replied with a bit of an ugly face while she was enjoying her meal.

"So that's the case, is it convenient to run out to play at night?"

Hearing the sarcasm of Julis's words, Irene's face became even more ugly.

"Who went to play, I only made money because I needed money."

"Making money?" This sentence made Julis stop.

"By the way, I heard Hantian say it. You seem to have a holiday with an underground casino somewhere."

"So what?" Irene said in confusion.

"There are other ways to make money, why take such a big risk?"

"Other methods... Are you going to teach me?" Irene laughed with a self-deprecating smile.

"Is this necessary? Isn't your participation in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' a way to make money?"

Elena continued: "Oh, yes, remember that you came here to make money, 'Witch of Huayan'."

"how do you know……!"

"Our espionage agency in Rewof is very good." Seeing Julis' embarrassed appearance, Irene held back a smile.

"However, my situation and position are completely different from yours. Even if I win the championship at the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', I will not be able to achieve anything. My contract is like this."


Seeing Julis' surprised expression, Irene glanced at Priscilla beside her.

"Ah, then I'll take a look at the oven." Priscilla stood up with an ambiguous smile and went to the kitchen.

Looking at Priscilla's back, Irene let out a sigh of relief. The chair rattled slightly. Said: "Simply put, my current position is that of the student council president of Leiwolf Black College, a **** of Diluk Abelfan. I once borrowed a lot of money from that guy, and I have fulfilled my wish. So I Obey his orders and pay off the debt bit by bit."

"The 'Spicy King'?" Julis was silent with a displeased expression on her face.

"This contract restricts me from participating in the 'Xingwu Festival'. Even if I win the championship, I can't use it to repay the debt. He probably wants to use me as a **** as much as possible. What a complete nuisance." Saying that, Irene shrugged. shrugged.

"By the way, I don't want to be his **** all the time. So in order to pay off my debts as soon as possible, I grit my teeth and work hard to make money every night."

"Did you borrow so much money from him?" Mu Hantian asked.

"If you work hard to pay off your debts, it will take decades to pay off your debts." Irene glanced at Mu Hantian and said so.

"I see. So, this time you will participate in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'. Is it because of Abel Fan's order? Is there any other purpose besides winning the championship?"

Hearing that Julis broke it out, Irene grinned and looked at Mu Hantian.

"That's right. The order I received from Diluk this time is to defeat you, Mu Hantian!"

"What!" Julis stood up immediately, but did not feel Irene's hostility.

"Why did you tell us specifically?" Mu Hantian asked calmly.

"I also have my own benevolence and righteousness. You once saved Priscilla, and it would be very difficult for me to take action if I owe this favor... That's it, sit down, 'Witch of Huayan'. I didn't plan to do it here."

"Why is Diluk bad for Han Tian?" Although she still had a wary look, Julis still sat down slowly.

"According to Diluc, the pure star-bright armament used by Mu Hantian is very troublesome, so I want to defeat it as soon as possible."

"'Black Furnace Demon Sword'? It is indeed a very strong pure star-bright armament, but is it necessary to be so absolute?"

Elena nodded as if agreeing with Julis' question. "I feel the same way. Although Diluc is a cold-blooded and ruthless villain, he is not incompetent and timid. Since he is so vigilant, it means that there must be an important reason for it."

Having said this, Irene turned to face Mu Hantian and continued: "I don't know what Diluk's intentions are, but one thing can be inferred from his tone. He seems to have seen this pure star-bright weapon before. users."

This sentence made Mu Hantian almost couldn't help standing up.

"It's very strange. According to the public history of borrowing from the past, it is reasonable to say that in the past ten years, there has never been a user of this pure star-bright armament. How did he see it?"

"I originally guessed that this may be the reason why he sees you as a thorn in his side... It seems completely correct."

"Well... Probably. Thank you anyway." The reason Mu Hantian came to this world was to find his memory, and the key to memory was Tian Wuyao!

"Okay, so I don't owe you any favors." Irene said with a relieved expression, while Priscilla appeared with a large iron pot.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, this is Spanish seafood mushroom stew."

The fragrant stewed rice looks really delicious.

"Hehe, Priscilla's stewed rice is especially excellent, so try it with your heart."

"Okay, big sister, don't worry about that, let's get a share." Seeing Elena proudly puffing out her chest, Priscilla responded with a shy expression.

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