Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 697: go to war

"Then it's almost time for us to say goodbye."

"Well, that's right." After the meal and coffee, Mu Hantian and Julis looked at each other and got up.

"Hey, are you leaving? It's okay to stay a little longer."

"Don't be like this, Priscilla. Even if you accidentally get acquainted, you will have to fight tomorrow. Anyway, we have done what each other should do, and that's enough." Although Priscilla wanted to keep it, Irene did not stopped her.


"I'm sorry, but I'm still acting according to Diluk's orders. Now I don't owe you any favors, and I can use all my strength to defeat you tomorrow. If you don't want to fight me, you should abstain as soon as possible."

"Okay, since you said that. I understand." Mu Hantian smiled wryly, then walked out of the room.

"Ah, then at least let me send you away...!" Priscilla hurriedly chased after her, and this time Irene didn't seem to plan to stop her.

"Thank you for your hospitality today, Priscilla, the food is delicious."

"No, it's too much. This, I'm sorry for my sister's many rude things." Priscilla was trembling and wanted to bow her head to apologize, but Julis gently stopped her.

"No, we can also understand the meaning of 'Vampire Storm Princess'. So I hope you don't mind, we will do our best to fight against you tomorrow."

"This...I know." Priscilla lowered her head in frustration.

"Priscilla doesn't seem to like fighting very much."

If it is an ordinary student, it may be justified. But this was Asterisk—and he was a student of Rewolf, so people who didn't like fighting were rare. But there is no doubt that Priscilla is more suitable for cooking in an apron than fighting with a weapon.

Priscilla Wuerses, she is like a very ordinary girl who can be seen everywhere. Why did she appear on the stage of the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' when she was ordinary and ordinary—this was a question that Mu Hantian really wanted to know.

"Sister fought for me, so I have no reason to run away."

"Is it even worth letting her **** blood?" Julis, who watched the game, was a little bored.

Priscilla shook her head faintly at Julis's words. "That's not really a big deal. My sister has always protected me, so I'm glad I can help a little. It's just..." At this point, Priscilla was at a loss for words.


"When my elder sister used the 'Blood Scythe', it looked a little scary." At the urging of Mu Hantian, Priscilla said in a breathless voice.

"At first, I thought it was because I wasn't used to weapons... but I always felt that the sister who used the weapon was very violent, it was like a different person-and recently this phenomenon has become more and more obvious..."

Priscilla, whose voice was barely audible, suddenly raised her head in shock. "No, I'm sorry! I said something I shouldn't have said..."

In this way, the group came to the lobby on the first floor of the apartment, and then said goodbye.

"Goodbye then." She waved goodbye to Priscilla, who bowed deeply, and left the apartment.

"Yulis, what do you think?" After walking for a while on the street at night illuminated by the street lights, Mu Han only spoke slowly.

"'Blood Scythe'? In my opinion, 'Vampire Girl' is usually a very violent character, so I can't tell the difference... What's the matter, shouldn't you have unnecessary sympathy for her? "

"No... No, this, although it's true, but it's not about that."

Seeing Mu Hantian pouting, Julis smiled wryly and shrugged. "Hehe, just kidding. I know what you're trying to say - but the reality is, there's nothing we can do right now. We have our battle to face, so let's focus on the battle first."

"I know, but... leave it to me when the time comes!"


"Sister? It's almost time to play." Hearing the voice, Irene opened her eyes. Priscilla was staring at herself with an uneasy look.

The two were in the lounge of the Sirius Dome. Elena confirmed the time, and she really had to go to the stage quickly.

"Okay, then let's finish this task." Saying that, Irene stood up from the sofa and gently touched Priscilla's head.

"Don't worry about it. It's going to go as usual anyway."



"Okay, it's almost time to play."

Hearing Julis' voice, Mu Hantian suddenly raised his head. "Oh, um, that's right."

"What's wrong? Don't think about it before the game." Julis said with her hands on her hips and pursed lips.

Mu Hantian smiled wryly and waved his hand lightly. "No, nothing, let's go."

"Heh...that's good." Julis' expression was still a little uneasy, but she still glanced at the clock and sighed softly.

The two then walked out of the lounge together.

"Cold sky?" There was a rattling of shoes under her feet, and Julis, who was walking forward, asked without looking back.


"I have to win this game. No matter who the opponent is, I'm not going to give in to my wishes. That's what I'm here for."


"However—I don't intend to stick to the winning method either." The corridor leading to the stage seemed short but very long. Julis' voice echoed slightly, and gradually spread to the back.

"If you want to win the way you want, just do it. We're partners, and we have to work together and work together. Isn't that how it should be?"

"Yulis." Mu Hantian stopped and looked at Julis.

He bowed his head and said to Julis, who also stopped a few steps ago: "We will definitely win, even if we use them, it doesn't matter!"

"Eh? They?"

"No, it's nothing. Just leave it to me this time!"

"What are you talking about, the opponent this time is the 'Blood Scythe'? And aren't we partners? Of course we have to fight together, how can I leave you alone." Julis stretched out her fist lightly.

"I see, let's do our best together!" Mu Hantian nodded, stretched out his fist and collided with Julis.


"Dear viewers, the fourth round of the competition will be fierce in each venue! The climax of the Sirius Dome is the partner of Mu Hantian and Lisfeite from the Star Guide Academy, who will face off against the Wuer Sess sisters of the Leiwf Black Academy! A group of partners can advance to the top sixteen!"

"This matchup has also attracted a lot of attention. Both sides almost gave their opponents no chance to approach in the preliminaries, so the official schedule should form a watershed."

"Then, please, Miss Chang, please predict the possible development of this battle. The 'Blood Scythe' used by Irene's player consumes too much energy. If the battle situation is prolonged, it will be beneficial to the Star Guidance Center, right?"

"Hmm~ Maybe it's impossible to generalize. After all, Irena has Priscilla, so it's a supply station. And if you compare the ability itself..."

"Hmph, it's still better to say than to sing." Hearing this explanation, Julis frowned and said in a low voice. It seems very uncomfortable.

"Hantian, come on!" Julis activated the Corolla Spinning Sword and nodded.

"I see, so..." Mu Hantian didn't use the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' this time, but took out the 'Wings of the Storm'.

"The storm is coming!"

"Oh, Han Tian did not use the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' this time, but took out a green sword. It was gorgeous, but it didn't look like a brilliant weapon."

"That's right, isn't this a surprise?"

The whole audience boiled and cheered one after another.

"You are very motivated, Mu Hantian!" Irene, who carried the 'Blood Scythe' on her shoulders, smiled faintly while staring at Mu Hantian.

Elena stepped forward alone, while Priscilla stayed behind.

"Then I'll do my best...! Although I don't know what's so special about that sword, I won't keep it." The 'Blood Scythe' glowed purple, and Wan Ying Su squirmly wriggled. .

Tension is palpable.

"The 11th round of the fourth round of the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', the competition begins!" A mechanical voice announced the start of the competition.

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