Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 698: vs Elena

"The 11th round of the fourth round of the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', the competition begins!" A mechanical voice announced the start of the competition.

"Bloom in full bloom - Chi Yuan Zhuo Hua!" Julis immediately activated her ability, and flames erupted from around her.

The swirling flames turned into a red lotus wheel and attacked Irene from top, bottom, left and right.

"Haha! Be smart!" Irena easily pushed away more than a dozen battle rounds with the 'Breaking Blood Scythe'.

But at this time, Mu Hantian took advantage of the gap and shortened the distance between the two in one breath.

I saw Mu Hantian holding the 'Wings of the Storm', passing between the battle wheels at a very close distance, slashing from the bottom to the top.

"Cut!" Irene's 'Blood Scythe' blocked the blow, the blades clashed, sparks scattered.

Mu Hantian didn't care, as he expected. In an instant, Mu Hantian slashed Irene's body horizontally while spinning like a scroll.

Irene deflected the sword with the 'Blood Scythe' and cut it directly towards Mu Hantian from the upper section, but Mu Hantian's return was obviously a step faster. Although Elena quickly switched her posture and avoided Mu Hantian's slashing attack, Mu Hantian's thrusting pursuit was not allowed to attack.

The 'Blood Scythe' in Elena's hand turned around and blocked the pursuit with a sword instead of a shield. The confrontation sparked again, but at this time, Mu Hantian retracted the tip of his sword and turned his wrist, deflecting the 'Blood Scythe'.


This made Irene's chest wide open - Mu Hantian slashed at the school emblem with his 'Storm Wings'.

Elena hurriedly jumped back to dodge, but the signature scarf on her body was chopped and fell to the ground.

"Hey! I was so suppressed that I couldn't fight back...! It's not good for me to cut each other with you!"

As if he had anticipated the timing of Irene's dodging, the scorching battle wheels attacked one by one.

"Ten Rings!" Irene waved the 'Blood Scythe', and a black gravity ball immediately appeared around him, which collided with the battle wheel and was destroyed at the same time.

"Really, it's really a climax of offense and defense from the very beginning! The joint attack between Mu Hantian and Lisfeiter was very exciting, and the Wuer Sesi who all escaped was also very good!"

"The move to rush into the three-dimensional mobile flame is really amazing. Although Riesfeet is good at control, if you don't trust each other very much, you can't do it."

Mu Hantian and Irene re-estimated the distance between each other, while Julis kept her distance and concentrated on preparing for the next move.

"Hmph, it's not bad to form a partner of Jiji Zhang in just one or two months." Irene said while adjusting her breathing.

Julis answered at the same time, holding the Corolla Spinning Sword. "You too, you can escape with just one person."

"Haha! Who is alone? I have two people here." Irene flashed fierce eyes and grinned, revealing the fangs at the corners of her mouth.

"This is the power of Priscilla and I!" The 'Blood Scythe' trembled and clicked, emitting purple light along the ground. It looked like a scythe was mocking—

"Hantian, dodge..." Mu Hantian's feet had already moved a step earlier before Julis said.

At the position Mu Hantian occupied just now, there was a trembling vibration in the surrounding air. It should be the gravity that operates that area.

"Oh, the response is quite fast."

"Heh, thanks for the compliment, but...if you manipulate gravity, I'll use speed to win!"

"Oh, it's enough to praise you, do you think you can win the 'Blood Scythe' with this little effort?" The 'Blood Scythe' in Elena's hands laughed again.

The purple light spreads all over the ground, but this time it is much larger than the last time.

"Boring!" Mu Hantian dodged instantly.

"Irene, do you know 'wind'?" Mu Hantian asked with a light smile.


"That's right, 'wind'! The wind is both gentle and violent. It was just a gentle wind just now, and then it's a violent attack!" As soon as Mu Hantian finished speaking, the person disappeared in place, and appeared again, It was already in front of Irene.


Irene wanted to use the 'Blood Scythe' to resist, but Mu Hantian's sword was faster.

"The God of the Underworld - Storm Dance!" The 'Storm Wings' danced continuously, each time it slashed on Irene's body, but Irene didn't respond at all.

"Finally, Underworld God Stream - Hurricane Howl!" At this moment, a storm-like storm roared past, shrouding Irena in it. The terrifying power that shocked the four seats is beyond imagination.

"Sister, sister!"

The pale-faced Priscilla wanted to approach, but the smoke hadn't dissipated, and there was no way to know what happened to Elena.

Once the 'Xingmai Generation' is in danger of life, it will instinctively focus the power of the stars on defense, so unless there are special circumstances, there will be little danger, and the power of this move is also controlled by Mu Hantian and will not hurt. Elena's life.


"How can it be!"

The smoke dissipated, and Irena was standing with her head lowered, holding the 'Blood Scythe'. There are cracks all over the ground.

Although the clothes were torn, there was almost no injury on the body. At the same time, a huge gravitational ball floated around her, as if to protect her.

"Did she block the storm with the ability of the 'Blood Scythe'...? No, but she shouldn't have that kind of power..." Julis murmured in shock.

Mu Hantian was also surprised. Judging from the strength that Elena had played before, she couldn't stop this move at all, how could it be...

"Great! Sister!"

Priscilla hurried over with a smile on her face, but Elena kept her head down and didn't move.

At this moment, an ominous premonition appeared in Mu Hantian's heart.

At the same time, the 'Wings of Storms' in Mu Hantian's hands swayed like an early warning.

"Sister, sis...?" Priscilla might have sensed something was wrong, and stopped a few steps away from Elena. She clasped her hands in front of her chest and looked at Irene with an uneasy expression.

At this time, Irene made her first move. I saw her swaying and stepping on an unsteady pace, slowly walking towards Priscilla.

Priscilla stepped back slightly... but she fell and fell to the ground.


"Hey, Han Tian!"

Just when Mu Hantian was about to rush out in a hurry—a terrifying pressure suddenly hit the two of them.

"Yulis, I'm sorry, I have to go up alone next time, just stay here and rest!"

"What do you mean?"

"Literally!" Mu Hantian smiled slightly and instantly dispelled the gravity.

The gravity manipulation of the 'Blood Scythe' - there is no doubt about that. It is indeed a bug-like ability, but for Mu Hantian, it is not enough, and it is completely unaffected.

Mu Hantian looked up and saw that Priscilla was limp and weak under the support of Irene's left arm. At the same time, Elena's fangs were mercilessly stuck in her neck.

"Ugh... what happened...!" Julis' voice was a little tired, probably because the gravity just now was a little uncomfortable.

"That's not Irene, but the 'Blood Scythe'...!"

"What, what did you say...?" Compared to Julis' surprise, Mu Hantian showed unsurprising confidence.

Irene's body has been stolen by the 'Blood Scythe'. The scythe, which radiated vicious purple light, was still trembling and rattling, as if mocking.

"Anyway, Priscilla is in danger if it goes on like this, and she has to go up." Priscilla had been sucking blood from Irene just now. Even if she is a regenerative power, the price of continuing to pay for power is life-threatening. Therefore, Mu Hantian had to destroy the 'Blood Scythe'.

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