"This situation... It's really troublesome, I'm sorry Irene, I will give you another weapon." Mu Hantian said lightly, but his attack was not slow, and he came to Irene's side in an instant.

"Hey, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, a ah, ah, instant, more powerful than just a more powerful screaming, the scream of Yuri, stressed in Mu Han Tian.

Irene immediately lowered her head feebly, seeing her body becoming more and more lifeless. But the right hand still did not let go of the 'Blood Scythe'.

- No, it is impossible to let go. The current Irene is no longer the user of the 'Blood Scythe', but only a part that simply supplies fuel. I am afraid that once the fuel is used up, it will be discarded.

The part of the handle hoop was inserted into the ground, and the 'Blood Scythe', which emitted a ferocious purple light, let out a shrill laugh. The malicious smirk is like facing the person who is trying to reach out and grab the last straw, cutting off hope in front of him, and enjoying the appearance of the other party's despair.

"Is this interesting? It's really boring!" As Mu Hantian's words fell, at this moment, the purple brilliance that enveloped the whole world was cut off with a sword.

The laughter of the 'Blood Scythe' froze, and the abnormal gravity disappeared from the source.

After cutting off the power of the 'Break Blood Scythe', Mu Hantian slashed towards the 'Break Blood Scythe' from the lower section, and pushed aside Irene's right hand, while staring at the 'Break Blood Scythe' that was flying and spinning in the air, It passed by the free-falling 'Blood Scythe' and fell. Then, with a direct wrist turn, it penetrates as if it were nailed to the ground.

A beat apart, a screeching noise like glass rubbing transmitted the entire stage. I don't know how many people can understand that this is the scream of pure star brilliance-style weapons before they die.

In any case, when the screams stopped abruptly, countless cracks appeared in the shell of the 'Blood Scythe', and finally shattered.

At the same time, the mechanical voice announced the victory and defeat.

"Elena Wuerses, Priscilla Wuerses, lost consciousness."

"Winner, Mu Hantian & Julis = Alexia von Risfeet!"

Amidst the loudest cheers of the conference, Mu Hantian left the stage with Irene in his arms!


The Seventh Academy of Jielong, located in the southeast of Asterisk, is shrouded in countless buildings connected by corridors. The scattered courtyards and squares seem to be surrounded by these traditional Chinese-style buildings.

Surrounded. Rather than calling it an academy, it is actually closer to a huge palace. In one corner there is a building called Huangchen Hall. At first glance, the three-story pavilion composed of vermilion beams and columns and yellow glazed tile roof is not much different from other buildings.

Of course, all the students who belong to Jielong know how special this place is. ──No, it is not the place that is special, but the owner is special.

The owner inherited the alias of 'Wanwu Tianluo'. He is also the one who rules the dragon. Three years ago, Fan Xinglu, who ascended this throne at a young age of six, was named Fan Xinglu.

"Master, it's almost time for the regular report meeting." Zhao Hufeng clasped his right fist with his left palm at the entrance of the hall. After a while, he spoke.

Zhao Hufeng ranked fifth in the Jielong Seventh Academy. From the outside, you can tell that he is a trainer, but his figure is slightly petite. With his soft and upright appearance and long hair, he is often mistaken for a girl, but he is a seventeen-year-old male student. There was once the so-called unicorn, and he won the runner-up in the last "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival".

"Oh, is it already this time?" The girl standing in the center of the hall turned around when she heard the voice, showing an innocent smile.

A cute girl with long black hair in a circle like a butterfly, which matches well with Jiyong's classical style uniform. At most, the height reaches Hufeng's chest.

Although it's not absolute, to the uninformed outsiders, they may not believe that this girl is Fan Xinglu, who is known as Asterisk's largest Jielong No.

"That's it for today. You've worked hard, let's challenge again when you have a chance next time." After speaking, Fan Xinglu looked around the hall. There were dozens of out of breath students lying on the ground. They are all people who hope to become Fan Xinglu's apprentices.

Fan Xinglu now has about fifty direct disciples. In terms of Jielong as a whole, there are a lot of people in the sect with hundreds of apprentices, so fifty people is not too many. However, all the fifty apprentices were listed in the Jielong Name Sacrificial Book, and among the twelve "Twelve People from the First Page", eleven were apprentices of Xinglu. In other words, almost all of Jielong's powerful factions were Fan Xinglu's apprentices.

"Is there still no qualified person this time?"

"Well, it's a pity." Fan Xinglu walked out of the hall and went to the corridor adjacent to the atrium.

To become Fan Xinglu's apprentice, all you need to do is pass a very simple test. Just met her within the time limit, it's that simple.

However, Zhao Hufeng had already personally experienced how difficult this test was. Even when dozens of talented students joined together, they couldn't touch a single hair on her petite body. And she just dodged, didn't attack, and didn't even reach out.

"Speaking of Hufeng, did you watch today's game?"

"Did Master mean today's 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'?"

"Isn't there a happy boy? Well, the Star Guide Museum ranks first—remember it's called Mu Hantian, right? Alkante's dolls also have two hits, but in terms of materials, that boy is outstanding. It's really fun."

"Well, the eleventh round."

"Yes, their opponents in the next game should be Song and the others, right?"

Song Heluo is Hufeng's younger brother, and he is also a fierce person listed in the famous sacrificial book.

"Well, let's see what they can do."

"Haha, that Mu Hantian is hiding very deep, my mother's intuition, he has been hiding his strength."

"Oh, Master's evaluation of him is so high?"

"Yes, I don't even know if he is his opponent."

Hu Feng was shocked, he did not expect Fan Xinglu to say such a thing.

"So you're here, Master, I've been looking for you for a long time."

"Ah, and Senior Brother Zhao. It's been a long time." At this time, the male and female duo who came from the other end of the corridor respectfully faced the two of them and clasped their fists.

Zhao Hufeng frowned slightly, but Fan Xinglu did not change his innocent smile and stopped. "Oh, it's you. What's the matter with the old lady?"

Hearing Fan Xinglu's question, the two narrowed their eyes happily.

"No, it doesn't really matter."

"I'm here to report today's victory to the master." The girl replied following the boy's words.

It sounds as if the same person is speaking, nothing unnatural. On the other hand, the auras of the two fit a bit strangely.

The boy's name is Li Chenyun, and the girl's name is Li Chenhua. As the name suggests, the two are twin brothers and sisters, and they are also the "Twelve People on the First Page" who are ranked ninth and tenth in the world.

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