Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 803: Pandora's ability

"The real ability of 'Pan = Dora'?"

"Tell everyone. The future vision of 'Pan = Dora', that is, the ability to predict, is indeed a fact. And the future I can predict at present - about three hundred seconds."

"Three, three hundred seconds?" Everyone was speechless.

And of course, three hundred seconds means knowing five minutes into the future. Although it was impossible to simply compare with the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', the match of Mu Hantian and others was basically over within five minutes. With that said, Claudia is good enough to predict everything from start to finish.

According to general logic, this is already invincible.

"But... although it is called 300 seconds, this number only represents the stock after all."

"So it is." Julis showed an expression of sudden realization.

"As expected of a 'witch', I will soon understand this aspect." Claudia smiled slightly.

"I see what you mean, that is, the predicted future of 'Pan=Dora' will be exhausted, right?"

"That's right." Claudia clapped her hands.

Hearing this, everyone understood.

"So...if Claudia now predicts the future ten seconds from now, is there two hundred and ninety seconds left?"

"Well, that's right."

"Speaking of which, you mentioned before that 'Pan=Dora' has weaknesses. Is that what you mean?"

Julis was talking about the incident when Claudia drew Mu Hantian and the others to join the team on the way to Lezetania.

"Yes. If the stock is exhausted, this child is just an ordinary double sword. To avoid this situation, I already have a set of strategies to maintain the stock as much as possible. For example, my first duel was The most typical layout."

"Is your first duel the one during the middle ministry period?"

"Remember that your opponent is ranked 20th?" Julis and Qi Rin replied immediately.

"you know?"

"Well, she doesn't have many competitions. That one is the most famous one. Those who want to challenge her will watch that video first—and most likely will back down." Julis replied with some interest.

"This, this, I have brought the information." Said, Qi Lin operated the mobile phone and displayed the video of the game in the space window.

The person standing in the center of the stage, although he looks younger than he is now, is indeed Claudia.

The opponent was a man much older than Claudia, probably in his twenties. The right hand holds a small one-handed sword-type weapon, and the left hand is a pistol-type weapon.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the same as Tongzi. Mu Hantian was a little surprised, after all, he never thought that this world would have such a method of warfare.

"At that time, this type of attack-heavy tactics was quite popular." Julis whispered noncommittally.

At the time of the discussion, the school badge announced the start of the game, and the man fired light bombs at Claudia to contain him.

Claudia dodged lightly with only subtle movements—

"Wait, wait a minute. Could it be Claudia, were you... closing your eyes?"

Certainly not mistaken, Claudia did not lift 'Pan=Dora', drooped weakly, and apparently closed her eyes.

The audience in the picture also noticed this, and a strange commotion spread in the auditorium. On the other hand, the faces of the men fighting were full of anger. No wonder, the other party must feel that Claudia looks down on her.

The man shortened the distance in one breath, and the small sword immediately swept in. Claudia still closed her eyes, stepped back and dodged. At the same time, she only twisted her upper body to dodge the pursuit light bullet fired by the man.

At this moment, the audience was boiling like an explosion.

The man made a series of attacks in anger, but the tip of the sword and the light bullet didn't even touch Claudia's body.

The opponent is certainly not weak. As Claudia said just now, the opponent is a very skilled spear and sword master.

However, no matter how hard the man made a fierce attack, Claudia still had a calm expression on her face, dodging all the attacks lightly like a dance.

"Hantian, it's almost over, look carefully."

Soon, the man saw Claudia who jumped in the air to avoid the attack, thinking that the opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime and fired a burst of light bullets.


Claudia swung her double swords for the first time in this match while spinning her body in the air.

In the next instant, all the light bullets were split and scattered.

Claudia, who landed directly on the ground, charged at the stunned man with a light pace, passing by and accurately severing the school badge.

In the silent venue, there was a mechanical sound of the outcome being announced. After hearing the announcement of the mechanical voice, Claudia slowly opened her eyes, her usual steady smile appeared on her face, and she bowed gracefully.

"You are really messed up."

"Anyway, this is a performance to make others think so." Claudia said nonchalantly, covering the corner of her smiling mouth.

"But that being said, you have invested a lot of stock in this game."

"Yes, I bet a fair amount of money in this game, and luckily it worked. After that, even though I was firmly in second place, very few people dared to challenge me."

"Doubt." At this time, Sha Ye raised her hand slightly.

"Since this kind of operation will be adopted, does it mean that the stock of predicted time can be restored?"

"Yes, that's a good question. The answer is yes. Even if you don't do anything, as long as you make a contract with "Pan=Dora", the stock will recover over time."

"This, what is the recovery speed?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Roughly speaking, it takes about three days for one second of stock."

"One second in three days... No wonder it can't be wasted." Julis whispered with a serious expression.

"But then, Claudia, your 'Pan=Dora' is not very good. And the price is a bit cruel."

"What do you mean, Han Tian?"

"Oh, nothing, in fact, Claudia told me the price of 'Pan = Dora' before, that is - to experience the death that you will face in the future in a dream."

Mu Hantian's words changed the expressions of Julis and the others.

"No matter what, this is too cruel." Qi Rin looked at Claudia with a pouting expression.

However, Claudia still kept her smile and just nodded.

"Does a stronger ability have to pay a greater price... No, but it's too much."

"It's so uncomfortable." Both Julis and Saya showed sad expressions.

"Hehe, don't worry. In fact, the price is not as serious as everyone thinks, and as Han Tian said, this child's abilities are not invincible." Claudia said casually.


"Hantian." Claudia smiled slightly and looked at Mu Hantian.

"Understood." Mu Hantian nodded and activated the Black Furnace Demon Sword at the same time. He already understood Claudia's thoughts.

"Then——" Said, the moment when Claudia smiled slightly——

Mu Hantian slashed to the left with the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'—the blade blocked Claudia's slow blow at the critical moment.

"Although I've already guessed your thoughts, it's still a bit sudden." Mu Hantian smiled wryly.

Claudia immediately put away her sword and shrugged. Somewhat disappointed, he said: "It really doesn't work for Hantian."

"As everyone saw just now, Han Tian blocked the attack beautifully. If I use the future vision ability of 'Pan=Dora' one second before the attack, I can predict the situation just now."

Having said that, Claudia restored 'Pan=Dora' to its active state and put it back into the sleeve.

"At this time, I will think about how to attack next. For example, I was attacking from the right just now, so I will try to attack from the left. Yes, the prediction of 'Pan=Dora' is absolute, but there is only one future. If I change my actions, the future will change at this moment. In other words, the ability of 'Pan = Dora' is 'no risk of failure, trial and error'."

"Then, I spent one second of the stock to predict the result of the attack from the left, but it was still blocked by the cold weather. In desperation, I had to try to predict the attack from the upper or lower section. It took a total of four seconds of stock, but still It's impossible to predict the future of the successful attack, that's the power gap."

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