Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 804: Training and new weapons

"In other words, an opponent who is stronger than you is ineffective?"

"Although it's not completely ineffective, at least in terms of attack, the efficiency is really poor. If there is an exception, it's probably a counterattack. When counterattacking, the opponent's actions will be significantly limited, and even if the opponent is stronger than you, the chance of success will increase. Many. But if the opponent knows that I have the ability to predict and become more alert to counterattacks, the difficulty will be greatly increased. More importantly, there is nothing to do with projectiles and long-range attack capabilities." Claudia replied with a wry smile. question.

"Having said that, I do not deny that predicting the future is a very powerful ability. If you have watched the video of the battle just now, you should find that this ability can play a great role in defense. After all, you can know what the opponent will launch. attack."

"Indeed, even if the opponent has the upper hand somewhat, is there no problem?"

"Yes, but of course there are exceptions. A wide-area attack like 'The Lonely Poison Witch' can't be responded to by temporary prediction; a continuous attack like Kato-san's 'Lianhe' is also very disadvantageous, and it will continue Consuming the stock. And even if I knew it, I couldn’t dodge an attack whose speed exceeded my physical ability—that is, I was helpless.”

"In this way, the ability of 'Pan = Dora' has been explained. Then why did I not participate in the individual battle "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", but insisted on participating in the group battle "Griffin Xingwu Festival", you should know why."

This sentence made Julis nodded. "'Pan=Dora" cannot participate in one-on-one tournaments at all due to the nature of his abilities. If you encounter an opponent who is stronger than yourself in the middle, even if you can win, you may run out of stock. However, in team battles, there is no need to face a stronger opponent alone. And more importantly - by being the captain of your team, you can minimize the chances of losing. "

"That's right. As long as the captain's school badge is destroyed in a team battle, the team will lose on the spot even if the other team members are still there. Conversely, as long as the captain is defeated, there may be a big reversal. This is why the 'Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival' Often the reason for the unpopularity.”

"Then why don't you focus on attacking the captain?"

To Saya's straightforward question, Claudia replied with a smile: "It depends on the way each team fights. Targeting the captain with a many-to-one tactic is also very effective. It’s also a way to gain an advantage in numbers by defeating each individual… Ah, by the way, the captain is different from the team representative. In terms of the current competition system, the captain can be changed every game. Choose the appropriate one according to the opposing team. Captain, it's also a tactic."

"Well, there is no problem with your ability being effective for defense, but I heard that the current mainstream is that the person in charge of support from the rear is the captain."

"Because the risk of strikers is unavoidable. But it's pointless to keep talking about it. It's almost time to start training for team battles."


In the center of the training room, Mu Hantian and others were divided into two groups to confront each other.

"Okay, I'm the only one who has experience in team battles, so I'll briefly explain. 'Griffin Star Martial Arts' is a team battle consisting of five people, but teams with five people who can work together perfectly are quite rare. It takes time to train, and there is no guarantee that it will be effective, but the only exception is the team of Gary Dowath. Because their academy attaches great importance to team battles.”

"However, there are many examples of 'witch' or 'magician' - or the ability of pure star brilliance-style armament, alone to change the situation of the battle." Julis on the side said with her hands crossed, Claudia said. Nod.

"That's right. But there are not many examples of five people being scattered and fighting. Because once isolated, they will bear the brunt of the attack. In the 'Griffin Star Martial Festival', the most common mainstream formation It is a team of two or three who act as the forward, combine and fight according to the tactics and mobility of the battle, and are supported by the rear. Therefore, if there is no division of labor and cooperation, this tactic cannot be achieved.”

"That is, the 'Griffin Star Martial Festival' is a development of the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'?"

"Yes, that's right. The basic requirement is that all team members have the ability to play with any team member. On this basis, it is further extended to form a cooperation model of more than three people. Of course, there are also limited cooperation models and roles to be fixed. , ways to shorten training time.”

"No, in this way, the risk of encountering an emergency is higher." Mu Hantian felt the same way about Qi Lin's words.

"Then at least in this year... there are still three months or so, try to strengthen individual cooperation and tacit understanding. After that, we will conduct formal team battle exercises. So-" Claudia smiled lightly, and could feel the stars The power kept rising in her body.

"It's almost time to start a mock battle, okay?"

According to Claudia's proposal, the grouping of the mock battle is Mu Hantian and Qilin's partner, and Claudia and Julis' partner. Mu Hantian, Julis and Shaye have been working together seamlessly, as are Shaye and Qilin. While thinking about these situations——Saya, who was finally defeated by guessing, was temporarily watching the battle from the sidelines.

"Please, Kirin."

"Yes, yes! Seniors, please give me more advice!" Qi Rin replied with a nervous voice.

This is not only her first time partnering with Mu Hantian, but also shouldering the responsibility of the captain.

In this mock battle, I thought that the "Griffin Star Martial Art Festival" had the position of captain. Mu Hantian and Qi Lin partnered with Qi Lin as the captain, and Claudia on the other side.

"Hehe... Come on, Julis."

"You don't need to remind me. Another chance is rare, should I use it?"

"Of course, it seems that we can obtain good actual combat data." Julis and Claudia whispered in private. After nodding to each other, Julis took a step back.

"Team A vs. Team B, the mock battle begins!"

Mu Hantian gave Qi Lin a wink, and the two of them shortened the distance with Claudia at the same time.

Since the captain was Claudia, who was the striker, in theory, Julis should be ignored and the winner should be determined by fast break.



Mu Hantian from the left and Qi Rin from the right, the two of them chopped at Claudia almost simultaneously.

"Oops...!" Claudia blocked the two swords with 'Pan=Dora' in both hands, but her expression was still stiff. Qi Lin's slash aside, blocking Mu Hantian's attack with one hand should be quite severe.

What's more, Mu Hantian's weapon is the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'. Even if it is a pure star-bright weapon, it can still be seen that the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' is cutting into the light blade of 'Pan = Dora' bit by bit.

"It's really hard to deal with!"

At this moment, Claudia suddenly relaxed her strength, and turned her body away from Mu Hantian's attack. However, Qi Rin took advantage of the gap to hit the next blow like flowing water.

"Hmm!" Claudia reluctantly deflected the blow, but she lost her balance completely.

Just when Mu Hantian swept the school badge on her chest with the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'...

Suddenly feeling murderous aura coming from above, Mu Hantian quickly jumped back.

Then, three light blades swooped down from the sky, stabbing where Mu Hantian was standing just now.

"Senior Hantian! What is that?" Qi Rin also dodged the attack, widening her eyes in surprise.

"Huh... It's very slow, Julis. After all, it's impossible to deal with Han Tian and Kato-san at the same time without relying on the future vision ability. And I can't waste my stock in a mock battle, I almost can't make it. You lose in ten seconds."

"Sorry, I haven't been able to fully control the six." Julis said, the light blade that stabbed the ground just now floated in the air.

"Could that be the Corolla Spinning Sword?" It was very similar to the rapier-type brilliant weapon used by Julis before. But there were three—no, there were six in total, including the one who attacked Qirin. It flew in the air as if controlled by invisible threads, and stopped motionless around Julis.

"No, Han Tian, ​​you are wrong. This is the New Xingxing Xuan Sword - my new sword." Julis showed a fearless smile and waved the seventh rapier-shaped brilliant weapon on her hand.

"Is this the new brilliance-style weapon I mentioned earlier?" Saya, who had been watching silently just now, asked with a rare look of relish.

"Yes, this is the new type of Brilliant Armament jointly developed by Alcant and the Star Guidance Center - Brilliant Long Range Guidance Armament."

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