Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 814: Dragon Guardian

The combat exoskeleton also turned around with a quick response, and was preparing to attack——

"It's a pity, your rhythm is a bit too simple." Sylvia's sword flashed gorgeously at a faster speed, and the arm of the combat exoskeleton drooped weakly. At the same time, the body fell to the ground.

"As expected of Miss Runeheim, you can achieve this skill without relying on ability. It will make me lose face." Yanister said, and activated his own brilliant weapon.

"Then, let me be courteous to the older me." His gaze was directed towards the two combat exoskeletons rushing towards the two of them.

"Whatever, it just happened to show me the strength of Asterisk's strongest swordsman."

"Haha, then you are optimistic, Han Tian!" Yanister smiled and rushed forward.

The two combat exoskeletons immediately adopted a strategy of flanking from left to right.

Yanister only smiled slightly when he saw this. He didn't even raise his sword, his hands were hanging down, and he had no intention of attacking at all. At first glance, his whole body was full of flaws, but Mu Hantian could feel that there was a hidden edge in his defenseless posture.

Then, just as the two combat exoskeletons took action—with the sound of an explosion, the right arms of both were blown off at the same time.

"Oh - incredible! What happened? The combat exoskeleton arm that confronted Fairclaw players unexpectedly exploded!" Eishirou shouted in surprise, but he saw through Anister's move. Mu Hantian was even more surprised than Yingshilang.

"This kind of trick, sure enough, there is also a place to learn in this world."

Anestre stabbed in with the tip of the sword at the moment when the brilliant armament built into the combat exoskeleton was activated—that is, the moment before the aiming blade was formed. And attacked two at the same time.

If the timing is too early, the blades will be blocked by the armor; if it is too late, the blades will clash with each other. The timing is very good.

"Asterisk's strongest swordsman, it really is not for nothing." Sylvia also praised.

"Finally it's my turn." Looking at the combat exoskeleton charging towards him, Mu Hantian smiled and raised his sword at the same time.

"Well, to be honest, these combat exoskeletons are too ugly compared to the simulacrums made by Ainesta, so let me get rid of them in an instant."

Mu Hantian's figure disappeared. Not appearing around, but...

"In the sky!" Yingshirou yelled. The eyes of everyone also looked up. Mu Hantian's figure is on the head of the combat exoskeleton.

"Underworld God Liu - Canglongyuan!" At the moment of falling, Mu Hantian launched an attack, a powerful slash that destroyed the combat exoskeleton.


"Dear audience, the top arena has finally entered the third stage! Because it is the last game, the clearance conditions are extremely simple, and defeating the two guardians of the Seventh Academy of Jielong within time is considered a victory! In addition, this time and the first two stages The difference is that there is no hit judgment, no matter how many attacks you take, you will not be disqualified! Please rest assured, all contestants!”

The five who advanced to the third stage were Mu Hantian, Anister, Silvia, Hufeng and Irene.

However, Hu Feng was thinking with a wrinkled face for some reason.

"What's the matter, student Zhao?"

"No, I'm sorry. It's just a bad premonition." Even though Sylvia took the initiative to ask, Hu Feng's expression was still so gloomy.

"Then invite the guardian of the dragon to appear!"

Under Eishirou's declaration, a large hole was opened in the center of the stage, and something was sent up with a mechanical structure below.

"Hey... it really is Bai Qin and Hei Hu." Hu Feng, who saw this scene, covered his face with his hands with a sigh of disapproval in his voice.

What appeared were two white and black giants, but they were not simulacrums or mechanical devices of combat exoskeletons, but rather similar in appearance to wood carvings. The face is like a simple mask, only the eyes are opened with two empty holes. Compared to his body, his long and thick wrists were exaggerated, and even when he stood upright, his fists almost touched the ground.

The size is larger than the combat exoskeleton that was played against in the second stage. The white giant held a sword in each hand, and the black giant held a thick and long spear in both hands, and the whole body was covered with incredible lines.

"Student Hufeng, do you know the two guardians well?" Mu Hantian stepped forward and asked.

Hu Feng frowned and explained: "The white one is called Bai Qin, and the black one is called Hei Hu—both are the world dragon immortal artifacts left over from the first generation 'Wanyou Tianluo'. They can be regarded as the guards of Huangchen Hall. "

"A fairy tool? What is that?"

"All dynasties 'Wanyou Tianluo' are good at fire art and know how to create all kinds of weapons and weapons. And these are commonly known as fairy tools... Although this is the case, they could not be taken out of the world dragon. "

"Those things don't matter. Are those two very strong?" Irene asked.

"How can you be a guard if you are weak? Anyway, I have no confidence that I can defeat them alone."

Almost at the same time Hufeng answered, Eishirou's voice sounded in the venue. "Then everyone, the third stage begins!"

Although the start was announced, Bai Qin and Heihu did not move at all and just stood there.

"Tsk, it's really endless."

Just when the impatient Irene touched her fist and was about to take a step——


Moving like a gust of wind, Blackbeard swept across Irene with his spear. Irene hurriedly bent down to dodge the blow, but Heihu spun the spear directly, and the **** of the spear stabbed Irene in the abdomen.

"Wow...!" Irena, who was smashed into the air, slammed into the defensive barrier with her back and slid weakly to the ground.

"Elena! Are you alright?"

"It's okay...but, damn...! I'm too careless...!"

Mu Hantian looked at Irene and saw blood from the corner of her mouth, and stood up staggeringly. Although it was barely okay, it was impossible to return to the battlefield immediately.

The attack power that can make Irena unable to fight with just one blow, and the speed at which the distance can be shortened in an instant is a great threat. But the most surprising thing is that there is no trace left.

"The speed is so fast, but there is no trace at all. It's not a joke."

Just when Mu Hantian's attention was slightly distracted to Irene, he went around to Bai Qin behind Mu Hantian, and the blade aimed at Mu Hantian and slashed down.

"Oh, I didn't expect these two guys to be wise too." Mu Hantian deflected the blow with the blade of light and rushed through the opponent's armpit.

While passing by, he slashes across the body. But at first glance, the wooden body was unimaginably hard and did not cause any damage at all.

Bai Qin turned his face and saw the sword with both hands raised again.

"Broken!" Just as it was about to face Mu Hantian, Hu Feng's kick kicked on Bai Qin's flank from the side.

Bai Qin's huge body was kicked away, and Hu Feng pursued it further. I saw Hufeng cut into Bai Qin's arms instantly, punched continuously towards the abdomen, and finally opened the distance with another roundabout kick.

Use star power to accelerate? It's amazing, it should be practiced every day.

Mu Hantian noticed that Tiger Peak's star power was accumulating in his feet at any time. The star power can increase defense power or unarmed attack power, but if it is also used to strengthen explosive power, it can theoretically achieve the high-speed movement just now.

However, compared with the former two, the latter's difficulty cannot be compared with the same. As long as there is any error in the strength of the force, the body will lose control all of a sudden. If you just want to jump as high as possible, it's fine, but to use it in battles that require correct action, you must be quite proficient.

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