Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 815: Accident

"Oh--Student Zhao is really fast."

Sylvia, who escaped the attack of Heihu, jumped back and landed next to Mu Hantian.

"That kind of skill beyond ordinary people requires precise control technology of star power like drilling a pinhole." Mu Hantian admired it. To achieve this level, I don't know how much effort it takes.

"That kind of acceleration can also be converted into attack power, which is really not to be underestimated. It just doesn't seem to cause much damage to the target."

Hu Feng suppressed Bai Qin with speed and moves, but the damage was not enough to knock him down.

"Hehe, it seems that I have to show my real skills... But then again, it's a bit nerve-racking to not be able to sing. But I..."

What Sylvia was about to say was suddenly interrupted.

"Sylvia?" Just when Mu Hantian wondered what happened, he called out to Sylvia, but there was no response.

Sylvia showed an expression that Mu Hantian had never seen before. The pupils like amethyst were wide open, and the lips kept trembling. Astonishment and perplexity, as if seeing something unbelievable—were replaced little by little with an indescribable joy. Following her line of sight, she seemed to be looking at the top of the auditorium.

"Sorry, Hantian. I want to abstain here! Ah, use this if you don't dislike it!" At this moment, a disguised smile appeared on Sylvia's face, handing over the brilliance-style armament she used to Mu Hantian, and then turned towards the entrance door rushed over.

"Huh? Wait, wait, Sylvia!" Mu Hantian suddenly heard that she was about to abstain from the vote, and Mu Hantian was more confused than confused.

"Oh, strange? What, what's going on here? Sylvia Runeheim, shouldn't you abstain midway—?" Ishiro's confused voice sounded in the venue, which also caused a commotion.

But Silvia didn't pay attention at all, and the figure disappeared directly into the entrance door.

"What's going on?" Mu Hantian once again stared at the target Sylvia had just seen.

The special viewing room on the north side—on the other side of the glass wall, a female figure seems to be overlooking the stage.

that person? No, Sylvia is in danger.

"Fairclaw, I'm sorry! I'm also abstaining here!"

"Huh? Why did you suddenly abstain?" Yanister shouted in surprise, but Mu Hantian had already rushed out.

But just as he almost reached the entrance gate, Bai Qin's huge body flew over, as if blocking Mu Hantian's way.

"Ahahahaha! Did you see it! Don't underestimate people, big bastard!"

Looking over, Irene, who did not know when to return to the front line, was panting heavily, and a fierce smile appeared on her face. I don't know how much star power she poured into her, but I saw Irene's fist traces left in Bai Qin's heart.

Even Hu Feng, who was beside him, was speechless. But even so, Bai Qin still didn't seem to be hurt in any way. Bai Qin got up slowly, this time looking at Mu Hantian with empty eyes.

"Sorry, please exit here." Mu Hantian sighed, his waist sank, holding the sword-shaped brilliance-style weapon in his right hand, and the one-handed sword-shaped brilliance-style armament given to him by Sylvia in his left hand.

Bai Qin stared firmly at Mu Hantian's movements, while Mu Hantian was shortening the distance between them little by little, and then the sword in Bai Qin's right hand suddenly slashed towards Mu Hantian.

Pushing aside the blow, then twisting his body, he avoided Bai Qin's stab with the smallest movement.

"Two days of first-class - human and ghost - the future will be smashed forever!"

There is no extra attack, and he injects his own power into the brilliance-style armament, just two swords.

Mu Hantian didn't care about the situation behind him, and ran directly towards the gate. Immediately afterwards, Bai Qin fell down weakly on his back.

"Oh - Mu Hantian finally defeated a guardian... Oops, strange, strange? How could this be, this time even Hantian left the stage! What happened, everyone, I am also at a loss. !" The voice of Inshiro, who was half self-sacrificing, resounded.

"It's really fascinating to watch." Anister, who remained on the field, endured Heihu's attack alone, and at the same time admired the sword skills used by Mu Hantian to defeat Shen Baiqin.

"I'm going to use my real skills too."


Absolutely can't go wrong. You are absolutely right. - That's her.

Silvia ran in the corridor of the Sirius Dome. Since the general audience could not enter the corridor leading to the special viewing room, no one greeted Silvia. Turning around the last corner leading to the viewing room, I saw a figure on the other side of the passage.

"Usra!" Sylvia called out the name.

But the figure did not stop on the passage.

"Wait a minute, Ursula!" Sylvia shouted again, running towards the figure.

The figure stopped and slowly turned around. The lowered robe covered half of his face, but that was enough.

It is absolutely impossible to forget.

"Sure enough, it's you, Ursula...!" Sylvia suppressed the overflowing emotions in her chest and squeezed out a smile.

"Who are you?"

"Huh?" This sentence made Sylvia's smile freeze.

"No, you are not Ursula, who are you?"

"So...are you someone related to this body?"

"who are you?"

"I don't have to say my name."

The sudden wind, the black light swelled on the inside of the robe. The robe was blown up by the wind, revealing the features below.

The face of the other party was indeed the Ursula Swante in Sylvia's memory, but his eyes were blank and did not reflect anything. Instead, it was the necklace hanging around her neck, which looked like she was staring at Sylvia, adding a black glow.

"W-what...!?" At this moment, a violent headache suddenly attacked Sylvia.

The severe headache that was enough to make you lose consciousness made Sylvia fall to her knees unsteadily. Feel the terrifying unknown coming into your mind, and feel free to explore around.

"I want to erase your memory."

"What the **** are you... who are you!"

"Resist randomly and be careful with a nervous breakdown, of course I don't care."

"Uh, ah ah ah...!" Sylvia jumped back with all her strength, avoiding the black light.

Just like that, the body feels much more relaxed. It appears that her power range is rather short.

"Really tenacious. It seems that your star power is quite rich."

"I'll ask you again, who are you?"

Even though Sylvia glared at each other, the other party didn't care at all.

"What if you know it? You should have known it long ago. I can't give you an answer that satisfies you, right? Why do you ask me specifically?"

Hearing the plain words of the other party, Sylvia clenched her fists.

"Forget it, I also learned that humans are such creatures. Although I find it boring."

Said, the other party slowly shortened the distance. Sylvia stepped back step by step, and at the same time was about to take out the Brilliant Armament from her waist—but hesitated for a moment.

What should I do if I hurt Ursula. This thought made Sylvia's judgment a little dull.

"Too naive." In the next instant, the black light attacked Sylvia again.

"Ah, ah, ah!" "" "" "" "" "


Suddenly someone shouted his name, and the black light was cut off in an instant.

"Actually, actually cut off my power...?" The other party's voice wavered for the first time.

On the other hand, Silvia, who was relieved from the severe headache, felt that the important things were protected, and the feeling of reassurance made her feel weak all of a sudden.

Consciousness faded away, and when he was about to fall down, someone gently hugged him.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Huh...?" Sylvia opened her eyes, and Mu Hantian's worried expression immediately came into view.

"Well, it's fine... Thank you, Han Tian."

For some reason, Sylvia didn't dare to look directly at Mu Hantian and looked away from her.

"So, is she the enemy?" Mu Hantian hugged Sylvia protectively, while holding the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' tightly in one hand.

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