Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 817: group training

"Yo, it's all here, little devils." Mu Hantian and the others' class tutor, Kusaka Kusaka, accompanied the maid to greet him lazily. She carried the familiar stick with nails on her shoulders, still exuding inexplicable courage.

"Hey, Mr. Tanizaki...why are you here?"

"Huh? You also asked me what's wrong. Isn't it just you who came to me?"

With a thud, Claudia took a step forward while Kuang Zi smashed the stick on the floor.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, actually, I want to practice team battles starting today... So I hired Tanatsuzaki-sensei as our opponent."


"Why didn't you say such a thing earlier, Claudia!"

"Sorry, I'll pay attention in the future." Claudia bowed her head honestly when Julis glared at her, but she didn't feel any apology in her words.

"This... So the actual combat practice is not the previous cooperative practice, but actually a team battle?" Qi Rin asked in a low voice.

"Well, the individual cooperation should have been practiced without problems. The next goal is to see how effective it can be in the face of the opponents who appear in the actual combat, as well as the ability to judge the situation and adapt to the situation in group battles. These must be achieved through actual combat. to be confirmed."

"And even if there is a mock battle in a team battle, it is quite difficult to find an opponent. Everyone tries their best to hide their strengths. Unless they have other goals, or a team that is very confident in themselves, they are reluctant to accept it. Although there are also mock battles This way..." Having said this, Claudia showed an ambiguous smile.

Needless to say, the following words can be understood by everyone. This practice room is also equipped with a three-dimensional simulator, but it has many limitations and cannot compare with the experience gained in actual combat. All in all, it is quite difficult to accumulate actual combat experience in group combat.

"So, now it's Tanatsuzaki-sensei's turn."

When Claudia said this, Kuang Zi exhaled exaggeratedly.

"Well, although it's troublesome, it's also the teacher's obligation. Even if you don't consider this, I actually owe her some favors. Let me be your opponent."

"Thank you very much for your help..." Julis said while looking around in surprise.

"But if you want to practice team battles, where are the other team members?"

"Ha! Don't worry about that—it's all there,"

As he said that, Kuang Zi waved the stick with nails on his hand at will, and there were a few nails randomly inserted on the stick, which immediately emitted a blue-white light.

A large number of all-purpose elements were instantly released, and materialized one after another in the whistling vortex, just like playing a Nendoroid animation, slowly changing from the feet to the appearance of adults.

There are four human figures with flat faces without eyes, nose and mouth. The whole body is dark blue like a deep sea, and each humanoid is the same height and body shape as Kuangzi. Of course, there are no clothes or weapons on him.

"It's... a monster like Justav Marlowe, isn't it?"

"I think it's like a shadow doll made by the prisoner when Sister Flora was kidnapped..."

Julis and Qi Rin have different feelings, but it is certain that this should be Kuang Zi's ability as a 'witch'.

"The ability to absorb the target and use it for your own use is the power of Tanizaki-sensei. This is the first time I've seen it." Julis lowered her voice without hiding her vigilance.

"In other words, the ability to take objects?" If it's true, it's terrible, so what else?

"Almost. But those whose abilities have been taken away will not be unable to use their abilities."

"So that's the case, is it pure copying ability?"

"Yes, these dolls are the abilities of former teammates, and they can manipulate puppets that directly copy the target's combat abilities. But this time, I'm copying myself."

"Speaking of teammates, was it when the 'Griffin Star Martial Festival' won the championship?"

"Anyway, it's better to see it once you hear it. You'll know it by looking at it." Kuang Zi didn't answer Julis's question, took out the four brilliant-style armed activators from the sleeve hanging around his waist, and threw them to the faceless puppet.

"Let you see the power of the 'Nailed Witch', the former Leiwolf Black Academy ranked second."


A mechanical sound announced the start of the mock battle.

In the team of Mu Hantian and others, the attackers in charge of playing the forward are Mu Hantian and Qi Lin, and Claudia who is also the captain. The guard is Saya, and Julis is the shortstop who needs to adapt.

In contrast, Kuangzi's team consisted of a puppet armed with an assault rifle and two puppets with two guns as the guards responsible for sniping. Holding a long sword-shaped brilliance-style armament, a puppet with a straight-eye frame, and a short-sword-shaped brilliance-style armament in each hand, and a two-sword-style puppet as the forward.

Carrying a familiar stick with spikes, captain Kuang Zi stood slightly behind the two strikers, and it seemed that he should be a shortstop.

The rules of the team battle are that the captain's school badge is destroyed, the captain loses consciousness, or surrenders. On the other hand, as long as the captain remains on the field at the end, there is no problem.

"Drink—!" Mu Hantian first aimed at the puppet holding the long sword, and the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' slashed over.

The long sword puppet immediately retreated to the rear as if running away, and then countless light bullets attacked Mu Hantian. It is the diversion attack of the opposing defender.


Mu Hantian easily avoided this simple attack. However, the contained light bullets were entangled like a shower, and they never gave up their pursuit.

Do you want to beat me first?

"Haha, listen up, Mu Hantian! Don't think any idiot will fight with you in a team battle!" Kuang Zi said with a fearless smile still on his face.

"In your team, the enemy who is most alert and formulates countermeasures must be you, and the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' in your hand. After all, if you don't have the same level of pure star-bright armament, you can't even fight against you. Of course no one is stupid enough to fight you with such a foul weapon."

"You're right in saying that." Mu Hantian replied reluctantly as he swept through the uninterrupted dense barrage with the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

What Kuangzi said might be true.

Although Claudia's 'Pan = Dora' is equally alarming, the truth of 'Pan = Dora' is not widely known. Generally, they only know some ambiguous information, that is, they may have the ability to predict the future, but they do not know how to guard against them.

In contrast, the countermeasures of the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' are quite simple and clear. For example, try to avoid close combat with Mu Hantian and attack from a distance.

But unfortunately, the other party did not consider Mu Hantian's own abilities.

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