Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 818: Cooperate

"The sword of our team is not just Senior Han Tian alone!"

Kirin and Claudia, who moved in a large circle from both sides, attacked Kuangko.

"Of course I know that kind of thing."

The two forwards who had retreated just now blocked Kirin and Claudia's path with slashes.

Both of them confronted the puppet head-on, Qi Rin dealt with the long sword puppet, and Claudia fought fiercely with the two sword puppet. Surprisingly, the sword skills of the two puppets were not inferior to those of Qi Rin and Claudia. No, pure swordsmanship is of course the two have the upper hand, but the puppets are terrifyingly clever at mastering the distance and staggering the timing.

Moreover, the two guard puppets who attacked Mu Hantian just now would also shoot bullets at them to contain them. Even Qirin and Claudia couldn't get rid of them immediately.

"Hantian, get out of the way."

Hearing these words, Mu Hantian didn't even turn his head back, and had already let go of a line of fire.


Afterwards, Saya's Henekrem fired a huge light bomb, passed by at a thrilling distance, and hit Kuangzi directly.

After the smoke and dust dissipated in the sky, a towering sand wall appeared to protect Kuangzi. The sand wall slowly collapsed, and gradually returned to the universal element again.

If every nail in the rod hides a different ability, there is honestly nothing that can be done. Because there is simply not enough information to deal with her. The only countermeasures that can be thought of is to defeat her before she activates her abilities.

Julis thought so, but the movements in her hands were not slow.

"Bloom, six-petaled flame flower!"

Julis swung her rapier and fired a fiery fireball. In addition, the Huang-style long-distance guidance armament still maintains a three-dimensional attack on the opponent's rearguard.

"Hey, hey, it's so scary." Kuang Zi said this, but did not show an anxious look. She calmly glanced at the fireball, then turned to one side to avoid the line of fire.

"Then here it is... Blast!"

Julis, who reacted, took the lead to let the fireball explode. The rumbling sound shook the air, and flashes and explosions raged.


"Is it wrong to use this trick on me?"

All of these gradually flowed into the palm of Kuang Zi's block in front of him, as if a hole had been opened at the bottom of the lake and the lake water was sucked in.


"Hey, I actually used three of them. The power is so fierce. Risfeite, the ability is good."

Kuang Zi was clenched tightly like a blast, and the sharp tips of three nails were exposed between his fingers, exactly like the nails inserted into the rod.

Did she block other people's abilities in that way? He deserves to be the champion of the 'Xingwu Festival', and the rumor that he can completely seal anyone of any ability is indeed well-deserved. But at this distance...

Mu Hantian nodded, holding the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' in the following paragraphs, and slashed upwards towards the simple school badge on Kuang Zi's chest.

"You are really in a hurry, then I will use it immediately."

Mu Hantian felt the gathering of Wanyingsu, and immediately stopped attacking and jumped behind him. Afterwards, a blue-white light emitted from Kuang Zi's hand, and a fireball with hot wind appeared in front of Mu Hantian and exploded.

It's Julis' six-petaled flame flower.

Facing the incoming attack, Mu Hantian had no choice but to fight.

"Underworld God Liu-Blade of Gale Wind!" Jianmang flashed past, slicing the incoming fireball in half and exploding.

"Oh, the judgment just now is remarkable. It deserves praise." Kuang Zi showed a calm smile, and once again carried the nail stick on his shoulders.

"Thank you for the compliment. But the teacher's ability is really strong."

Mu Hantian stood on the spot, reconfirmed the surrounding situation, and found that the puppet who had just fought with Qi Rin and Claudia retreated to the rear, and the guard's puppet also stopped firing. It means to stop temporarily.

"Well, it's not bad on the whole. It's completely qualified in terms of the first team battle. Even if the status quo is maintained, it should be easy to advance to the official game. It may be a bit hurtful to say that, but compared to the team led by Enfield last time. It's a world of difference." Kuang Zi's tone was as lazy as in class, but there was an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"It's just that it's a bit harsh to aim for the championship." Then he lowered his voice hastily, and Kuang Zi's three white eyes showed a sharp look.

"Your team coordination is too bad. First of all, the Shasha Palace, the defender must support the forward, but at the same time also shoulder the responsibility of suppressing the opponent's defender. In the situation just now, if your firepower contained my defender, the pressure would not be reduced. Can you make it easier for Todo and Enfield to move around?"

"So it is." Accepting the specific testimony, Saya nodded with a surprised expression.

"Then there is Toto, your 'Lianhe' is a very good trick, but it is not suitable for team battles. It will consume too much time against opponents whose strength is above a certain level. The purpose of the encounter just now is to entangle Your opponent is right in your opponent's arms."

"Yes, it is……!"

"And Risfeet... It's too brave to deal with me like this. Or what? Do you look down on me?"

"Because I want to actually see the teacher's ability." Julis received Kuang Zi's gaze as if she was shooting right through.

In the face of the 'witch' who can block the opponent's ability and use it for himself, the attack just now may be a little rash. But if you hesitate to use your abilities, you'll miss out. Julis wanted to confirm with her own eyes what form Kuangzi used to block the opponent's ability.

"Haha, you're really brave. If that's the case, I'll let you go this time. Use your brain a little bit before launching your ultimate move next time."

After speaking, Kuang Zi's gaze shifted to Mu Hantian.

"Why didn't you attack just now, you can completely break through with your ability."

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm not sure. Even if I launch an attack, I might not be able to defeat the teacher. It's better to save my stamina. And the goal this time is just to train our team to cooperate."

"Well, it's roughly like this. Individual cooperation isn't bad, but with a little more experience, it will improve."

"This, teacher, don't you have my suggestion?" At this time, only Claudia, who was not called by her name, raised her hand slightly.

"You're still the same as before, you're not cute at all. There's no flaws at all, and you're so perfect that you get goosebumps." Kuang Zi said indifferently, and then shrugged exaggeratedly.

"Also, even though you were stumbled by the human figure, you have been eyeing me as your target, right? You really can't relax at all."

"Hehe, it's a pity that I can't find the teacher's flaw." Claudia still held Pan=Dora, giggling.

"Actually, you should use the ability of 'Pan = Dora' as soon as possible, and don't reserve it until the actual combat. This way, I can break through my puppet front, and no matter how strong I am, I can't stop you and Mu Hantian from joining forces to attack.

"That's right, if this was a formal battle, I would have done it already."

"In my opinion, even the preliminaries should have no regard for their ability to activate. The naive idea of ​​keeping to the next match should be discarded in the knockout round. The 'Xingwu Festival' is not that easy to mess with."

"I will remember." Claudia smiled vaguely with an ambiguous answer.

"Humph." Kuang Zi didn't say more, and snorted softly.

"Okay, then remember the instructions just now, let's start the second round. Let me talk about it first. If you don't improve, I will be rude to you." Kuang Zi's mouth showed a fierce smile, and turned A circle of sticks with nails in the hands.

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