Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 819: Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival

"I'm going, this building is too exaggerated, it's completely new."

Viewed from the auditorium at the Sirius Dome, the stage was almost completely transformed.

The first change that catches the eye is that the stage is surrounded by a moat as deep as a moat. The trench is filled with a protective gel said to have been developed by Alacante, and the stage is like an island floating on a lake. Once the game begins, these protective gels surround the entire stage.

In addition, the existing protective force field is still set on the outside of the protective gel, and the safety measures can be described as impregnable.

"It seems to be remodeled to improve the safety of the audience, but you're right, it's a bit exaggerated." Yulis, who was standing beside Mu Hantian, looked noncommittal.

Saya and Qi Rin were discussing something in the front row of the auditorium not far away.

The opening ceremony of the "Griffin Star Martial Art Festival" will be held later today. But before the start, the participating teams have some time to visit the modified venue. Therefore, the auditorium, which could have accommodated 100,000 spectators, was completely empty, making it feel particularly empty and lonely.

"Hehe, I can't help it. After all, I heard that the next 'Wang Long Xingwu Festival' will have the top cadres of the unified enterprise consortium to watch the battle. If they get injured, that's a big deal."

"Those people in the top cadres? Well... No wonder the protection has been strengthened to an absurd level this time." Julis nodded.

"I heard that Chairman Mathias Mesa has successfully held the next 'big meeting' in this Asterisk. So it's natural to review the viewing and participation in the finals."

When it comes to the top cadre of the integrated corporate consortium, he can be regarded as the highest authority who actually controls the world today. They rarely come outside, but every few years there is a summit called the 'Grand Meeting', and each conglomerate consortium will send several representatives to attend to adjust long-term interests.

"Speaking of which...does the operation chairman of the 'Xingwu Festival' have such a big influence?"

The current chairman of the operation of the "Hoshibu Festival", Mathias Mesa. According to various rumors, as well as Mu Hantian's experience of having several face-to-face conversations with him, the impression is not bad.

But Mu Hantian could still feel that this person was a little hypocritical, or that he was hiding something. And the advice given by Helga Lindoval, the captain of the Star Hunter Guard.

"Don't trust Mathias Mesa too much." These words were still clearly in Mu Hantian's heart.

Claudia lowered her voice slightly and began to answer Mu Hantian's question: "That's right, from a standpoint, Mathias Mesa is at best the backbone of the Galaxy. Judging from his background, it should be impossible. To get ahead further. Generally speaking, it should not be possible to have the right to decide where the 'grand talks' will be held..."

"But the 'Xingwu Festival' does occupy a very special place in the integrated enterprise foundation. After all, this is a unique event jointly held by the six integrated enterprise foundations. Therefore, the members of the operation committee are assigned by each integrated enterprise foundation. It is also adjusted to a certain percentage. Among them, if the operation committee elders come out, how many advantages can be brought, it should not need to be explained.”

"You mean, he's an exception?"

"Of course, once any problem arises, he will be immediately removed from his position. It seems that the previous operating chairman tried to avoid his resignation through political means. However, with the current results, Mathias Mesa really has no chance. objectionable place."

"I'm sorry you're talking. Could you please excuse me? Everyone from the Enfield team."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Mu Hantian looked back and saw that the students of St. Galedois Academy were lined up neatly, wearing the circle badge that symbolized order. Julis opened her eyes in surprise, and Qirin and Saya also turned around with surprised expressions.

"We haven't seen each other since the school festival, Mr. Fairclaw."

With that said, Mu Hantian stretched out his right hand. The young man standing at the front of the group, Yanest Fairklau's upright appearance, immediately showed a perfect smile similar to Claudia, and shook Mu Hantian's hand back. To be honest, Mu Hantian has a very good sense of him.

"It's great to see you in good spirits, classmate Han Tian."

"Hello, His Royal Highness Paladin. The team that led Lancelot and Tristan to debut in person, the lineup is really luxurious." Claudia returned the same smile and bowed as if welcoming everyone.

The Lancelot team composed of the first to fifth place from the 'Twelve Beginning Pages', four of which are the same as the team members who dominated the 'Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival' last year. Team Tristan, which ranks sixth to tenth, is commonly known as the Second Army, but after all, it is only compared with Team Lancelot.

"It's nothing, because someone can't wait and must greet you."

Anister finished speaking, and the woman with bright blond curly hair quickly stepped forward and walked out of the queue.

"Oops. It's been a while, Leticia."

"That's right, it's been a long time...! It's been three years since the humiliating 'Griffin Star Martial Festival', and the chance to experience shame has finally come! This time, this time I will definitely beat you, let's see. Come on, Claudia!"

The woman who looked at Claudia with a defiant gaze was the second-ranked 'Light Winged Witch' Lethia Blanchard of St. Gallardois Academy.

"It was said to be shameful, but didn't you win at that time?"

"It has nothing to do with that, it's a matter of my personal dignity!"

Xie Xian looked at the two of them, and Julis said in a low voice with a noncommittal face: "Hey...they are still the same, they haven't changed at all."

"Do you know her, Julis?"

Regarding Mu Hantian's question, Julis crossed her hands and glanced at her at the same time.

"Like Claudia, met a few times at the Opera Ball. She seems to have known Claudia longer than me, but since then. Bickering every time we meet. Letitia always wanted to talk to Claudia. Lautia is going to compete."

"Haha..." Mu Hantian didn't know what to say, a woman who could fight with Claudia was not easy to mess with.

"I heard that the Blanchard family and the Enfield family have been fighting for a long time, and it has continued into this generation..."

"I heard you all, Julis." Lemisia glared at Julis.

"There's one thing I'll state first. This has nothing to do with the family. After all, it's just between me and Claudia."

"I'm so sorry." Julis looked away and shrugged.

"And more importantly, as a friend... hum! As a long-time acquaintance, I really can't keep silent about your stupid dreams that you are trying to achieve. I will definitely shatter your illusions completely, wake up. !" Lethia said, pointing straight at Claudia.

"All in all, since you are going to win the 'Griffin Star Martial Festival', then we will meet in the game. Of course, if you are upset and eliminated in the preliminaries, it will be a big joke."

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