Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 830: Claudia has an accident

"Listen, idiot. Don't do anything out of line. That's my father's advice."

"Thank you so much." Eishirou, who was suppressed by Jiaying on the ground with a strength that would not break his arm, still turned his head and stared at Tashizhai above his head.

Looking around at the surrounding trees, I could see a spell with a complex imprint stuck on the tree. It's a driving barrier. Eishirou, who gave up his resistance, relaxed his whole body. It's no use resisting.

"The old man is still interested in your talent. It would be a pity to lose you here. Can you appreciate the painstaking efforts of the old man?"

"It's still a fancy, isn't it?" Although Tachensai said so, but Yingshirou was very clear. Once he gets in the way of the task, he will not hesitate to cut his own throat.

"What about the answer?"

"Hey..." Eishirou sighed deeply when he saw Ta Chenzhai's eyes showing a fierce light again.

"I know."

"Very good." At this moment, the strength that suppressed Yingshilang suddenly disappeared.

When Yingshilang stood up and patted off the dust on his clothes, the Jiaying crowd and Tachenzhai had long since disappeared. The sun had almost set in the west, and a slightly lonely gloom gradually enveloped the trees.

"Tsk." In the darkness, Yingshirou clicked his tongue furiously, and after hesitating for a while, he took out his phone.

"Having said that, let me do a little bit of morality, Father." A person murmured. After Eishirou set his phone to voice communication, he dialed Claudia's number.


When Mu Hantian was about to go to sleep, the phone rang on the bed.

"Strange? Who could it be so late...?"

As soon as the space window was opened, Claudia appeared.

"Good evening, Han Tian. I'm sorry, I'm still contacting you so late, can I take up some time?"

"It's nothing, but are you in a hurry?"

"Well, there is a very urgent matter." Claudia rarely showed a serious expression without her usual smile.

"What happened?"

"Well, actually——I heard that classmate Shasha Gong has confessed to you Hantian, is this true?"

"Damn it." Mu Hantian almost vomited blood from the unexpected question that came out of nowhere. No, that's not the point, the point is...

"How did you know about this...?"

"Because I'm the student council president."

"What kind of reason is that?" Even if Claudia was an intelligence officer, this matter had reached her ears too quickly.

"I won't go into the details, but I'm very concerned about how Hantian answered her."

"This is personal privacy, sorry." Mu Hantian refused without thinking.

"Yeah, you're right.'s the middle of the group battle 'Griffin Star Martial Festival'? If it affects teamwork, it's a serious problem."


"So, as a team representative, you still have to ask."

"This is just your excuse." Mu Hantian gave Claudia a slight glare.

"I haven't answered her yet, because Saya said that she can answer at any time. So... I plan to wait until the end of the Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival before answering."

"Really..." Claudia nodded quietly and stopped asking.

"Classmate Shasha Gong is really amazing." Then, he confided this sentence as if he was talking to himself.

"Claudia...?" Mu Hantian suddenly felt that such a Claudia was not quite right. It's impossible to know for sure, but it's unsettling that something isn't right.

"I see, Han Tian. Thank you for telling me frankly."

"Then see you tomorrow."

"Oh, okay, see you tomorrow."

The space window screen disappeared, and the room returned to silence again.

"Let's ask her tomorrow." With a sigh, Mu Hantian quietly closed the curtains.


"Sorry, I'm late." Mu Hantian pushed open the door of the training room. Julis, Shaye, and Qilin had already arrived, but Claudia was not seen.

"Hantian, good morning."

"Shaye, good morning."

"It's not over yet...but is it almost time?" After speaking, Mu Hantian confirmed the time on the phone.

"By the way, the president hasn't appeared yet..."

"It's rare for her to be late." Julis continued Qi Rin's words.

According to Julis' memory, Claudia had never been late before.

"Oh, someone called. Just finished speaking... eh?" As soon as she took out her mobile phone, Julis frowned. The number shows not logged in.

Julis opened the space window with surprise, but a dark picture appeared. is voice communication.

"Ah, great! Finally got in touch!"

The sound is terrible. But Julis remembered the voice.

"Are you Lydia?"

"That's right. Since there's not enough time, I'll just say it straight. Is Claudia there?"

"Why do you ask that... Forget it, I haven't seen her trace today."

"Oh my God, sure enough...!" A voice full of lamentation came from the other side of the space window.

"What the **** is going on? If you have something to do with Claudia, why don't you contact her directly?"

"If I can get in touch, why should I call you! In short, please find her now and protect her safety!"

"Her safety...? Wait, what the **** is going on! What the **** are you talking about?"

The sense of urgency emanating from her voice made Julis feel that it was no small matter. Even Saya, Qi Rin and the others, who were listening to the conversation, silently showed serious expressions.

"This line dedicated to preventing the blocking of the Anglican Conference has at most thirty seconds left for a safe call. I won't say more nonsense, in short, the Galaxy will take action."

"I see. I don't know the details, but thank you."

"Please, please protect her."

"Hantian, what should we do now?" After hanging up the phone, everyone looked at Mu Hantian.

"Let's go to some possible places first."

"It can only be like this now." Julis nodded.

When everyone was about to leave... Eishirou walked in.

"Sorry, you can't leave. My job is to stop you."

"Night blow you..."

"Sorry." Inishirou sighed. He didn't want to, if possible. Alas, everything belongs to Tokiomi.

"Then I can only say sorry. Take a rest!" Mu Hantian shot instantly, punching Yingshilang in the chest, knocking him flying.

Of course, Mu Hantian didn't kill him, he just made him temporarily incapacitated.

"Let's go."

"Yeah." Julis and the others nodded and quickly followed behind Mu Hantian. They also knew that Mu Hantian didn't take a heavy hand, so they didn't take care of Yingshilang.

"It's true... But that's fine, my mission has also been completed." Eishirou raised his hand, but failed.

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