Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 831: Look for

"Claudia! Are you here, Claudia!" Even though Julis knocked violently on the door, there was no response at all.

As soon as Mu Hantian and the others came out of the training room, they hurried to Claudia's room in the girls' dormitory of Star Guide Academy.

But the door to the room was locked, and no matter how much I knocked on the door, Claudia didn't answer. This made Julis grit her teeth.

"Damn! How could I be so careless...!"

"Yulis, get out of the way. There's nothing to worry about at this time." Saying that, Saya activated the large-scale brilliance-style armament.

"Huh! Wait, wait, Saya, it's too much to use weapons in the dormitory...!" Qi Rin hurriedly tried to stop Saya.

But only this time, Julis and Saya have the same opinion. "Okay, let's do it, Shaye!"

"Boom!" The light bombs fired by the Huang-style weapons blasted through the door with the sound of an explosion, and the blast burst into flames.

The other boarding students stuck their heads out to find out, but Julis entered the room ignoring them.

"How could this be..." After Julis looked around the room, she was horrified by the tragic situation. The living room and bedroom in the room were all messed up.

For a moment, I thought it was caused by Yu Wei, who was bombarded by Sa Ye. But the scope of damage is too wide. The sofa was overturned, the sheets were tattered, and the walls and carpet had numerous scars.

And more importantly...

"There seems to be a close combat here." Kirin, who was investigating the floor, said with a serious expression.

"Although it is impossible to judge the footprints, it should be that several people attacked the president at the same time... and there are bloodstains."


Julis couldn't help biting her lip, but Mu Hantian patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry, with Claudia's strength, it's not that easy to get injured. These bloodstains may be left by the counterattack of the suspect who attacked Claudia."

"That's right...but..." If that's the case, it would be strange for Claudia not to be here.

"The amount of bleeding doesn't seem to be much. And...the president may have escaped. At least when the president was attacked." Qi Rin, who was investigating the floor just now, showed a subtle expression.

"So sure?"

"No, after all, it's just speculation from the scene... But if the president is really attacked by people from the galaxy, and the other party succeeds, there shouldn't be such a messy room. It's easy to erase what happened inside the star guide hall. , at least we should do the minimum aftermath treatment. But the room left this tragic situation..."

"Yeah...! In other words, the sneak attackers don't have enough time to do this...!"

"That's it." Sa Ye nodded in agreement.

"And then..." Saying that, Qi Rin looked out the window.

Although the glass of the window facing the balcony was broken, there were no glass fragments in the room, all scattered outside.

Julis rushed to the window to take a look, and sure enough, there was a little blood on the balcony. "Did you escape from here..."

"Well, it's possible. Julis, you can look around here, I'll look elsewhere, and keep in touch at any time."



"Drink!" Claudia slashed Jiaying's dagger with the blade of her right hand, and slashed across with the blade of her left hand.

A shadow fell silently to the ground, and the red bloodstains gradually spread. Although the injuries were not deep enough to kill him, they were not shallow enough to continue the pursuit immediately.

Claudia turned and ran away, running towards the back of the warehouse street. The uniform he was wearing was torn apart, and blood was oozing from him, but luckily they were all minor injuries.

The sky shrouded in thick dark clouds has been raining not long ago. Avoiding the monitors set up at regular intervals, Claudia temporarily hid in a large warehouse like a giant egg where huge containers were neatly stacked. Fortunately, the simulacrum for unmanned transportation happened to be moving the container, and the entrance to the warehouse was open. Of course, Claudia already knew this time.

In fact, there are a lot of laborers in the harbour area of ​​the urban area because it also functions to adjust and integrate the employees of the consortium of enterprises. However, the harbor area of ​​the academy has been completely deserted.

"Huh... it's really difficult. Cold weather..." Claudia murmured to herself, leaning against the container and sighed deeply.

Since being attacked at dawn, he has been on the run for most of the day. Although he has already made up his mind, he has accumulated a lot of fatigue.

The night blowing clan... as expected of the actual combat troops directly under the Milky Way, it really has no flaws. Claudia has been able to escape to this day, completely relying on the previously accumulated 'Pan = Dora' to predict the future stock.

But Claudia also knew that she couldn't keep relying on this move all the time.

"Communication... It really doesn't work." Claudia took out her mobile phone, and after repeated operations, she gave up and took it back into her arms.

"Having said that, the situation itself is roughly as predicted..." Saying that, Claudia couldn't help but smile bitterly, then clenched the two swords in both hands.

"For this dream, I can't die here." Claudia exerted all her strength, and other layers of strategies also played a great role.

After all, the opponents are the Yebuki clan with hundreds of years of history, and the patriarch Yebuki Tachenzhai.

It is the biggest desperate situation in Claudia's life.

Even so, the corners of Claudia's mouth couldn't help but grin naturally. Not the usual perfect smile, but a purer—

In an instant, Claudia jumped over the container. The shuriken that pursued continuously stabbed the container, but Claudia moved a step faster.

Claudia galloped on the container with all her might, while counting the number of pursuers who moved silently like a shadow.

As far as Jiaying's power is concerned, one-on-one will not cause an accident, two-on-one is a bit dangerous, and three-on-one is the best policy.

"One, two, three...hey, four people in seems that we can only rely on thirty-six strategies." After muttering like this, Claudia rushed out of the warehouse and ran in the rain.

Using the ability to predict the future of 'Pan = Dora' is not completely impossible, but Claudia wants to save her ability as much as possible to save her life instead of attacking. So now I can only try to run away.


"Well, it's really difficult to think of it." After listening to a Jiaying report in a barely audible whisper, he looked down at the vast harbor area from the huge cranes juxtaposed. The hazy gray scene in the rain was as gloomy as a cemetery.

"The failure of the first blow really hurts... Mingming told him not to interfere, that stinky boy."

Ta Chenzhai rubbed his chin while sighing. It must have been Eishirou who leaked the information to the assassination target.

"I didn't expect him to rebel against the old man so much... It's really annoying. I saw it early in the morning, that kid doesn't have the slightest talent."

Movie stars, including Yingshilang, are now being transferred to the back-up of Tashizhai. Putting aside the others, looking at Eishirou's appearance, he doubted how much he was obedient to Tachenzhai.

What's more, the night blow clan's ability is espionage and assassination, not force suppression. The moment the assassination failed in the room, it was already a gaffe that shouldn't have happened.

Having said that. Even if the opponent ranks second, he is only a student after all. She didn't underestimate the strength of the other party, she didn't expect to let her escape until now.

It was a good idea to force her to the harbor area, but in retrospect, it was a little wrong. The target is too detailed for the environment in this area.

The harbor area was originally a place where trespassing was prohibited, and now there was a barrier to drive people, and even countless surveillance cameras were under control. It can be said that there is no better place for hunting than here.

The target seems to have grasped the positions of all surveillance cameras for a long time, and has not fallen into the net once. There is no hesitation in the escape route, just like a self-portrait courtyard.

No matter how powerful the student council president is, he is unlikely to have such a thorough understanding of the harbor area, which is almost irrelevant to the students.

"Could it be that we were lured here...?"

"What happened to the people who made the rounds to the south? And why did the people who were sent to be scouts come back a little late?"

"This, lost contact not long ago..."

At this moment, Ta Chenzhai jumped backwards. Jiaying, who was originally by his side, immediately filled his seat in order to protect Tachenzhai. The armored shadow was suddenly kicked by someone who jumped up, and fell from the crane without a struggle.

A woman wearing a strange mask launched a strong attack without sound and breath. The woman landed lightly on the front end of the crane and silently confronted Tachenzhai.

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